Author's Note: All right, so I found these two songs that made me want to write this, both of them being Rihanna songs. Don't Stop the Music and Disturbia. I kept imagining Luffy grind dancing with Nami and thought to myself, yummy! Luffy + Grind Dancing = SEXAH; just so you all know, or at least that's what I told Al and the people on the LuNa forum! X3 Also, it really helps to listen to these songs while reading the dance scenes, or the whole story if you like. Gives you an idea to what they are dancing to. I will post Don't Stop the Music lyrics at the bottom, because it's the main song that inspired this story. Once you read the lyrics, you will understand. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this sexy little one shot! XD

Don't Let the Music Stop

Nami walked into the local night club with her best friend Vivi and sighed as she looked around. Bodies were everywhere, swaying to the seductive sound of music. They were so closely pressed together, that you could barely see past the forest they created. The last time she had come to the club, she hadn't really had any fun. The majority of the time, she and Vivi had to dance with each other. It seemed everyone who came now brought a date with them. The both of them had no one special to bring with them.

Hands to her hips, she decided a drink first would be a good start. Leaning over to Vivi, she voiced her desire, and her friend nodded in agreement as they made their way to the bar. As they approached, the bartender smiled, nodded and pointed to them as he began to prepare their usual drinks. Nami smiled at him as she and Vivi sat down on the empty stools near him.

"How's it going tonight, ladies?" He asked loudly over the even louder music.

"Just got here. We will see once the night gets started." Nami replied just as loudly with a smile.

"That's the spirit!" He said with a grin as he set down their drinks and moved on to other customers.

Both girls swirled around in their chairs, drinking their drinks as they pointed out cute guys, who sadly already had partners.

"This is pathetic!"

Vivi nodded in agreement as she frowned and took another sip of her drink. Leaning her head back, Nami looked up at the ceiling before bringing her head back down. As she did, she noticed a group of guys. It seemed they were friends, laughing together in a corner. They seemed to be mainly goofing off, making silly dance moves to each other. Blinking, she then pursed her lips, knowing exactly why they were alone. Nami leaned over to her friend and nodded towards the group. She watched her friend smile with humor at them.


Giggling, Nami had to agree as she looked back over at them, but as she did, she noticed one of them was looking directly at her. 'Oh no! He must think we're interested!' She looked at her friend, who seemed to have the same reaction as her as she looked over at Nami. However, the guy only seemed to grin and chuckle at her as he turned back to his friends. Releasing their breath in relief, the girls then turned to each other and began to laugh.

"Wanna dance?"

Nodding to her friend, Nami downed the rest of her drink, as well as Vivi, and then stood as they took each other's hands to make their way to the dance floor. Still holding hands, Nami turned on her heel and began to dance with her friend as the music blared around them. Unbeknownst to them, the same group of guys were now watching them dance.

"Pretty frickin' hot for two girls to dance like that!"

"They're both really cute too!"

One of them only whistled as he ran a hand over his short moss colored hair as he agreed with his blonde and raven color haired friends.

"Are you sure they were lookin' over here?"

The raven haired guy turned to his long nosed friend. "Yup!"

"They were probably laughing at you idiots …"

"Hey! We're just having fun!"

"Right, right …"

"I'm gonna go for it …"

"Are you out of your mind?! They're too pretty!"


All the friends watched as their friend made his way towards them. "He's so getting turned down …"

"I'm gonna try too …"

"You're an idiot too!" The moss haired man said before blowing out his lips. "Whatever …" He muttered as he rubbed his head again.

Walking up to the beautiful girls, he just stopped to admire their swaying bodies with an appreciative smile, his friend stopping next to him. "Just beautiful …"

"Mm …"

Chuckling, he then continued forward until one of them spotted them, her eyes widening. Her bright orange hair the most exotic thing he'd ever seen. That's the one he wanted. He only continued to watch her as his smile slowly spread while she finally stilled her body, getting her friend's attention, which then turned to look at them.


Biting her lip, Vivi didn't fail to notice it was two of the guys from that group they had been looking at earlier. So then they had noticed. However, closer up, Nami noticed they were both actually really cute, and she found his smile to be mysterious. She shifted her eyes when the blonde one came forward with a smile, and smiled herself when he bowed to them.

"Ladies, if one of you would be so kind as to honor me with a dance?"

"Oh …" Vivi breathed out with a blush and then smiled. "I would love to!" She said as she took the blonde man's hand and turned to wink at Nami before walking off with him.

As they departed, they stepped out of the way of the other man, who only continued to smile at her. Feeling a shiver run up and down her back, she then shifted her eyes away as she sank her teeth in deeper. However, she noticed him approach from the corner of her eyes and then shifted them back to him. He never said a word, but only extended a hand to her. Looking down at his hand, she then looked back up and smiled, feeling a bit breathless about his approach.

After her hand touched his, his fingers closed around hers before he began to pull her deeper onto the dance floor.


Vivi and Nami came crashing into their apartment as they giggled and laughed away, stumbling all over themselves. Looking up from her book with raised brows, Robin lowered the book as she regarded her roommates curiously.

"How was the club tonight?"

"Oh, Robin!" Vivi cried as she began to laugh again.

Finding their laughter to be contagious, Robin smiled at them before closing and setting her book down. "That good, I see."

"Robin, you should have been there!" Nami said as she rushed over to her friend and fell onto the couch she had been lounging on.

"Yeah! You really should have!"

"We met these really cute guys!"

"And we thought they were dorks at first!"

Raising her brows again, Robin then felt herself smiling wider. "I see."

"But anyways, we were kinda laughing at them, because they were dancing really silly!" Nami started as Vivi picked off after her.

"And then one of them noticed, and we felt like dread! Because we didn't want these dorks to notice us!" She said as she began to laugh right along with Nami.

Robin could tell both girls were very intoxicated as she giggled at them. "Please, go on."

"Well, we decided to dance together, and the next thing you know, two of them are standing right next to us!"

"Yeah, I thought it was kinda weird at first! Right Nami?! Like, creepy even!"

"Yeah, it was definitely creepy!"

"Oh, but then he started talking and his voice was so smooth and, and, and I dunno, but I just crumbled!"

"The other one was kinda mysterious! He just smiled at me, and then we started dancing, and it was … I dunno …!"

"Ah, you should have been there, Robin!" Vivi said as she slumped down into the couch and giggled.

"So then you finally found someone to dance with then?"

"Oh yes!" Vivi cried as she sat up again.

"Definitely." Nami replied as she smiled at her older friend.

"So, how good of dancers were they?"

Vivi bit her lip as she smiled wider. "Really good …"

"Mmm …" Nami hummed in memory as she smiled wider as well. "I don't think I will ever forget it …"


Biting her lip as she was led deeper onto the dance floor, she felt some indecision about her choice. However, he then turned to smile at her before lifting her arm to turn her. Blinking, she obliged before feeling his hands rest on her hips as he stepped closer to her and began to guide her hips into a dance. Feeling her heart pounding, she began to sway them, feeling as his body began to move behind her as well. Closing her eyes, she decided to just let his hands and the music guide her as she relaxed and began to sway her entire body to the music.

After a few minutes, she became comfortable with her partner as they moved their bodies together in a slow, perfect rhythm. She shivered when he ran his hand down her arm and grabbed her hand, wrapping both around her torso. Gasping softly, she almost leaned against his hard body, but remained in place as she continued to sway her body with his. She brought her arms in front of her, also swaying them to the beat of the music as she rocked her hips from side to side.

Closing her eyes again, she let the intoxication of the dance and music take over, the heat from the motion and many grouped bodies around them caused a thin sheet of sweat to form onto her body. There was something about him that seemed to radiate around her, the feeling strong. It was like he had an aura that wrapped around her warmly that caused even more heat to radiate from them both. His touch almost set her skin on fire, even if it was just a small touch.

Then she bit her lip when she felt him caress her arm softly with the hand that had been holding hers before slipping it under her arm to spread his fingers over her shirt and stomach. The motion of their bodies and his spread fingers began to raise her already small shirt, exposing her flat stomach below it. His fingers slid down as they came into contact with her flesh. Her lips parted then as her skin seemed to catch on fire from his enigmatic touch.

Again, he spread his fingers over her stomach as he slid them across her slick torso. Reaching an arm behind his head as she turned her head only slightly towards him, she let her fingers twine through his surprisingly soft hair. Her other hand come up to cover the hand he had over her stomach as they continued to move to the music. All the times that she had come dancing in this club, never had she experienced anything like this. It was definitely going to be unforgettable.

Dancing that way for a little longer, he then suddenly laced his fingers through hers, pulling their arms away from her body. Opening her eyes, she blinked a bit when he turned her around, and then quickly pulled her body back to his. Inhaling softly, she lifted her eyes to meet his and almost turned to jelly from his expression. His eyes were soft as a small, gentle smile formed over his lips. She felt both of his hands slid across her hips to her lower back, pulling her even closer to his body, if that were possible.

She almost moaned when she felt him slide his knee between her legs before they began to dance again. Deciding it was her turn, she slowly slid her hands up his chest before locking her arms around his neck as they continued to grind together. She felt as he spread his fingers across her lower back as his thumbs wrapped around her waist. She brought her arms back and clutched his shoulders as she continued to grind over his leg. Then she began to run them down his now slick arms as he also had a thin sheet of sweat over his skin, and she leaned her head back, never stopping the motion of her hips.

Then reaching up, he gently grabbed her hand before pulling away. Walking around her then, he planted himself back against her back, while she continued to grind her hips. His hands again encircled her hips in a tight, yet gentle grip.


"He had such a strong grip and his body was really hard … Like as if he worked out. It was … really nice …"

Robin chuckled as she listened to Nami and Vivi describe their dances. "So, what were their names?"

Both girls croaked as their eyes widened, and then they quickly turned to one another. "We completely forgot to ask …" They both said before bursting into laugher.

"I can't believe we forgot, even after all the drinks we had with them and their friends! I still can't believe you beat that green haired guy in the drinking contest!" Vivi exclaimed as she laughed.

"Oh, I know! He seemed like a mean one, right?!"

"He sure did!"


"Go, go, go, go!" The boys chanted as the moss haired man chugged the mug of beer as quickly as he could, while Nami downed hers a little more calmly, but quickly.

Then she slammed the mug down with a triumphant cry. "Yeah!"

Moss hair then slammed his mug down with a frown. "Damn …"

"Hahaha! You let a woman beat you, man! That's so embarrassing!"

"Shut it, empty headed idiot!"

"Oi, I'm not empty headed!" The raven haired young man interjected as he sat on the top of the booth instead of on the cushioned seat. "Now it's my turn!" He said as he grabbed a mug of beer and readied to drink it.

Nami grinned as she grabbed another mug. Then Usopp and Sanji started the countdown. "One, two, three!"

Both then chugged their beers quickly, some of it dripping down his chin as he drank heavily of it. However, before he could, Nami slammed her mug down hard before letting out a bellow of triumph. Setting his mug down, the young man merely grinned and laughed.

"Shishishi! You're really good at this!"

"Why thank you!" She said as she laughed.

"You might be fast, but can you hold it?"

Nami turned to the green haired man as she offered him a catty grin. "Of course I can!"

"All right! Time to order some shots!" The blonde exclaimed before he released a shrill whistle to a waiting/bartender walking by and waved him over.

"What can I get you?!"

"Get us a full bottle of Tequila and some shot glasses! Oh, and don't forget the limes and salt!" He said as he smirked at the man.

He smiled and nodded as he turned to leave. "Right away!" He said as he ran off to fill the order.

After the bartender brought the order, each were given two halves of lime and a salt shaker as the blonde man filled the shot glass. "I hope to hell this doesn't make you sick, especially you, shit face. We gotta ride with you."

"When have you ever seen me get sick, asshole?"

"I'll be just fine." Nami said as she smiled at the man.

"All right then." The blonde man said as he slid them both the shots, five each before grinning. "All right … Get set … and go!"

Both snatched up the first shot glass and shot it down before slamming it onto the table, biting the lime and licking the salt before repeating the process until all shots were downed.

"Woo!" They cheered with laughter when both seemed to be just fine. "You let her win?!"

"Shuddup!" Moss hair muttered as he frowned, staring down at the drink he couldn't bring himself to down.

"They almost drank the whole damned bottle too!"

"Yeah!" Nami yelled in triumph as she lifted the last shot glass she had downed.

"That's incredible for a woman to hold her liquor so well!"

Nami turned to the long nosed man. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Ee! Nothing! I was just …!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" The blonde man yelled as he began to wrestle with him.

"Gaah! Okay, okay!"

Nami just laughed as they struggled, everyone else joining her and pointing to the two in their amusement. Suddenly, the same man she had danced with stood up, walked across the table, and then jumped off, which caused a clatter and everyone else to complain boisterously. Ignoring them, he then offered Nami his hand again.

"Wanna dance again?"

She grinned in return as she gave him her hand. "I'd love to."


"Ah, the second dance was …" Nami started before she gave a mischievous giggle. "Kinda naughty!" She said as she continued to giggle, obviously winding down and very muchly smashed.

"Oh my God! It was totally naughty! I couldn't believe it! You must have been really plastered!" Vivi exclaimed before looking confused. "Wait … I think we were! I mean are …"

Nami just laughed as she slouched on the sofa. "You were just as bad!"

Vivi then laughed, ignoring her earlier confusion. "Yeah, I guess I was!"

Merely shaking her head, Robin continued to smile at her roommates. "It seems like you had a fun night then."

"Yeah … it was really fun …" Nami said as she slowly smiled.


Leading her back onto the dance floor, a grin on his face, Luffy turned to chuckle before walking around behind her, his hands on her waist. She immediately began to move her hips to the music, rocking them back and forth to the fast past as he began to move behind her. She brought her arms into the air as she shook her ass, and bit her lip as he slid his hands a little higher up her body. She moved her entire body into the dance and swaying her arms with the dance above her head. Then she stretched her arms out in front of her as she stuck her ass out a bit more towards him, rocking it to the dance.

Swearing she could hear him chuckle behind her, she bit her lip and smiled wide before turning around and moving up close to him. He wrapped an arm around her as he brought her close to him as they grinded to the music. She ran her hands down his arms to grab his hands as he brought his knee out. Sliding down his body a bit, she then began to grind on his knee before biting her lip and smiling wide up at him.

She had to think to herself that she had first thought him and his friends to be dorks. However, that wasn't the case, and she was glad he had approached her. This taught her that you should most definitely never judge a book by its cover. Dancing with him actually felt really good. His body was hard, that moved smoothly and agilely.

Releasing only one of his hands, she then stood up straight and moved away from him a bit before dancing around to behind him. He followed her with his eyes until she was completely behind him. She pressed her body to his as their bodies slowed in motion to the next, much slower song. Running her hands from his shoulders and down his arms again, she then laced her fingers with his as they moved to the slow rhythm. Then he released one of her hands and pulled her back to the front.

Giggling, she turned her back to him, pressing her body to his. Then biting her lip, she flattened her palms on his stomach as she slid down his body and came back up, all the while, her hands remained on his body. They slid down his sides, hip and legs before she made the ascent back up. His brows rose as she did this before smirking and chuckling. As she came back up, she brought both arms behind his head as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Closing his eyes slowly, he leaned forward and turned towards her ear, inhaling her scent softly. She smelt great. Chuckling, he ran his hands down her torso back to her hips. And felt great too.


"Is that so?" Robin asked as she smiled down at the girls, both falling asleep where they slouched.

"Yeah … he was a great dancer …" Nami said sleepily as she rubbed her eyes. "After that, he and his friends did some break dancing. It was actually really cool."

"Mm hmm … It was … I really liked … how their bodies moved … So sexy …" Vivi drawled as she giggled deep in her throat.

"Oh definitely …"

"Perhaps you should go to sleep now?" Robin suggested as she chuckled and smiled gently.

"I guess you're right. I hope we can meet them again … I wonder if they will be there tomorrow night …"

"You mean tonight!" Vivi said as she giggled.

"Oh, I guess so! It is pretty late."

"Or early, depending on how you look at it."

Both girls giggled before standing up with trouble and stumbling all over the place. Both then stumbled off to their rooms for sleep. Falling onto her bed, Nami stared up at the ceiling before smiling dreamily.

"What a great night …" She whispered before closing her eyes and falling right to sleep.

The next morning, Nami woke up with a groan as a hand flew to her head. "Oh … shit …" She muttered as she attempted to sit up, but the pain in her head only increased.

It didn't take a scientist to realize she had a major hangover. Groaning, she laid there for a moment before smacking her lips and realizing she could drink a river, she was so thirsty. With a heavy sigh, she forced herself up with a loud groan from the pain.

"Damn it …" She muttered before blinking and remembering the night before. "Huh …" She hummed as she blinked at the floor. She couldn't believe she actually remembered. Soon her expression was replaced with a slow smile, and then she giggled, which hurt her head. "Ow!"

Bringing a hand back to her head, she then stood, but her head spun. Stumbling around with another groan, she went to her own personal bathroom. After changing her clothes, she then made her way out, needing a drink of water.

"I can't believe I remember the night before … and that guy …" She whispered to herself.

"Ugh … morning, Nami …" Vivi muttered from her seat on the barstool.

Smiling a bit, Nami walked into the kitchen to get herself breakfast. "Morning."

"Ugh, my head is killing me …"

"Yeah, mine too. Did you drink some water?"

"Almost a whole bottle …"

Laughing softly, Nami sat next to her with her buttered croissant and bottled water. "Ready to go back tonight?"

Raising a brow, Vivi rolled her head in her palm to look over at her with a slight frown. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious." Nami replied with a smile as she stuck a piece of the croissant into her mouth. "I want to find them again."

Vivi's brow lowered as she smiled instead. "Yeah, I guess so. They were pretty cute, huh? Great dancers too …"

"Yeah, I can't believe we forgot to ask their names."

"I know. We could have at least given them our numbers."

"We didn't even remember to give them our names!" Nami said as she laughed, taking another bite.

Vivi joined her friend's laughter before cringing. "Ow …"


Walking into the club that night, Nami immediately began to look around, but frowned when she didn't see the familiar faces. Looking towards the booth they had sat at, she frowned when she saw another group of people sitting there.

"You really think they will come?"

Sighing, Nami shook her head before turning to her friend. "I don't know …"

Also frowning as she looked around, Vivi joined her friend's sigh before turning to the bar. "Let's get a drink."

Turning to the bar, Nami nodded with another sigh in defeat as they walked over towards it. However, she shouldn't give up yet. The night was still young.

On her second drink, Nami slumped against the bar on her elbows as she toyed with the little paper umbrella. Vivi had her head in her palm as her elbow also rested on the bar.

"Still nothing …"

"Mmm …" Nami agreed with another sigh.

However, suddenly, a pair of arms appeared on either side of her as she felt a hard, familiar body press against her back. Gasping, she leaned back and turned slightly to look up into the face of the one who had enveloped her.


Relaxing and a smile slowly etching her lips, she then turned completely around to face him as he leaned over her. "Hey."

"I was wondering if you'd come again tonight."

"I was too. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show."

"I had too much fun with you not to come. Shishishi!"

A slight flush formed on her face. "I had a lot of fun too."

Vivi flushed as she watched them, and bit her smiling lips before looking over to see her partner from the previous night. Smiling, she quickly stood and made her way over to him. His smile grew as they seemed to only stare into each other's eyes. Blush deepening, Nami's smile also began to widen.

"You know, we were having so much fun last night, and got so plastered, that we forgot to introduce ourselves."

Blinking down at her blankly after losing his smile, he then tilted his head. "Oh yeah …" He replied before grinning again. "Shishishi! My name's Luffy!"

Laughing softly, she then leaned a little forward. "It's nice to meet you, Luffy. I'm Nami."

Chuckling as well, his eyes seemed to soften as he stared down at her.

"Hello, Nami. It's nice to meet you too …"

The End …

Author's Note: I know … I bet you all just hate me right about now for ending it there! X3 Fufufufu! Wasn't Luffy just sexy?! XD Ah, no? I guess you're right. It was mainly Nami's POV, but still when he spread his fingers over her stomach. –Shudders- Yum! Mmm … -AHEM- Sorry! XP Lost myself for a moment! Anyways, here's the lyrics. I hope you enjoyed! X3

P.S. Oh, I forgot to mention. You're not supposed to know who's talking earlier with Luffy and gang. You were probably thinking, This is confusing! I don't know who's saying what! Yeah, it was intentional. You're not supposed to know who was saying what, unless I labeled it specifically. If you read it over, you might be able to decipher who was saying what. XP Reason being, is because you're not supposed to know who they are by name, and it's a pain in the ass to keep referring to them by their features. X3

Rihanna – Don't Stop the Music

Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music

It's getting' late
I'm making my way over to my favorite place
I gotta get my body moving shake the stress away
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way
Possible candidate (yeah)
Who knew
That you'd be up in here lookin' like you do
You're makin' stayin' over here impossible
Baby, I must say your aura is incredible
If you don't have to go, don't

Do you know what you started
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin' on the dance floor
Acting naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest
And now we're face to face

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

Baby, are you ready cause its getting close
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode
What goes on between us no one has to know
This is a private show (oh)

Do you know what you started
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin on the dance floor
Acting naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest
And now we're face to face

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa

Please don't stop the music

Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa

Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa
Ma ma coo sa