Um... hello. It's, uh, been a while, huh?

Please, don't kill me, I can explain! Okay, so...

About a month after I last updated this story (June 2012), my mom finally buckled under pressure and got a new computer- a really nice new computer- and the fastest internet we've ever owned. Sure, it's by satellite, but at night (the time I'm online), it's super fast. For the first time in my life, I could load YouTube videos for watching sooner than half an hour... and it was marvelous. I thought, "Hey, this is cool; I can use YouTube to listen to music while I type up the new chapter of DC."

Oh, what a fool I was.

Thanks to Toonami, I ended up hearing about a little game called "Slender," and I decided to look it up on YouTube. This introduced me to the joys of Let's Plays, and I haven't escaped from them since. Then there's Cracked, reading other fics, the fact I got into a couple of long-running series and decided to watch them online... Sure, I've tried to keep away from the internet and just use the computer for typing, but every time I try, I decide, "Huh. You know what would go great with typing this scene? Some dubstep. Let's just pop over to YouTube, aaaaaand two hours later I'm watching Game Grumps and haven't written a single word. Good job, me."

I've tried fixing the problem by going back to Toppy, my baby laptop that I did several other chapters of DC on, but, well, that ended in a super long intro that accomplished nothing, had way too many OCs popping up out of nowhere, and just seemed like a waste. So it got scrapped, I returned to the main computer, and so far, I've only managed to accomplish THIS (posted here so that I'm technically not breaking the rule about authors' notes as full chapters... and to give you a sneak peak of what's probably only 1% of a chapter):

It was happening again- one of those strange moments when Pit found himself caught between the waking world and his dreams. He'd feel himself starting to wake up, and then he'd be faced with the option of either opening his eyes or letting himself fall back asleep. The latter option was always better; when he opened his eyes, he'd discover that he wasn't really awake, but suffering from a return bout of sleep paralysis. He'd be frozen in place, forced to witness whatever terrifying hallucination his mind had conjured up for him on that particular morning. He'd seen it all in the five months since his return to Angel Land: Ganondorf pressing the Diabolus Crystal to his throat in an attempt to possess him... Diabolus Angelus standing behind him, a sadistic smile on her face as she drove a knife into his back, right where the wing that she'd ripped out once rested, and twisted it back and forth until the bed was soaked in his blood... and Link... poor, sweet, innocent Link... How many times had Pit awakened in the middle of the night to see Link standing at the end of his bed in the form of a mangled, bloody corpse? His cold, soulless eyes would stare straight into Pit's, and for the next few minutes, they would just gaze at each other before Link wordlessly faded away again and Pit was able to gain enough control over his body to scream himself hoarse. Just thinking about it was enough to send a cold shiver down Pit's spine, so without once opening his eyes, he turned over and snuggled deeper into his sheets, letting out a contented sigh as he felt the heat from the rising sun melt any fear he might have harbored at the idea of seeing Link's ghost again. He could just quietly slip back into the world of dreams and get another couple of hours of sleep in before he had to wake up for real and get ready to start his day...

"Oh, Piiiit! Sweetheeeeeart! Time to wakey wakey!"

...Or not.

The young Guardian Angel groaned pitifully as his blanket was snatched from his body before he could possibly have time to react, leaving him exposed to the cold morning air as he curled up into a tight little ball and scrunched his eyelids shut as tightly as possible. It wasn't like he needed to see his unwelcome visitor to know who it was; there was only one resident of Angel Land he knew who would do something like this. "Again, Lady Palutena? Really?"

He heard the Goddess of Light huff in annoyance and tap her black heels against the marble floor impatiently, and he could practically feel her viridian eyes boring into his shivering body as she half-shouted, "Of course! Just because you're not my Captain anymore, it doesn't mean I can let you sleep the day away! Besides, breakfast is the most important meal of the day; if you miss out on that, especially with your atrocious diet, the long-term effects it'll have on your body will be terrible."

"...Who made breakfast?" Pit muttered groggily. "Because if it was you, count me out. In case you've forgotten, the last time you tried to cook, you brought a bunch of vegetables to life, which then tried to murder you."

And that's all. Almost three years later, and I've managed to type 4KB of a chapter. I made a document that's nothing but proof of concept for a theory I have about the Pokémon anime that's almost that long, and it took me approximately fifteen minutes. Which actually brings me to a very important point about why this story hasn't been updated:

Remember those long-running series I said I'd gotten into and watched online? Well, one of them was Pokémon. And after 800+ episodes of the anime plus FireRed, SoulSilver, and Origins, I can honestly say that I'm super embarrassed about every mention of "Satoshi" (who's supposed to be Red) and "Shigeru" (who's supposed to be Blue... or Green, depending on how insanely devoted you are to sticking to Japanese canon despite the fact that Oak-kun's default name translates to Blue in more countries than it does to Green) in DC. Seriously, past me, I know you only had dial-up internet that increased the phone bill exponentially when you were typing Chapter Four, but come on- Wikipedia was a thing, even that long ago. Look stuff up when you're unsure- don't go by what other fic writers are saying about characters! Red's supposed to be silent and possibly terrifying but a nice guy, and Oak-kun's supposed to be his dick of a rival who may or may not have a dead Raticate buried in Lavender Town. Seriously, it's so embarrassing to me that I didn't know all that. That's actually part of why I haven't had the will to try typing more: because I don't want to continue with my errors, but I'm not sure if I want to go back and rewrite all of Red and Oak-kun's scenes to make them more accurate to their real characters.

Which brings me to the main reason I decided to add this "chapter": To ask you, the readers, whether you think I should do an overhaul to this story, fixing Red and Oak-kun's characters and other little cosmetic issues, or if I should grin and bear it, and continue as is, leaving "Satoshi" and "Shigeru" as they are as a reminder to myself on how I've grown as a writer since I made that mistake (or at least, how I've grown as a Pokémon fan). Rest assured, I'll keep trying to write Chapter Twenty either way (because no way are we ending on that sour note in Chapter Nineteen), but I want to know what you think.

Again, I'm really sorry this isn't the update you may have been hoping for (if anyone's even still holding out hope that this will continue), but I'm hoping it's the first step to actually getting to that update.

Spoilers: That update involves Pit getting naked at some point. It's still as kid friendly as this fic can get, though.

tl;dr: Hey, I'm thinking of updating this fic by correcting some past mistakes and I want to know what you think. Also, there's the intro to the next chapter up there in regular text somewhere. Enjoy.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and be sure to let me know what you think about fixing some stuff... and things.

Here's hoping we meet again soon! -Flock o' Seagulls