Chapter 1: Big Dummy.

A/N: This is my first FanFic, so review excessively!


--No copyright infringement intended--

Alice POV

"But Edward!" I whined.

"No Alice! I don't care about your stupid visions right now. We're leaving. That's final."

"Edward you have to understand! She'll be okay if we stay here!"

"No she won't Alice! She won't. I just keep putting her in danger."

"But you always save her!"

"What if I mess up one time and I fail to do so? Hmm? She'll die. And I can't have that."

I was so frustrated. Couldn't he see that if we didn't leave, things would be okay? I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. Stay with Bella. She's always been fun, interesting, and humorous. I didn't want to give her up. She was my best friend—because let me tell you, you spend everyday with the same six people for over fifty years…you tend to get a bit tired of those people.

But now I was so angry with Edward. He convinced the whole family—except for me—that it would be best if we up and leave.

As much as I wanted to blame Jasper for provoking Edward to make this decision because he had been all to close to killing Bella, I couldn't. I loved him too much to blame him for things I should have seen coming.

Sensing my affection, anger and frustration all at the same time, Jasper kissed my forehead and whispered, "Everything will turn for the best, love."

I sighed. No way in hell—or wherever—was I going to let Edward forget that this was a mistake, but I could drop it for now at least.

"When can I say goodbye?" I asked Edward.

"What?" He looked confused. "Never. You can never say goodbye to her. A clean break is the best way to end this. Just like a broken bone."

I could see it now—how Edward would say goodbye to Bella. It was horrible. She looked paler than usual, her whole body looked as if it were about to snap in half, and like at any moment she would drop to her knees and bawl until her tear ducts were all dried up. She looked lifeless.

"It will be as if I never existed."

"Edward…" I shook my head at the vision.

"I know, Alice, I know. But I have to do it. It's the best way."

That's all he'd been saying for the past several hours, "It's the best way." I was so sick of hearing it and I was two seconds away from slapping him before Jasper calmed me down.

Within the next two hours, everyone was all packed up, and then we just…left. No goodbyes. Nothing.

Emmett had made up a fuss about not having anyone to make fun of. Esme was sad about leaving Bella, but knew that "it's the best way." Blah, blah, blah. Carlisle agreed with Edward that we were getting too caught up in the small town of Forks and that it was time to move on. Rosalie was happy for the most part, she'd like Forks but she was happy that we would no longer be put in danger with Bella. And Jasper had been indifferent about the whole thing.

All of a sudden, my sight was taken away by yet another vision.

This was one that I liked, it reassured me that I wouldn't be sad for too long.

I thanked the heavens that we were out of Edward's "hearing" range, because I didn't want him to see what I planned on doing. This would definitely be a secret kept from him until he comes to his senses. He's such a...a big dummy!