AN: Alright folks, time to unfollow this story! It's the LAST CHAPTER!
The good thing about having a large extended family was that they could make any occasion a big party. It was amazing that, just over three years ago, she did anything and everything to steer clear of those pesky relatives of hers.
Kagome watched the small crowd gathering by the school gates. Soon they'd make their way over to the school gymnasium and take their seats, but not before taking the trail lined by fully blooming Sakura trees. It was a shame that so many high school graduation ceremonies took place inside a gymnasium and not outside. After all, the Japanese school year ended in spring, just as the flowers blossomed.
A familiar face came out of the crowd. She was wearing a brown trench coat over her navy blue tunic and skirt, no doubt having just left her station at the police precinct. Sango had done well for herself, Kagome mused. Despite being involved with the Higurashi, that is.
Sango smiled kindly to another woman―Ayumi, by the looks of it―and politely explained her date was overseas on a joint business venture, and he wouldn't be back for quite some time. That was the same answer Kagome usually gave when inquired about her date.
The families and relatives soon migrated into the gym and took their seats. The speeches were given, and Kagome waited for her name to be called, a small smile gracing her lips. Her high school life was coming to an end. There had been the usual high school drama: Awkward confessions, jealous fan-girls, and frantic last minute cramming.
To be perfectly frank, after all the (sexy) shenanigans she had endured in her last days as a 15-year old junior high student, the admirers and would-be love rivals of her high school life seemed almost trivial; minor annoyances at best. It also helped that she had a rather large arsenal of secret weapons.
Then her name was read aloud. She stood up and took the stage amidst the wistful sighs and envious glares. Just as she bowed to the principal and accepted her high school diploma, an ear-shattering chorus of howls broke through the applause and the entire ceremony came to a grinding halt.
All eyes turned to the back of the gymnasium as Souta, now in middle school, stood before a row of hell-hounds, holding a strip of bacon in one hand and waving his arms like a conductor. Accompanying him was a defeated-looking Sango and a red-as-a-tomato Kohaku, both busy trying to cover their faces with their hands.
Nervous gulps and panicked gasps came from students who recognized those damnable hell-hounds―namely by people who had the unfortunate displeasure of discovering what exactly happened to those who pissed off a Higurashi.
Kagome smiled in quiet satisfaction. High school had been a blast.
Break Me
Love Me
Kagome checked her watch again.
She stood in front of a brownstone building that was discreetly tucked away on a quiet street in the outskirts of Tokyo. By now, she was so familiar with the locale that the bakery owner down the street recognized her. For the past three years she had come here twice a week, after classes, directly from school. She had always gotten curious and awed looks whenever her chauffeur pulled up in front of the school entrance.
She smiled when she saw him walk out of the building.
Inuyasha had been going to therapy for the past three years, just as she had vowed would happen. Fortunately for her wallet, Sesshomaru was footing the bill. Unfortunately for Inuyasha, this meant giving up control of his business ventures that held so many ties to his past life.
His scowl quickly disappeared when he spotted her leaning against the black sedan.
They had a routine now. A routine calmed him, gave him something to look forward to, to keep his mind occupied lest it strayed and wandered onto a darker path. She would visit to assure him she was still present in his life, made easier by the 24/7 chauffeur that Sesshomaru had provided. Some say he was doing this in recognition of Higurashi's persistence and accomplishments. Kagome, on the other hand, thought the dog demon did this because he still feared that a sex tape would somehow surface, one way or another...
"Inuyasha," Kagome greeted and welcomed him with open arms. He didn't say anything, just dipped his head and gently kissed her. It was a sign. He'd had an unpleasant session. Perhaps he had threatened the therapist again, thrown another chair, broke another lamp.
No one said healing was a quick and painless process.
She held his hand and guided him to the small park on the other side of the street. They sat down on the bench, just like they'd done for the past three years. And they began talking about what's been happening, like Kagome's cousin's wedding in Hawaii (which of her cousins had married was a mystery to both). Strictly speaking, Kagome spoke and Inuyasha mostly listened.
Inuyasha had become gruff, short-tempered and irritable, especially resentful of exchanging what little control he had in his life for protection from his older brother, though Rin did make the transition a bit more tolerable. His human relative was probably the only reason he didn't start a one-person WWIII with Sesshomaru.
"That kid's something," he said when Kagome finished recounting what Souta did at her graduation ceremony. "And he left? Just like that?"
"Yup. The school officials were way too scared of the hell-hounds to stop Souta from leaving." It had been a magnificent sight indeed, witnessing his departure under the cherry blossom trees, the petals falling on the path the hell-hounds took as they and Souta trotted away into the distance. Inuyasha still wasn't quite sure how Sesshomaru's hell-hounds came to be Kagome's secret weapons. He had eventually realized that he preferred not knowing the details.
"Cowards." Inuyasha chuckled. He was more direct now, becoming a man of few words. He had a lot to think about, to overcome. Sometimes he didn't talk at all, too overwhelmed by the memories that haunted his nights and seeped into his waking mind. Sometimes he snapped and refused to see anyone, even her. Kagome was always there for him, though, to quell his temper if need be, to catch him if he were to fall.
Inuyasha also didn't do a lot of things anymore. For one, no more clubbing. The temptation was too much. Maybe someday, but not in the near foreseeable future.
"Sango's going to visit Miroku tomorrow," Kagome said.
Miroku's change hadn't been as drastic. He was still flirty and charming, though he became just a bit more exclusively touchy with Sango. He definitely smiled a lot more now. Genuine smiles, where his eyes crinkled with mirth. Miroku had reconnected with a family retainer, a tanuki, and he was spending a great deal of time revisiting and coming to terms with his childhood trauma.
What Kagome didn't realize was that she had changed too. Her determination to see Inuyasha through his rehabilitation had brought about more confidence, and a knowing patience that everything would be all right in the end. Her newfound maturity did not go unnoticed, not by the male population of her high school, and not by Inuyasha. Only the latter, however, recognized that the maturity belied a very sinister, scheming Higurashi. Which he rightly feared.
Kagome pulled out a small bag from inside her fleece jacket and handed it to Inuyasha. "It's almost our anniversary." She smiled sweetly. "So here's an early present." She tried to look upset when Inuyasha gave her a blank look, but failed utterly and laughed. "The day I saved your life, Inuyasha. In front of the grocery store."
"You tackled me out of the way," he recalled, and was reminded of how she would later tackle him off the roof of a hotel and onto a pink balloon that was on fire. If she ever took up rugby…
"The store never did deal with those aggressive drivers," she thoughtfully added as Inuyasha opened the bag.
It was something she found in the shrine storage shed. He examined the rosary, polished and gleaming under the sun.
"It's called the beads of subjugation." She laughed at his expression.
"You're a controlling woman, you know that?" He leaned in and gingerly pressed his lips against hers. She all but gladly returned the kiss.
But when he began fingering the hem of her shirt, she pulled away and put a finger on his protesting lips, "Not until my first day."
He crossed his arms with a disgruntled growl, but didn't argue. Kagome laughed, then took the rosary from his hand and motioned for him to lean down. She placed the rosary around his neck and leaned in, capturing his lips in a quick, chaste kiss, earning an appreciative smile once she pulled away. "Good boy," she said before standing up and walking back to the sedan.
She didn't have to look back to see the flicker of disappointment in his eyes and a small scowl of frustration. She knew, and she inwardly snickered. This was good. This was part of therapy. This was also revenge. This was their routine―
Inuyasha stood up and followed her to the car.
―and withholding sex had never been sweeter.
Kagome confidently strode onto the campus of Tokyo University on her first day of class, taking joy in the knowledge that she climbed the same steps he once took. She walked past a gaping group of boys as her heels clicked on the pavement. Twice she was asked to be Miss Todai, for the Tokyo University pageant, and twice she refused. She wasn't dressed for her classmates, after all. She had prepared everything for someone who had graduated Tokyo University before her. All this was for after her classes.
She joined a friendly group of tennis players for lunch. As she left to fill her water bottle, she was too distracted by the pink petals falling from the branches to notice her chauffeur walk past her, cursing like a sailor about a certain heartless bastard with horribly pretty hair who just so happened to be her employer. The chauffeur didn't like her job. She could quit whenever she wanted. It was just that she couldn't access her old bank account since betraying her family, and working for the horribly pretty man was such a huge improvement compared to her former employer who shall remain unnamed, not to mention she used to chauffeur Kohaku around when he was an intern, so she had the experience…everything simply fell into place, like pieces to a puzzle.
Kagura sighed, adjusted her hair and skin-tight uniform, and sauntered back to her black sedan.
They were all settling their affairs, it seemed.
Kagome made a call right before one of her afternoon classes. Sango was usually the one to check in with her, but Kagome decided to take the initiative, the proud University student that she was. Sango answered and casually talked about Miroku's recent faux pas―he had nearly relapsed, buying a bottle of gin and tonic at the behest of a pretty admirer―and was now on bed rest. Kagome never found out if it was because of withdrawal or a bump to the noggin. She mentioned that Kohaku had found work in a Japanese branch of Sesshomaru's company, and was trying very hard to keep a dutiful eye on Souta.
"Good luck with that," Kagome quipped.
Sango had also received the same mails as Kagome. Some of them were photographs from Shippou, who was busy venturing into the wilds with more than enough funding thanks to all the money he made selling his part of the story of corruption and sex in AVA HQ and its ties to other businesses and city officials. On a less frequent basis, they got postcards from Ayame, who now worked as an assistant to Kouga. He was still taking photos of models on the side, but now primarily focused on investigative journalism. In turn, the redheaded wolf demon was happily sending back money to Kyoto and quite pleased with her new working conditions. Sango finally had to go back to work, and bid adieu, but not before telling Kagome, "Good luck with Inuyasha," in a tone that revealed she knew, laughing and then hanging up, leaving Kagome a bit red.
And Kagome was supposed to be the sleuth?
Once her first day of classes was over, she got up to keep her promise. She politely declined an invitation to a group date and exited the building. Kagome ignored the stares of her new admirers as she nodded to the woman holding the sedan door open. She knew the drive from Tokyo University to his current residence would be a long one. That was fine. She needed time to contemplate, anyway. She knew he needed time, as well.
At first she had considered treating him like glass, a delicate porcelain figurine that needed to be dusted and polished every now and then. But she quickly realized he needed warm, firm hands to hold him when the nightmares came, to restrain him when the anger rose, to support him when the will was lost. PTSD was an ugly monster, one that came and went but never truly left.
Withholding the physical aspect of their love was not really a punishment, though she liked to treat it that way. Such an intimate personal contact had to be dealt with cautiously. Even the smell of alcohol used to trigger unwanted flashbacks, made brutally clear during his earlier therapy sessions. But now they were ready. And part of his therapy was to have someone assure him that he was loved. Kagome smiled to herself as the house came into view.
She had every intention of assuring him for the rest of his life.
Kagome scooted out of the car and nodded to her driver. The black sedan started, and drove away. Kagura would be returning home early today. Kagome was going to be sleeping over. And, unlike the last slumber party, Souta was not accompanying her.
Inuyasha lived in a large house by the shore, the only building for miles. Perhaps it might look lonely to some, but it was no doubt a peaceful environment. The solitude was necessary; far from the lights and sounds of the Tokyo nightlife, far from any temptation that would entice one to take up old habits.
Kagome opened the front door. Inuyasha didn't have servants. He needed his personal space. She climbed the mahogany steps to his bedroom, calm and relaxed despite the anticipation. He sat by the open windows, his hair swaying in the gentle spring wind as his eyes surveyed the clear sky over the ocean's blue expanse. Kagome walked up to him and draped her arms around his shoulders.
And that was enough of a hint to have him on his feet, kissing her with everything he had, and leading her to the bed. But Kagome had no intention of letting him continue. She took the lead, pushing Inuyasha down on his back.
She really was a controlling woman.
"You wanted to show me your appreciation, right? Because I saved your life..." Kagome straddled his hips and rotated her hips, smiling triumphantly as a groan escaped her captured prey.
Painfully slowly and oh so sensually, Kagome began to pull his shirt off.
She leaned down with her tongue between her teeth. Making eye contact, she began lavishing his nipple.
"Ka...go…" Inuyasha growled, his breathing becoming louder and harsher.
Kagome pulled her tongue back when she noticed he lifted one hand to hold her thigh. With a warning glance his hand dropped back onto the bed, and she grinned. "That's a good boy." She licked his chest and left a wet trail as she moved down his abs, relishing the taste of his sweat as her tongue traveled further and further down, pausing only to unzip his pants. Soon her face was buried in silver curls.
Inuyasha's breathing hitched, and he was struggling to keep his eyes open. Kagome was too busy to answer, or rather her mouth was a bit too full to make a coherent comment.
"Ka…" Inuyasha panted and desperately grabbed her head, calling out in a strained voice, "Kagome, stop, I'm going to…"
Kagome playfully pulled away, her eyes twinkling mischieviously at the sight of the breathless man.
" no way," Inuyasha coughed, "you're still..." He didn't finish, but she knew what he meant.
"A virgin?" Kagome put on an indignant façade, but a corner of her mouth was still quirked up. "Really, Inuyasha. And here I thought, giving a special service to a special someone would help the mood. Maybe I should go."
Kagome's brilliant and dastardly mind had always been utilized for defeating her brother at video games. But when put to use for research of the sexual nature, well...let's just say Inuyasha was beginning to realize he had created a monster.
At Kagome's threat of departure, he reached out with a clawed hand and held her shoulder, though he was still trying to catch his breath. She shot him a dazzling smile and gently laid down next to him. With her finger she motioned for him to crawl over her body, her eyes never leaving his as he did so.
Three years ago, she was busy competing against her brother for the top score. Three years ago, she was busy planning ways of escaping family gatherings to avoid her relatives. Three years ago, she was busy enjoying the remaining days of her adolescence.
Never would she have imagined meeting and saving a playboy's life. Never would she have imagined the playboy to find and romantically pursue her. Never would she have imagined the crazy sexcapades she would find herself in to save that playboy's life yet again.
And never would she have dared to dream that, after graduating high school, after entering Tokyo University, after pouring everything she had into healing a broken soul, a half-demon would be between her legs and filling her to the core like his life depended on it.
"Inuyasha," Kagome moaned, almost sounding like a whine. "I...I love...I love you―"
His mouth was on hers, pouring everything into a passionate, soul-searing, blood-boiling kiss that took all the words out of her.
His thrusts continued until Kagome's thrashing head stilled and her mouth opened, back arching, her eyes closed in ecstasy. They yelled out each other's names, reaching the mind-numbing bliss that was long overdue.
Only their breathing kept the silence at bay, until Inuyasha was ready for round two, and then round three.
Hours passed before there were no more cries and moans. Kagome rested her head on his glistening chest, not minding how the thin sheet slid down her back, and listened to his heartbeat. The comforting sound of his heart mixed in with the sounds from the open window, each beat followed by the ocean waves and the distant cries of seagulls. The cool ocean breeze tickled her exposed shoulders.
"Kagome, Kagome, Kagome," Inuyasha whispered from under her, a serene smile playing on his lips. "You're going to break me. I swear, it's going to happen someday."
"I love a housebroken dog." With a content sigh, she reached out and rubbed his dog ears. "But just to make sure you're properly broken in," she sang jokingly and quickly sat on top of his groin, bubbling over with enthusiasm that was not quite shared by an exhausted Inuyasha. The way her eyes roamed over his body actually excited and disturbed him.
There would be no more chasing. There would be no more waiting. Life was good like that.
As for what Kagome was planning to do to Inuyasha next...well―
Kagome smiled teasingly at Inuyasha. He gulped.
―Inuyasha was about to find out.
AN: That's right! After being chased and harassed by a playboy that wanted to show his appreciation by being her first, Kagome ends up making him wait for over three years and then dominating the entire relationship (sexual and non-sexual)! MU WHA HA HA HA HA! Dare I say it? Yes, she broke him in! *Cackles madly and runs around throwing confetti in the air*
A broken in Inuyasha and (sexually) devious Kagome, brought to you by the plot bunnies of ShadowBluebell. Who knew that so many of you would enjoy not necessarily a story about people having sexy fun times, but a story about the world of adult sexy fun times? It really was a joy writing this.
Well, it's been a fun ride guys! Hot damn was it an unnecessarily long ride, but it was still fun! When this story was first published, the Final Act hadn't even come out yet. Yeesh. It's been a long time coming, but the ride has finally ended.
Thank you to all my faithful readers! Au revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! Arrivederci!