So here is my first ever published fanfic, this is rated m for swearing, implied violence and scenes of a sexual nature, hope you enjoy it :o)
how it all began
Ginny looked up at the steaming scarlet train fondly, tonight she would be sitting under the magically enchanted ceiling of the great hall with all her friends, she couldn't wait to see them again, especially her best friends laura, simona and luna. she hadnt seen laura or simona through the summer holidays and had only seen Luna twice, once at Bills wedding and the other under heavy escort from her brothers, at her mothers insistence and plea's of "death eaters could be everywhere, its too dangerous to be wandering around alone in these times".
Ginny understood her mothers concern, death eaters were everywhere, murdering muggles and muggleborns for sport, no one ventured out alone anymore, things had changed considerably. Harry and her had split up due to his noble reasons of wanting to protect her, she scoffed inside like she needed protection, she could look after herself, she was fond of him of course but after six months of dating was relieved it was over. she turned her gaze away from the train, her eyes falling on the silvery eyes of draco malfoy, what was he staring at? she threw him the muckiest look she could muster then looked over to where Harry stood talking seriously with her father and brother Bill, probably about order business, her mum was straightening an embarrassed Ron's collar while Hermione and Fleur looked on amused, she made her way over.
"Yes well Ronald, you have to make an example been prefect and all"
"Mum i was prefect last year and the year before" he groaned "
"Yes dear and I'm so proud of you" Ron rolled his eyes
"And you too Hermione for making head girl" she said as she hugged her tightly.
"Now go on, and behave yourself" she warned
"No sneaking out in the middle of the night to do Merlin knows what...and ABSOLUTELY no wandering into the forbidden forest"
Ron rolled his eyes again "yessss mum" then went to say bye to his dad.
"Ginny dear" said her mum hugging her warmly
'Have a good year"
"I will"
"Keep an eye on your brother"
"I will"
"Any antics and you write straight home"
Ginny thought immediately of Percy and cringed, she certainly wouldn't be doing that.
"Yes mum"
Her mum released her after kissing her cheek and swept over to Harry, Bill who had reappeared next to Fleur gave her a brotherly hug and a playful swipe on the cheek.
"Have a good year sis"
"Thanks bill" she smiled "i will"
Fleur swept in kissing both her cheeks in the dramatic way she does then finally she was hugging her dad goodbye, she would miss them all, she boarded the train and gave them a last wave then started to search the carriages for her friends, she spotted Luna and Neville first and made her way in.
"Hey Luna, hey Neville"
"Hi, hello" they both greeted
She sat down with a thud and sighed happily "cant wait to be back"
"Really..why"? asked Luna
"Because I'm fed up of been a prisoner in my own home"
"Why were you locked up"?
"No Luna i mean,it just seemed that way".
They were interrupted by the door opening and harry walked in greeting them all, the morning passed with tales of each others holiday, deatheater sightings and news of people who had disappeared. Around midday they were joined by Ron and Hermione, Ron looking thoroughly pissed and complaining about rude first years.
"Hey" spoke Hermione "Guess who got head boy"
Harry's face darkened "If the next word out of your mouth is Malfoy, don't bother"
Hermione's mouth shut and Neville groaned "Wonderful"
"He got quidditch cap........" but shut up after the glare from harry
The carriage lapsed into silence until Luna spoke
"Wasn't bill and Fleur's wedding magical, she looked just like a veela in that dress"
Around mid-afternoon Ginny said her goodbyes and went to say hello to some of her other friends, she wondered up the carriages stopping and greeting people asking them about their holidays, she nearing the end of the train when she passed a compartment full of slitherings, her eyes immediately fell upon the infamous Draco malfoy, then realised he was staring straight back blushed and moved on. The next compartment was full of friendly hufflepuffs thankfully, so she stopped to catch up with them. All too soon Rachel a fellow 6th year pointed out they were nearing Hogsmeade and Ginny said her goodbyes and went to make her way through the carriages back to her compartment unfortunately she ran into Malfoy, who was blocking the door to the next carriage.
"Move out of the way malfoy" she scowled
To her amazement he stepped aside letting her pass, she pushed past and turned to see him smirking at her, she could see why most of the girls over thirteen fancied him, his face was godlike, perfectly symmetrical, his eyes a most unusual silvery blue seemed to bore into her sole, his hair a trademark of his ancestry was almost white. He wore it longer this year she noticed, and it suited him, she stood there trying to think of a smart ass comment, but just stood there dumbly.
"Like what you see" he suggested arrogantly
She turned and and walked away, yes she did, but she would never tell that stuck up twisted prat or admit it to anyone.
The opening feast began with Dumbledore gravely warning of the dangers of wondering outdoors at night and speaking of Voldermort and his followers, then introducing the new Dada teacher, professor White a serious looking middle aged witch, the sorting ceremony soon followed and by the time the feast began Ginny was ravenous, not as much as Ron who sat a few seats down and was now piling his plate with every type of food on offer. Ginny chuckled and passed the meal talking to Laura and Simona her roommates, good friends and confidants since first year.
Laura was a happy bubbly character with big sex appeal, she was a stunner with her long blonde hair, flawless face and perfect hourglass figure she knew how to work it and often did claiming it was her right as a woman, Simona was as dark as Laura was fair, shy and coy as Laura was outgoing and flirty, Simona was the smart one, above average attractiveness, perfect mocca skin and big boobs that made the boys talk to her chest.
Ginny always felt like the runt of the litter around these two, she classed herself as short, skinny and plain although not so much short anymore as she had grown a few inches over summer.
"So you and Harry broke up"? said Laura quietly, so only the the three of them (their heads together) could hear.
"Yea, said he didn't want to see me get hurt because of him" Ginny scoffed.
"Sweet" said Simona
Ginny snorted "Yea"
"How are you about it"? asked Laura
"hurt" seeing their concerned expressions she laughed "not anymore though"
her friends eyed her sceptically
"He's a great guy, but you know.....he has his flaws"
"Like............"? asked Simona
Ginny looked over to where harry sat "he didn't feel right"
Laura rolled her eyes "I know.........its just...well you was into him bad"
"things changed, people change" replied Ginny
"i know you Ginny" she said sceptically "and you have been potty about potter since......forever" she said the last part into Ginny's ear smiling
"Hmmmm OK, i found him a little boring" Ginny admitted quietly, Laura and Simona both smiled.
"the cat got the cream but found it was sour" said Simona
"no" denied Ginny "i just realised we were better off friends"
"i knew it... we knew he wasn't your type" said a pleased Laura, Ginny frowned at the remark.
"and who is my type"? she asked, Laura and Simona smiled at each other.
"i see you have been discussing this, so go on" she urged a little annoyed
"Ginny your a passionate girl, you need someone who can match your intensity"
Ginny snorted at the description.
"you said yourself you found him boring, you need someone who isn't boring"
"that helps" said Ginny sarcastically
Laura sighed "lets just say you need someone who is the total opposite of harry"
"yes really" Laura stated "i like to think I'm experienced in these things"
Ginny laughed "yes you are"
"so listen to me, find someone who will make your heart pound at the sight of him, someone who will make your body shake with desire when he touches you, and quiver when he whispers in your ear" she whispered into her ear then laughed "then send him to me" Ginny laughed "well there's no one like that at Hogwarts"
"oh there is" said Laura looking over at the ravenclaw table, Ginny followed her gaze and chuckled.
"Laura you change your boyfriends like fashion accessories"
Laura laughed "yes well id rather have the fun and not the seriousness thank you"
The rest of the meal passed more amicably talking of Bill and Fleur's wedding and Laura's new baby niece, soon Ginny found herself laying in bed staring at the ceiling grinning from ear to ear "its good to be back" she spoke to no one in-particular.
Classes started the next day and as Ginny waited for her timetable to be sorted and verified, she had passed all her o.w.l's with o's and e's, much to her mum's delight she now owned a new and beautiful set of dress robes, this year she was taking potions, Dada, charms, transfiguration, herbology and care of magical creatures.
When mcgonagol got to her, she congratulated Ginny on her good grades and handed Ginny her timetable informing her that because of lack of students taking care of magical creatures 6th and 7th year will be together for the year.
Ginny read her timetable and smiled, no lessons all morning, double care of magical creatures this afternoon, she made her way over to Luna to compare timetables, they had agreed through the summer they would both take care of magical creatures.
"Hey Luna" she greeted as she sat down next to her "we're sharing magical creatures with 7th years"
Luna nodded " yes can you believe I'm the only one in ravenclaw to take magical creatures newts"
Ginny laughed, yes she could, Hagrid wasn't the most popular teacher that was for sure.
"Free period this morning" she grinned
"Lucky you" a ravenclaw boy replied "double potions for us"
Ginny winced in reply, absently looking around the great hall
"I'll see you later" she said as she saw Ron beckoning her over, and made her way back to the griffindor table.
"Lets have a look then" he said snatching her timetable out of her hand
"Sure, feel free" she replied amused
"Free period all morning" he scoffed
Hermione rolled her eyes "study period Ronnnnn"
Ginny laughed "not this morning"
"What you gonna do"? asked Harry
"Hmm i don't know, lots of relaxing, maybe read a book"
"Ginny no" gasped Ron "you sound like Hermione"
This earned him a punch to the arm from Hermione as Ginny and Harry laughed.
'Well I'll see you at dinner, whats your first lesson"?
"Oooooh let me know how it goes"
"Will do"
Ginny made her way back up to griffindor tower alone, Simona and Laura had ancient runes, the common room was practically deserted, a few 6th year boys playing chess sat in the corner great she thought sarcastically, this was going to be fun. Ginny ran up to her room and grabbed a book, then deciding she would rather sit outside in the sun left the common room.
She passed the morning engrossed in her book and didn't notice anyone approach until a shadow fell across her, she looked up to see Malfoy stood over her, and quickly looked down at her book.
"You know i ought to take housepoints from you" he drawled
She sighed "i have a free period malfoy, I'm not doing anything wrong"
"I mean for been a Weasley" he smirked
"Yes well if i could take housepoints for your seriously outdated jokes, your house would be earning them back for the next decade" she shot back.
Slamming her book shut she stood up, although she had grown taller over the holidays she was still shorter than Malfoy, but by chance the tree she had sat under had raised the ground slightly and now she stood eye to eye with him.
This took her by surprise as she looked into his silvery eyes, and she couldn't help but think how beautiful he was, where the hell had that come from, she had to stop thinking these thoughts and pushed the thought away.
Malfoy however was smirking his smirk, Ginny's heart beat faster as he moved closer, only a step away, what was he doing? Her heart beat harder as he moved closer, almost touching her, was he going to kiss her? Did she want him to? She suddenly panicked and broke eye contact and went to leave, but his arm shot out and stopped her, he had her pinned to the tree, she didn't dare look up.
"Malfoy" her voice was almost a plea.
She could imagine him still smirking and she looked up, but he wasn't smirking, he was deadly serious and suddenly Ginny knew she wanted him to kiss her, and he did, tenderly, which surprised her, just a small tender kiss, testing the waters, he pulled away looking into her eyes, Ginny responded mimicking his kiss with a tender peck on the lips, then she was lost wrapping her arms around him, an exciting new sensation flowing though her, she had never been kissed like this.
When they pulled away from each other she was breathless, malfoy rested his forehead upon hers they stared into each others eyes, Ginny was dumbfounded she didn't know what to say, she had never seen malfoy look this way, she couldn't describe the look in his eyes, on his face, then his face closed off and he pulled away gave her a bow and walked back towards the castle leaving an even more astonished Ginny left in his wake.
She slowly walked back up to the castle, had she dreamt that, fallen asleep and dreamt it? No she could still feel his lips on hers, what the hell was all that about?
She sat at the griffindor table in the great hall still in stunned silence, Malfoy had kissed her, and she liked it, she passed most of dinner sat in stunned silence, listening with half an ear to Ron, harry and Hermione praising the new Dada teacher.
"Whats got into you" Ron said poking Ginny in the side
Ginny started "nothing I'm listening"
Ron rolled his eyes "barely heard a word Ive said"
"I asked when you have Dada"?
"Oh um....Wednesday afternoon and Friday mornings" she thought back to her timetable.
"Quidditch practice on Saturday morning" harry said
"Are you holding tryouts"? Ginny asked "Na no point, i have the best team already" he smiled
Ginny finished her dinner then walked down to Hagrids with Luna and proceeded to tell her everything that had happened with malfoy in a whisper, Luna just smiled and nodded.
"So what do you think"? Ginny asked
"I think cupid shot him with his arrow" she replied seriously
Ginny chuckled "yea maybe"
"He cant leave you alone can he"
Ginny looked confused "wha...."?
But as she followed Luna's line of sight, her question stuck in her throat, there was malfoy also heading down to Hagrids with Blaise zabini.
"You have got to be kidding me"
They arrived at Hagrids at the same time and Ginny couldn't help but speak out
"You re taking care of magical creatures"? she scoffed
Malfoys reply was lost as Hagrid came out of his cabin smiling from ear to ear.
"Ginny" he beamed "Hoping to take after charlie"?
Ginny smiled and nodded, though she didn't, she just liked to be outdoors and 6th and 7th year students got to go on field trips in magical creatures, made the subject more than worth it.
"Well I'm sure you guessed by now" he boomed "That 6th and 7th year are sharing lessons"
Ginny looked around and noticed a couple of hufflepuffs had turned up, over all there were 2 6th year hufflepuff boys, Lennard Grisby and Phillip Dean and 1, 7th, Issac White. Malfoy and Zabini were the only slithering and Luna the only ravenclaw and by the looks of it dean and Seamus were making their way down to join them, they greeted each other quietly as Hagrid spoke.
"Whats malfoy doing here" Seamus muttered scowling
"Apparently taking magical creatures" Ginny replied
The lesson was rather interesting, they went into the forbidden forest to find a gored unicorn stallion, Hagrid explained it was mating season and two stallions had been fighting over a mare. Soon the stallion was caught and Hagrid showed how best to hold the stallions leg so he couldn't move around while Ginny was aloud to clean the wound and Luna applied magical balm.
Ginny laughed at Malfoy who was going red in the face after holding the stallions leg for so long, Hagrid seemed to remember Malfoy.
"Righ sorry bout that Draco you can let go now..slowly place it on the ground"
Malfoy followed the order and stood up catching Zabinis eye who was chuckling softly and received a death stare off malfoy which only made zabini pat him on the back still laughing.
They all strolled back up to the castle in the hazy sunshine discussing the lesson, all apart from Malfoy and Zabini who were bringing up the rear talking quietly.
At dinner Ron and harry found out Ginny was taking magical creatures with Malfoy thanks to Dean and Seamus, she squirmed a little at there sympathy and threats of if he puts one toe out of line to let them know, Seamus and dean promised to keep an eye on him.
Later that night Ginny found herself telling Laura and Simona all about malfoy, she laid sprawled out on her bed, Laura sat up listening intently, while Simona lay back against her pillows her book long forgotten.
"fucking hell Ginny" laughed Laura when Ginny had finished the story "its not funny" she said a grin breaking out on her face.
The following night she found herself with charms and transfiguration homework to complete, in herbology they had all been given seeds to plant and grow through the year in which needed to grow to full maturity for extra marks on their exams. the first one to correctly identify their plant would receive 100 housepoints.
Ginny had gone up to her room to grab her bags and was heading to the library when Ron, who was playing exploding snap with Dean stopped her.
"Hey, where are you going"?
"Homework to finish" called Ginny waving her bag at him
Ron look disgusted "you only got it today"
"Yes and i don't want it piling up" she said heading for the door
"You hang around Hermione too much" Ron grumbled
Ginny laughed and headed to the library, the school seemed empty, with students probably in their common rooms or at the library, she was lost in thought wondering what plant seed she had been given, hoping it wasn't anything poisonous when she saw Malfoy approaching her.
Her heart skipped a beat and began to thud, he was alone, what would he do? Would he acknowledge the kiss, he hadn't said anything to her since, or sought her out "Weasley" he greeted giving her a nod
"Malfoy" she replied
And they carried on walking in opposite directions, what the......? what was going on, did he want to forget the kiss? but he was been civil to her , what did that mean? She was so confused, well if he wanted to play it cool so would she.
The next week passed in a flurry of homework and lessons her mind occasionally drifted to Malfoy and their shared kiss but she always pushed it to the back of her mind, she couldn't, wouldn't go there, Harry, Ron and Hermione were feeling the pressure more in their final year as they were sitting their newts, harry even more as he was having private lessons with Dumbledore still, and she suspected going out of the castle on order business.
Saturday found her at quidditch practice far too early in the morning, as Harry was off somewhere later that day with Dumbledore, she had overheard Ron and Hermione whispering about it, something about finding horcruxes whatever they were, something dark and dangerous no doubt.
Harry arrived back late Sunday night, only a few students remained in the common room, Ginny was finishing her potions essay when he walked in looking pale and tired, Ginny took this as her cue to leave and said goodnight.
The next day Ginny got up just in time for dinner
"Where have you been" demanded Ron
Ginny smiled and stretched "Just got up"
"At this time" he scoffed "Don't you have homework to finish or something"
"Nope" she gloated "Unlike you i don't cram it all in at the last minute"
Hermione laughed harry looked distracted, she stopped herself from asking if he was ok, it was none of her business, she caught Hermione's eye, who shook her head slightly and Ginny went back to eating.
After dinner she looked for Luna but couldn't find her and headed to Hagrids alone wondering where the hell she had got to, exiting the castle it was another hot day and she breathed in the beloved outdoor air, closing her eyes and inhaling the fresh air deeply.
"You know Weasley you can make a guy come undone doing that"
Ginny jumped
"Shit malfoy" she grabbed her heart "You could give a girl a heart attack sneaking up on people"
Malfoy laughed, something Ginny had never ever seen before, and it made him even more handsome, his features softened and she again was speechless, he had been lazily lent on the castle wall but stood up straight and offered her his arm, she hesitated.
"I believe we are going in the same direction" he drawled she shook her head and took the proffered arm. "Were you waiting for me" she asked.
He looked at her with his familiar smirk in place. "Just taking in the air, i do love the outdoors"
"Really"? "You don't seem like an outdoors type"
"I didn't realise you cared"
Ginny laughed softly
"I thought u dropped magical creatures in 6th year"?
"I did... at first, then i took it back up again"
"Because its what i wanted"
"Harry says you hated Hagrid as a teacher"
She felt him tense slightly.
"The pros out way the cons" he answered shortly
She dropped his arm as they came in sight of Hagrids hut and ignored the curious stares of her classmates at arriving late with malfoy, she went over to Luna who was stood with zabini and threw her a death glare.
"Yer late Gin" stated Hagrid
"Sorry Hag.....sir i was looking for Luna" she threw Luna a pointed look who looked innocently back.
That night she had to explain to Ron and harry why she had arrived late with malfoy.
"For Merlin's sake, i was looking for Luna" she explained for the tenth time
"I'm hardly going to walk 10 paces behind him all the way down to Hagrids hut"
Ron scowled and muttered "Ferrets up to something"
"He has been rather civil" piped up Hermione receiving looks from them all
"Well he has, maybe he's taking the headboy thing seriously"
"More like old voldy's told him to keep his head down" said harry, Ron agreed, Ginny rolled her eyes.
October arrived, and the days seemed to get hotter it was Monday evening and she was sat on the grass by the lake with Laura, Luna, Ron and Hermione, harry was with Dumbledore and Hagrid had finally set a date for a field trip. Next Saturday they would be taking portkey to somewhere in Africa to go griffin watching, they were now discussing this between them.
"Makes me wish id of kept on with care of magical creatures" said Ron
Hermione scoffed "its not a holiday Ron, they will have to do work"
"You know Harry's going to be pissed, first match of the season" warned Ron
"Yea i know" Ginny said guiltily
"He'll do just fine without her" snapped Hermione
"Schoolwork is far more important than quidditch"
Ron looked scandalised
"You re going to have a great time" said Laura
Ginny smiled "I know I'm so excited"
"First trip without your parents.....and two of the hottest boys in the year going too" said Laura dreamily
"HEY" Ron shouted "Don't even go there"
Laura looked amused "Ginny's a big girl"
"She's my little sister and she wouldn't touch Malfoy with a broomstick"
"Who said i was talking about Malfoy"
Everyone laughed apart from Ron who was looking questioningly at Ginny.
"Ron, I'm a blood traitor he wouldn't touch me with a broomstick" she felt a twinge of unease as she remembered the kiss and caught Laura's eye, Laura and Simona had both agreed it would be best to keep it quiet.
He seemed appeased with this and they changed the subject.