Disclaimer: Do not own Peacemaker Kurogane and will not make a profit out of this fic. PeaceMaker Kurogane©Nanae Chrono

Ear Stitching

"Have you had someone take a look at that ear?" Appearing from the shadows, Susumu walked over to where a tired looking Tetsu stood over a kettle as if willing the water to boil.

Reaching for his bandaged ear, Tetsu said, "err... no, not yet. I've been looking after Souji-san and... well Hijikata-san." He motioned for a tray set with waiting tea cups, sweets and fresh fruit.

"You really want it to fall off, don't you?" Susumu made a show of smelling the air and look disgusted. "I can already smell the rot. It won't take long for it to fall off."

Tetsu pressed a hand to his ear, wincing at the pain it caused. "It isn't that bad," he protested, looking alarmed.

Susumu pulled Tetsu's hand from the ear, examining the bloodied bandage. "Maybe not right now, but it will be if you don't treat it in time."

Tetsu nodded, saying, "once I bring this tray to Souji-san, I'll seek the surgeon."

"Come back here with clean bandages and I'll sew it for you." Susumu offered.

"You... you'll fix it for me?"

Looking smug, Susumu took a curved needle out of his medicine kit, placing it in a cup and pouring boiling water over it. "A shinobi must be ready for all eventualities."

Tetsu eyed the needle warily as he prepared Souji-san's tea. "Do you swear on your shinobi honour my ear will look exactly the same after you're finished?"

"On my honour," Susumu declared.

Tetsu nodded and said, "I'll just take these to Souji-san and be right back with the bandages, then."

Susumu had everything prepared when Tetsu returned with the clean bandages as promised, looking a little green but determined.

"Okay, I'm ready," he said, brave as only he could be.

Susumu made him sit on a high table for better access, before removing the blood soaked bandage. It wasn't as bad as he had though; the wound was clean and Susumu sew it back together, applying a healing salve before wrapping a clean new bandage around Tetsu's head and almost as an afterthought dropping a kiss to Tetsu's ear.

Tetsu gasped and turned to look Susumu in the eyes."Is that another shinobi technique?" he asked, barely above a whisper.

Susumu blushed, he really shouldn't have done that. Looking down at Tetsu cautiously he answered, "err, no, I... I actually learned that from some monks in the mountains."

"Hmmm. Perhaps it has its merits, I think my ear already feels better," Tetsu said, before leaning up and kissing Susumu's mouth.

"Is there something wrong with my lips?" Susumu asked as he licked his lips, trying to get a taste of Tetsu.

"Don't know but it seems to be working for Hijikata-san and Souji-san." Tetsu snickered before stealing another kiss from Susumu.
