Disclaimer: Do not own Peacemaker Kurogane and will not make a profit out of this fic. PeaceMaker Kurogane©Nanae Chrono

Written about a year ago after watching PMK anime. I was watching the series and writing ideas for fics and drabbles on a nopepad. I have several drabbles, with various pairings that I'll be posting over the next weeks. Every other day, just have to edit them a bit.

Here's the first one.

What, if not...?


"Why won't you allow Tetsu-kun to have a katana? Why won't you let him to decide for himself?"

"Are you stupid? He's just a fifteen year old brat."

"Nine years old...I was nine years old. In other words, is that how it is? You don't want him to end up like me?"

"...Souji..." (...) from Episode 07 - Suzu


Toshizo pressed a troubled hand to his forehead as Souji treaded away in the empty road, steady but tense strides, undoubtedly trying to control his anger.

Of course Souji was right!

What had he been if not a child when given a sword at nine?

What had he been if not innocent when brought to Toshizo's bed at twelve?

What had he been if not untainted when made to kill indiscriminately?

The knowledge that he should have stopped it all tormented him every day. Maybe this time, with Tetsu-kun, was a way of righting the wrong. A chance to save another as he should have saved Souji.


NEXT: "He liked the boy" - Souji ponders his feelings towards Tetsu-kun and Hijitaka-san