A.N. Ok, so here I am! I never, ever thought I'd be writing a Twilight fanfic, but there we are! Just a little something that came to me a couple of days ago-I've got a few chapters written, so my updates will probably be about once a week-I can only deal with one fic a day and I have three!

DISCLAIMER: Anything you recgonise isn't mine. Stupid Stephenie Meyer…



I stalked through the endless corridors of HQ, parting the crowds of airheaded receptionists with merely my prescence. I could feel them staring after me, but didn't turn back. I was many things, but a fool wasn't one of them, and I knew exactly what it was that they wanted.

Hesitantly, I knocked on the door in front of me. I knew he'd be in there, it was practically his second home. I took a shaky breath-this was almost like going to your father for a telling off, and he was very much like a father to me.

"Come in," I heard him call, and taking a deep breath, I entered. "Ah, Edward. Good morning," he said, no inflection on his voice at all. I just wanted to know my fate-was that so hard? "Morning, Carlisle," I replied, deciding two could play at his game. The corner of his mouth lifted into the crinkly smile that made you instantly at home.

"Welcome back." he said innocently, his lively eyes providing a window into his soul as they smiled with his mouth. I felt a matching smile creep it's way up my face, right in front of a sigh of relief. I hated having to be away from my work; it made me feel empty. Work was just a strange kind of addiction to me.

Having an unexpected week of had certainly not done me any good-I'd been sat at home nervously twiddling my thumbs all week, wondering when and if I could work again, meanwhile trying to avoid the deafening silence that sounded right through my flat. I'd been unable to settle at anything. Granted, it was my own fault I'd ended up suspended. I had, yet again, allowed my temper to get me into trouble. Clearly, I had a severe problem with it, but I had been handling it, although beating the crap out of a wall wasn't everybody's idea of handling it.

I could totally see Carlisle's reasons for suspending me-I'd been in dire need of some emotional detatchment from my job. Not the best job for me, being a spook, but it was something I'd wanted to do for several years before I started, and I kind of clicked with it. It started when I became the school loner. When my parents died.

A car crash it was. A stupid, idiotic, drunk driver, uninsured driver smashed into our car and killed my parents. This was one of the many reasons behind my issues with my temper, although I'd never been the most even-tempered of people in the first place.


I scrambled into the car, excitement and nerves threatening to brim over onto my carefully composed, calm face. I was on my way to my first ever piano recital, Mum and Dad were both coming to watch me, it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day-not something you got often in Manchester. I'd been playing piano since I was five, but had really taken to it properly in the last year.

We sped down the motorway, speeding a little because the traffic had been awful through the city centre. I heard a thump, saw the world spin briefly, and then blackness. Nothingness.

Death was in the air.

-End flashback-

I gasped my way back to the present, vaguely surprised to find that I was sitting down, Carlisle's arm gently around my shoulders, concern etched across the non-existent lines on his face.

"Are you sure you're ready?" he asked gently, his eyes again providing a window into his compassionate thoughts. I saw pity there-he knew what had gripped me. I nodded, not sure that my voice would be entirely under control, and stood, effectively dismissing myself.

"Well, if you're sure, go down to the office; Alice is expecting you," he told me, his tone that of a defeated man. Swiftly, I turned, walking smoothly from his office and down to the hub, the bit where everything happened.

When I arrived there, Alice was already there, tapping her tiny foot impatiently; her pale brow furrowed in concentration. Silently, I moved behind her and tapped on her shoulder. She jumped about a foot into the air, twisting agiley as she did.

"Edward! You're not meant to be here yet!" she shrieked, somewhere around bat frequency.

"I love to surprise you, Al. S'not something I get to do too often," I smiled back at her, my face playful. We exchanged a few more rounds of our usual easy banter, and then Rosalie entered the room. The entire atmosphere seemed to go cold, even though she was laughing with Jasper. As she saw me, her face instantly creased into a scowl, a snarl covering my own features.

The mutual dislike between Rosalie and I went back an awfully long way, and had certainly not mellowed over time. Basically, it all boiled down to her vanity and flawless beauty-things that were great for an agent, just really bad for her ego. She hated, on sight, any man that didn't instantly fall in love with her. I was one of those unfortunate men, not that I was terribly manly at the time. I was just a young, naïve new agent at the tender age of sixteen-she was the tenacious twenty-three year old. Go figure, then come tell me!

I was brought out of my thoughts by Jasper subtly clearing his throat. I grimaced by way of an apology, then turned, almost expectantly to face Alice, the section deputy. I'd momentarily forgotten that she actually ranked a step below me. I could see the tight ship she'd kept in my absence, and was grateful. While I hesitated, she looked at me with amusement dancing in her eyes, and I grimaced again as I remembered.

I turned to face a rapidly bipping computer screen that was screaming a security alert at me. Without pausing for breath, I gave my instructions as I read it. A smile stuck itself to my face. It was nice to be back.


A.N. So there you go-chapter one. Please, please review-next update will probably be next Friday!