Note to Readers: Yay! I'm back in school :) I know that typically means people don't update as often, but I should be able to update more now because I have constant internet access in my dorm (something I severely lacked at home). Anyway, sorry again for the chapter delays. I'm really glad that so many people are enjoying this story. Just don't forget to review please!
Story Notes: Bad title...I couldn't think of anything else. This is sort of short, and mostly just necessary to get things going. I can't wait for the adventure to get underway! I totally made up a lot of stuff in this, but it's a fanfic, so I can.
San and Ashitaka stared in surprise at the man before them, wondering if they had heard Eboshi correctly.
"Asano?" Ashitaka asked, letting go of San's arm and stepped forward. "As in Lord Asano?"
Asano curled his lip up, revealing a disapproving sneer. "So you've met my father, have you?"
"No, not him, but plenty of his samurai," Ashitaka answered. "You are Asano's son then?"
"I am." The man turned and motioned over his shoulder for the group to follow. One of the guards tied Eboshi's horse to a post on the porch of the building. Yakkul was fine to graze around the base of the house, out of the way. Ashitaka gave him a soft pat before leaving him. They stepped through the door and into a house that looked like nothing Ashitaka had ever seen. There were stairs leading up to a second floor just inside the doorway and an opening to both sides that lead to separate sides of the home. They turned to the right. There was a table with several cushioned seats surrounding it.
"Please, sit. I'll have refreshments brought in." Asano clapped his hands twice and an older woman poked her head into the room from a doorway they hadn't come in.
"Drinks for everyone, Yami."
She nodded, smiling politely to everyone. "Of course, right away."
Eboshi sat down immediately, directly across from Asano. Her two guards stood on either side of her, back by the wall, crossing their arms and looking ready for anything. Ashitaka sat beside her, San beside him, and Adara on Eboshi's other side. Asano was on his own side of the table.
"So, who are all of these guests you've brought into my home?
Eboshi smirked. "Some important friends."
"How important is important?" Asano asked. He sounded guarded, but curious.
"Important enough that I've finally come to collect on that promise."
Asano sat back a little, folding his hands and laying them to rest in his lap. He cocked one eyebrow and looked everyone over carefully. "That's pretty important. Does this have anything to do with Tatara Ba?"
"Maybe. But perhaps it is something far greater than that. I didn't exactly come here to discuss my reasonings. You owe me and I'm ready for the payment." Eboshi leaned forward in her chair, looking both dangerous and serene all at once.
Asano didn't flinch, but a small grin formed. "Hmm, a promise is a promise. You taught me long ago how important a promise can be." He sighed, looking up as Yami returned with a tray of small cups, filled to the brim with a flavored drink that Ashitaka couldn't at first identify. "What do you want, Eboshi?"
"A ship," she answered simply, immediately sipping at her drink. "I want your fastest and largest ship, and a crew to go with it."
Asano's mouth twitched with disbelief. Ashitaka watched the exchange curiously, wondering what sort of hold Eboshi could have over this obviously powerful man. And if he would actually comply with her otherwise outrageous demands.
"I understand you don't find this any of my business, but I must know why you're making such a demand. These ships are important to my community, to the people who live here."
"There are other lives at stake here!" Adara said suddenly. In immediate danger.
"Don't do that," Eboshi interrupted the girl, her tone calm but with obvious warning. She turned her attention back to Asano. "But she is right. These people need to get from here to the British Isles, and fast."
Asano's eyes nearly bulged out of his skull at the lady's words, but his expression quickly went from shock to amusement. "Eboshi, this is outrageous, even for you! You actually had me going there! But really, what's this all about?"
"This isn't a joke!" Adara yelled, slamming her fist on the tabletop. The teacups jiggled, some spilling over. "My people are dying!"
"Sir," Ashitaka said quickly, reaching behind Eboshi to put a hand on Adara's shoulder, "the girl speaks the truth. This is indeed important. I understand that what we're asking you is a lot to take in and at very short notice, but our gratitude will be immense. We will not forget your kindness."
Asano glanced from Adara to Ashitaka and back, one eyebrow raised in continual amusement. "So, this isn't some sort of joke then? You're really asking me to provide you with my best ship and a crew to travel across the known--and unknown--world?"
"This is a waste of time!" San growled, standing up and knocking over her untouched cup. Tea spilled across the tabletop, immediately soaking into the light wood table. "We could get there by foot in more time than it will take this worthless human to decide."
Asano blinked in amazement as San stormed from of the room and out the front door, which she slammed hard against its hinges. "Who, may I ask, was that? And did she really just call me a 'worthless human'?"
"That," Eboshi said with a knowing sigh, "was the Princess Mononoke."
San stared out over the ocean. It was so vast, so unbelievable large. She wasn't frightened, just cautions and intrigued. She stood at the edge of one of the minor docks where smaller boats--boats she was more familiar with--were tied up. They didn't block her view of the ocean like the large ships a few hundred yards up the coast did. Her toes curled around the edge of the wooden blank and she leaned over as far as she could without plummeting into the dark depths.
"Are you okay?" Ashitaka asked from behind her.
She turned, surprised that he had made it so close without her hearing. Either her mind was too wrapped in the ocean or he was indeed getting better at stalking. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"You got pretty angry in there."
She turned back to the ocean. "That man is Asano's son. Asano's samurai did nearly as much damage to the land as Eboshi's people."
He stepped up beside her, but lowered himself down to sit, his legs hanging off the dock's edge. "Perhaps, but that doesn't means he's his father. He's agreed to lend us the ship and crew."
San looked down at him quickly, a little surprised by his words. "Really? I'm surprised.
She caught a hint of a smirk on his face. "I think he made his decision because of your outburst. He's intrigued by you."
"I don't want anything to do with him," she answered quickly.
"Good," was his soft, nearly inaudible response.
She sat down beside him, leaning out so she could see his face clearly. "Why is that 'good'?"
He shrugged, his eyes fixated on a point far out on the horizon. "I'd have to be worried then."
She frowned at him, trying to understand his words. They were foreign to her, about as foreign as the strange feelings that welled up inside whenever she let herself think about Ashitaka for too long. Sometimes he was like an anchor, weighing down her thoughts, allowing her to grip reality, but other times he was like a giant sail that pulled her even farther away from reality. It wasn't something she comprehend. She wasn't even sure she wanted to comprehend it.
"You have nothing to worry about," she responded just as softly.
He grinned. It lit his face up in a way that only tripled the strange feeling within her. She sighed to herself, mentally quieting it. The feeling was only a nuisance, nothing more. "I'm glad to hear that."
San turned her head quickly at the sound of approaching feet. Ashitaka turned with her and they saw the same man who had escorted them into town. He bowed before speaking. "The Lady Eboshi requests that you return so that further arrangements can be made."
"She would," San mumbled, climbing to her feet. Ashitaka laughed and stood with her.
Eboshi was waiting for them in an upstairs room of Asano's home. She was seated at a small table and nodded to them as they entered. Adara was sitting on one side, a mixed expression on her face that Ashitaka couldn't quite read. The guards were standing in the corners.
"Please sit with me," Eboshi offered.
Ashitaka sat immediately, but San stood by the door, glancing behind her wearily before taking a seat at his side. "Where's that Asano man?"
"That's precisely what I wanted to talk to you about," she answered. "Asano is gathering a crew at this very moment. Despite the short notice, he understands the gravity of the situation and is doing all that he can. The ship should be prepared to leave tomorrow afternoon."
"That soon?" Adara asked, relief flashing across her face. "I'd have thought it would take days, if not weeks!"
Eboshi nodded. "Yes, well, Asano holds great sway over these people and he is choosing only the best to accompany you. He has a few sailors who have been close to your Island, Adara, though none have actually gone all the way. These people will be able to get you to where you need to go, and quickly."
"Excellent news, for sure," Ashitaka agreed. Something had been eating at him, and now that Asano wasn't present, he felt he needed to ask. "Eboshi, what sort of hold do you have on this man? What could possibly make him want to provide complete strangers with a ship and crew?"
A smile tugged at the Lady's lips. "I saved his life. He felt he owed me, and I figured I could cash in on that one day. Little did I know I'd be benefiting others beside myself. Besides," she added with a shrug, "we're betrothed to be married."
That was enough to get everyone's attention, even the guards standing int he corner. All eyes were firmly planted on Eboshi. Even San seemed to understand what her words meant.
"You're what?" Ashitaka asked.
"Betrothed. It's sort of a loose arrangement, and something we came up with ourselves. It was decided before I left to conquer the mountain which holds Tatara Ba." San twitched at her words, but remained silent. "He said that when I grew tired of killing forest animals and making iron, I could come to him. He apparently hadn't expected it for some time, which is why he was so surprise to see me show up."
There was smirk playing across her face. "Little does he know I never plan to leave my village."
A gentle laugh swept through the room at her words. Eboshi was truly an interesting woman.
"Well, I suggest everyone rest well tonight. There's a room across the hall with bedding already laid out for you. After tomorrow, there's no turning back."
Further Notes: I feel really bleh about this chapter. But thing's get better, I promise. And I'm not giving up, just being delayed! Please review :)