Tony glanced around the warehouse once he had made his way back around where they used to be. Last he heard, Gibbs and the others had taken down a handful of goons, but the brains of the operation was still around. He didn't want to take chances, but it had been a few minutes now and he was getting antsy. "Jess?!" He called. "Jess?! If you hear me and you're able to talk, start yelling now!"

"… Tony?!"

Tony sighed in relief, hearing her. At least that was another good sign. He turned the corner from where he heard her and walked down the hall. "Keep talkin'. I have no idea what's echoing where!"

"There's a red line above the wall, I- what am I saying. Get out of here, Tony. Get out now, and you're gonna need to get the bomb squad in here."

Tony stopped in his tracks. His heart sunk as he absorbed the information before blinking. He looked up at the colored lines and sped up, sighing in relief when he saw a red line starting on the adjacent hallway. "Tell me more, Jess! Can you?" he called, dialing Gibbs' number. She sounded close. That was the best sign, apparently.

"I'm… it's one of the… vests. There's no pressure plate or anything. Timer's down to half an hour…"

Tony stopped again, inhaling sharply. That was barely a window. He picked up his phone and dialed Gibbs, not bothering to wait for the other man to ask about progress when he heard the other line open. "Gibbs, we're gonna need the bomb squad. These guys went all in. Jess is rigged to it, and there could be more. Hanging up now just in case…" he flipped the phone closed, and then re-processed what she had just said. "Wait a minute. Pressure plate? Did you try to set the damn thing off?!"

"… … … It was to protect you and the others. It would've eliminated the threat-"

"And killed you!" Tony cut her off. "Left Sam-"

"Not the time, Tony!"

Tony flinched. "Right, sorry," he turned the corner again, and almost laughed in relief when he saw Jess a few feet in from one of the doorways in the hallway, her head low. "Jess!"

He heard her huff and he just knew it was one that was half annoyance, half relief, and then, "Oh God, you were about to say Sam. Is he…?"

"He's fine, we got him out. He's with Ducky right now," Tony replied, examining the bomb. He started towards the door.

"Tony wait! There's no plate around here, but there's one of the tripwires at the door!" she objected.

Tony stopped and glanced down, and sure enough, the said object was there about three feet away. He made his way over it carefully and took another step in.

"What're you doing?" Jess replied.

"Staying with you 'til the cavalry gets in," Tony replied, squatting to see the comb more clearly. He glanced at the timer on the bomb. Twenty five minutes. Great.

"No, get out. I told you to get out first thing, anyway. Go wait for Gibbs out where it's safe, because it may not be later," Jessica insisted.

"Hell no. I'm sticking with you."

Jessica shook her head. " I'm not letting you get yourself blown up because you suddenly want to play hero just because you think you're entitled-"

"I don't-"

"Then if this thing goes off I don't want Sam to be completely parentless."

"Well, if you and I aren't around he'd go to one of your siblings, so it's better this way, isn't it? Hell, could you imagine me taking the kid in on my own? That would end in disaster."


"Just trying to distract you…" he smiled weakly when she gave him a look that was half appreciation, half annoyance. "You're gonna be fine."

Jessica laughed weakly. "Yeah, well, we'll have to see about that."

Tony saw the pained look and his heart broke all over again. "I love you," he blurted. He hated himself right after. He wasn't sure if it was true, but… it wasn't entirely false. She had been his second love once upon a time, so it wasn't an entire lie.

"Love you too," Jess replied.

The pair looked up when there was the sound of a large group of people coming at them.

Tony sighed. Apparently the bomb squad had been on hand, by the sound of it. "There's a tripwire on the doorway! Device is right there!" he called, nodding when the leader of the squad- he recognized him, just forgot the name, and the man behind him went to work on the wire.

Tony noticed Jessica staring at the squad, then reached down and took her hand when he realized it was free as well. He looked at the leader, then nodded at her. "Can I?" he moved his free hand towards her to try and get his point across.

The leader nodded quickly before he and the other techs continued to look over the bomb.

Tony turned back to Jess and tapped her cheek to get her to look at him. "Come on. Look at me. Don't look at them or it. You're gonna drive yourself crazy if you do,"

"Then it's your turn to talk, because I'm just about of ideas."

"Alright, fine. You know what? I'm gonna do the future game we did back in the day."

"Is this really the time?" Jessica countered.

"Now's as good as a time then any. Alright, you survive. By some stretch of the imagination you and I keep up this weird thing we have going and it gets somewhere. White picket fence, dog, three kids…"

"One. I'm happy with two if it comes to that, thanks," Jessica cut him off, then sighed. "And hopefully it's a girl…"

"Kate," Tony added without a second. "And she's not allowed to date 'til she's fourteen-"

"Thirty," Jessica countered.

Tony pointed at her. "Twenty, but with Uncle Gibbs following them all incognito with his gun nearby."

"Deal," Jessica laughed, but the smile faded fast and she bit her lip and looked away, holding tears back.

"Ay, ay, ay!" Tony took hold of her chin again. "What'd I tell you? You're gonna get out of this or higher powers have a sick sense of humor."

"Tony, what're you doing? Just get out of here. Take care of Sammy for me."

"DiNozzo, she's got a point," the leader cut in. "We're… we need to cut this thing now. It's… it should be simple enough, but there's always a chance…"

"And neither of you seem to understand that I'm not moving," Tony replied. He shot both of them a warning look. "You know what… when you first went missing I made your brothers a promise to bring you home. If I lose you, I really don't feel like facing their wrath. Your sister might chase me with a knife again."


"Jess, you're not talking me out of this!"

"With all due respect, no more talking!" one of the techs snapped.

The leader sent them an apologetic look, but sighed. "Alright, Jess, was it? We're gonna try and defuse this thing, so we're gonna need you to be absolutely still for us, for a bit."

Tony watched her tense up so much he felt it in his own body. His grip tightened on her hand. He flinched at the sudden dead silence. Now all there was waiting. He told her he loved her. He gave her some ridiculous future. They had made amends. It was all he could do. And now they were in for the best stroke of luck ever, or they were going to die. And he still had so much he had wanted to do. And he waited. And waited. And waited.

A click sounded, and time stopped again.

"… We got it! We're good!"

Tony opened his eyes to see the crew squatting around hesitantly, but when he looked over, the clock on the bomb was dead and the wires were out. "You mean?"

"Disarmed, we'll get you out of this thing A.S.A.P," the tech that had been short with them replied.

Tony let out a disbelieving laugh, then looked at Jess, who was still frowning, staring at the device in disbelief.

Jess, on the other hand remained stock-still until the techs did as they told her, unstrapping each bit carefully before lifting it off. When they had backed off with it, she exhaled sharply before leaning over, supporting herself on her elbows that she all but jabbed into her knees. She felt Tony's hand on her back and she leaned into him. "Can we get out of here now? If there's nothing else left to check on with me…"

Tony glanced at one of the techs who were left. The other man nodded, then pointed over his shoulder at the others, who were making their way out of the room and deeper into the building. "Last rounds. We made sure she was clear otherwise before we did this. Go, just to be safe."

Tony nodded back, then looked back at Jessica. "Stupid question, but are you okay- I mean, like, to walk, or…?"

She shook her head. "A little help here? My body isn't exactly keen on walking properly after this."

Tony fought the urge, but lost and smirked. "You want me to full on damsel in distress you here and do the whole nine yards with one arm under your arms and the other under your knees?"

"No. Shut up, you know that."

"I do," Tony nodded and ducked to loop one of her arms around his neck. "Alright, let's get you outta here." He straightened out carefully, happy when she did have enough energy to not make it next to impossible. "Just, by the way, we're gonna have to deal with some stairs if you're up for it. "

"Oooh, I hate you."

"I know you do,"


They made it out, and when they reached the front door the pair was instantly crowded and Jessica got rushed towards an ambulance. The rest of the team elbowed their way through to get to them and backed off only to give them space when they needed it.

"Sam?" Jessica asked, once Gibbs finally had enough of waiting and went shoulder to shoulder to her.

"He's fine. They had to take him to the hospital in a helicopter- nothing major, but he still needs a little patching up and recovery time. The reunion wasn't meant to be taken away from you-"

"No, I get it. Really, it's better that way. What about the bastards that started all this?"

"S.W.A.T got them. They're in a truck headed home now. The good thing: They're gonna have a lot more to worry about then charges for murdering an officer."


After a moment, Abby couldn't take how informative the conversation was going and bolted forward in order to hug her. "I missed you! We were so worried and we're so glad you're out in one piece and- I'm sorry, that came out wrong with what almost happened but-"

Jessica laughed and pulled the woman closer. "It's okay. I'm glad to still be here and see you."

"Give her some space, Abs. She's had quite a day," Gibbs cut in.

"Don't you dare. The EMTs aren't saying you can't yet, and I need that contact right now, so if you want to pile in, pile in now, please."

Abby squeezed her harder, Tim laughed and joined, Palmer followed suit and Ducky moved around to the side to wrap an arm around her shoulders.

Jessica glanced at the latter man after the others pulled away. "Thanks for taking care of Sammy before he got carted out of here."

"Of course, Dear. The poor thing was inquiring about you the whole time, so you'll have an eager visitor soon."

Jessica laughed weakly again, then glanced over when she saw the EMTs walking back over. "Looks like it's my turn now. I'll see all of you later."

"Get some rest," Gibbs replied.

"Keep in touch!" Abby added.

They dispersed so the EMTs could get back in the ambulance, and before they knew it they were on their way again.


Three hours later, Tony glanced over when the last of the interns had checked all of the machines that had been monitoring her. "You holding up?"

"Just about, yeah. I'm still a little-"


Tony turned around sharply at the voice, even if he knew it was Sam.

The boy scrambled away from the doctor who had brought him in and over to Jessica's bed, trying to get up on it. He failed, so Tony picked him up halfway before Sam scrambled away from him too and all but threw himself at Jessica, who pulled him as close as possible, tucking her head in by his neck. "My baby…!"

Tony smiled weakly and got up, about to follow the doctor who had just left to give them a moment.

"Stay," Jessica ordered weakly, sensing him go.

Tony sighed and sat back down, watching the family cry together before looking away, still feeling like he was intruding.

After a few moments, Jessica pulled back to examine where Sam had been bandaged, trying to judge how bad things were. "Are you hurting, Sweetheart?"

"A little, but I'm just really tired," Sam replied, curling in on himself against her.

Jessica glanced at Tony and tried to blink away her tears in the process. "Did they make it so he's in the bed next to me as far as paperwork goes?"

Tony nodded. "It's all set."

"And… no IVs or anything?" Jessica frowned again, then realized Sam was already out cold against her. She stroked his hair.

"No, guess everything was so rushed they didn't bother. "

"What happened to him?"

"He got knocked around and uh…" Tony paused. "The guys who did that to you tossed him in that water we passed before, and… … and I barely got to the kid in time."

Jessica sighed and curled around Sam. "Aren't you father of the year in a matter of hours,"

"Not even close yet," Tony replied. "Look, about that. You're gonna need some help with getting settled back, and… you and I have… and the way I see it the kid needs a dad… so… forgive the timing, but… you wanna give us another shot?"

"Promise that you won't have any terribly attractive company that'll make me overprotective and think the wrong thing?" she countered.

"I can try not to," Tony replied, grinning when she smacked his arm.

After a while, she sighed. "You know? Yes. But before we get too detailed after that… I'm gonna pass out again before we get more visitors."

"You do that. I'll hold them at bay if they get here."

"Good luck with that," She replied before turning to the side and readjusting herself so she could put one arm around Sam.

Tony leaned back and put his feet on the bed. He wondered how many other times he would have one of the "Six months ago, could you imagine yourself here?" again. He had had far too many recently. He hoped that would've been the last of them, but he couldn't bring himself to care more at that moment.