Disclaimer: I don't own it. I just dream it.
Why do I miss her? She's right over there. Why can't I let go of all these feelings for him. They were her feelings. Not so much my own. Ian was much more like me and always knew what I was thinking and feeling .By all rights I was meant to be with Ian and he with me. I completely believed that through all my travels throughout many worlds that I was destined to find this world and Ian within it. He was the one. But why then couldn't I stop seeing Jared in my bed every night. Why couldn't I stop dreaming of his strong, muscular body pinning me against a wall as my legs wrapped around his waist while his lips covered my entire mouth. And it wasn't Melanie's body, it was Pet's. Had it been Mel's body I could chalk it up to rather vivid memory but this was really beginning to play with my emotions.
I looked across the dining room for Ian. He was getting two food trays, one of which was no doubt for me. Then I turned to look for Melanie and Jared, who were just two tables away from mine looking into each other's eyes. A small tightening occurred in my stomach when Jared's hand gently brushed her peaches and cream completion. I tried not to show any emotion but Jared quickly stood up to get some food and his eyes quickly connected with mine for a brief second. In an attempt to fool him I pulled the ends of my mouth up in a nervous smile then quickly looked around for Ian. Thankfully, he was only a few feet from me with the trays. I took one of them and set it in front of me. Ian was so kind and thoughtful. His smiles always made me feel warm inside. I nervously looked back to where Jared was standing a few seconds ago and noticed he was already gone. With some relief I turned to give Ian and the food my undivided attention.
We ate and talked about Kyle and Sunny and everyone else without leaving any uncomfortable silences.
When we were finished I told Ian I was going to go to the bathroom and then to take a nap. Pet's body just needed more rest than Melanie's did. I had to remember that after my nap I would need to start on some strength training exercises.
I'd like to be able to pull my own weight and earn my keep.
Instead of going to my room to rest I decided to go to where no one would look for me, the very place where my experience here with these humans began, the little hole in the wall cell.
Since then and quite possibly before, it had been used as storage. It would probably be a tight squeeze but in this new, compact body it would not be a problem. I rounded the last turn with some relief not to have bumped into anyone. I crawled in right beside the soda crackers and pancake mix and closed my eyes so that I couldn't see and hopefully feel anything.
I closed my eyes and drifted off into peaceful slumber.
His hands were on either side of my small face and gently pulled me to him. His lips caressed mine and sent a heat through my entire body. His hands slid around my waist and lifted me so that I could meet him and look into his beautiful eyes. My heart so full of him so full of emotion that I couldn't breathe I gasped into his mouth as my heart pounded shaking my entire body.
'No' I gasped. 'I can't do this to them. We can't. It would kill them both after everything' I pushed him away and stepped out of his reach. 'This has nothing to do with them. It's me and you. There is something her between u. I know you've felt it, I see the way you look at me and I wish that you could feel what I feel when I look at you. I don't want to hurt them either but I can't help what I feel'
He walked around me to block my exit before he continued.
'I've done everything for them. All of them. Always. I just want something for me for once. Even if I can't keep doing it. I just want to once'
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Jared wanted me. Wait a second, he didn't want me. He wanted someone, anyone.
'Jared' I touched his face and gently turned him to look at me, 'is it me you want or is it the thought of taking a break from them. Jared, you know I can't. Not because I love Ian and Melanie but because I love you. And I love me. I won't live this way.'
I let his face go and turned to hurry away to keep my body from responded to his obvious need.
I softly heard his reply 'I'm sorry, Wanda'
I ran to the room Ian and I shared and threw myself on the bed and cried shaking the entire bed. I heard footsteps and quickly wiped the tears from my eyes before turning to see who it was. I felt strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me to him. I quickly realized that this was not Ian. It was Jared.
He kissed away the wetness from my face and found my mouth. My body was so exhausted from crying and all the other emotions that had surfaced in the last half hour that I had no choice but to give in. I allowed his mouth to devour mine. I felt all the worries about everyone else leave my body as I gave in to him. He gently placed me back on the bed and covered me completely with his own. His hand traced my face while the other explored my shoulders, then down to my small breast. I arched into his large hand as I slid my hand under his tight t shirt and felt the hardened muscles underneath. I raised my face to find his lips and held his lower lip between my teeth. He pulled me so close to him that I could feel every inch of him. I gasped when I realized how much he wanted this. He wanted me. Me. Just as much as I wanted him.
He deepened his kiss and all I could feel was my heart pounding in my chest and the heat that radiated off him into me. I pulled away from him and lifted my small blouse over my head so that I wouldn't pass out. His smile was gentle but hungry and he removed his t-shirt.
I laid back onto the bed exposed and a lot cooler than a few minutes before. It was then that I realized that I was half naked. I covered my small breasts with my hands as the realization hit me under his gaze. He chuckled and laid next to me pulling my hand off my now covered breast and kissed the palm. 'You're so beautiful. All of you' He leaned into my neck and pulled me closer to him, a giggle escaped from me as his tongue playfully nipped the soft part of my shoulders. I ran my hands up his stomach as he pushed me back unto my back and began to kiss the soft pink area of my breasts, I looked up into his eyes and they locked with his, I saw the depth of his soul. I felt like I was falling into a deep abyss with no air, only a feeling of true happiness and pleasure.
I felt his hand slowly travel under my panties and I closed my eyes to feel completely the pleasure of his touch as it gently rubbed against the wetness that formed between my legs readying my small opening to receive him.
I was suddenly wretched from the dream when I heard a familiar laugh. It was Melanie and a lower equally familiar voice. Jared.
"God, I hope no one looks for us" Melanie softly whispered.
"I think everyone is too busy playing or watching the soccer game to notice that we're gone."
Then I heard a small sound that I knew was kissing. I was stuck I couldn't make my presence known in the middle of their encounter. What would be the appropriate action? I sighed loudly hoping that they would hear and look around but my luck was that good. I heard Melanie whisper to Jared, "I knew you would never betray me. All that time that Wanda was in here I always hoped there was a way to get to you but the more I thought about what it meant, you being with her, the more I dreaded seeing you. But I had to know that you and Jamie were safe and hadn't been polluted."
"I knew you'd come back some way or another. I just always assumed it wouldn't be you anymore that it would just be your shell. I had prepared myself to kill you , well the alien within you." I could hear the smile in his voice, "I'm just happy that the alien within you was a good one. I never thought I'd say that"
They both laughed and were quiet for a small time again.
"You know, I'm glad that you guys got her out when you did because I noticed that my feelings were starting to transfer to her and that truly scared me more than anything. I'm just glad she started to truly feel for Ian. He's a nice guy but you're MY guy. It was really creepy thinking about being with someone else."
"Creepy? That's funny. It's good to know that Wanda has nothing to worry about with you having any lingering feelings left over for him."
"Do you think Wanda had lingering feelings for…you? I mean now that she's out?"
Being in her head for so long I knew what Melanie was trying to get at. She wanted to know if Jared had any feelings left for me.
"I don't know Babe. Maybe that's something you should ask her next time you see her. I'm glad she's out of you too though so I can have you complete and all to myself."
I heard a sigh from Melanie and knew what was coming next.
I covered my ears with both my hands and sobbed silently at the thought of what was happening only a few feet from me. Something that I knew rightfully belonged to Melanie but something that I so greatly coveted.
The following day I woke up next to Ian in our shared room with such a feeling of guilt and dread. I watched Ian's peaceful face wishing I truly knew what has going through his mind. I wondered if I would feel the same things I'd experienced at the mere thought of being with Jared. I carefully climbed onto Ian and placed a small kiss on his still sleeping lips. It wasn't long before his arms wrapped around me to keep me there. His eyes fluttered open and looked directly at me, for a small second I thought there was a small flash of confusion held within them but they quickly changed to the look that I knew was reserved for me, a look of adoration and understanding. He pulled himself up to meet my lips to kiss me like so many times before but this kiss was different, his tongue seemed to search for mine instantly almost like he sensed that I needed something more this morning. My legs fell on either side of his body as he sat up, his arms went around my back and pushed me into him almost crushing me with their strength I opened my eyes to question him.
His breathing was coming in short gasps as was mine. He pushed me away to look at my face as if asking me a question.
"Do you want to stop?"
I shook my head, 'I'll tell you if and when I get frightened. But I want to."
He smiled and leaned in to kiss me again. Readying myself for my and this body's very first time.