Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captors :(

" Speech
* Thoughts
() Translation
~ Inserted sound like laughing or coughing

Shattered Blossoms

Sakura dashed into the house and into the washroom. She was panting hard, her clothes were slightly torn, and her hair was a mess. Her emerald eyes were wide with fear as she looked at her reflection.

*Oh my god...oh my god...* She breathed in and out, and slowly stood up on her shaky feet and stepped into the shower. The water was burning hot, but it felt freezing cold to her.

After an hour, she finally stepped out, but she didn't feel clean. She took her pink hair dryer and turned it on at full blast. Her hands still shaking.

"Hey squirt! Are you done yet? Dinner's ready!" Sakura dropped her hair dryer as she heard her brother's voice. "...C...coming..."

She walked down the stairs, holding onto the railing tightly. "...W..where's dd..ad?"

"Whoa squirt, talk normally," Touya smirked and scooped up some of his instant noodles. "Um, hope you don't mind instant noodles. That's all I know how to cook."

Sakura nodded shakily, and took her seat, keeping her gaze on her food all the time. Touya looked worridly at his younger sibling.

"..Hey squirt... what's wrong with you?"

"N..nothing... I..I'm fine oni-chan..." She stopped eating and retreated back up the stairs.

Touya watched her disappear up the stairs. *What's wrong with her?*

"C..Call me when dad's home.." Was the last thing he heard her say before he heard the slam of her door.

"Hey, did you bring me dessert?!" Kero came flying into Sakura's face.

Sakura yelped, "Aiya! Kero, don't do that..."

"Sorry Sakura."

Sakura got into her bed, and hid under blankets.

"Sakura? You ok?"

"Nothing!" She snapped back.

"Whoa! Calm down Sakura.." Kero frowned and flew over to the corner of Sakura's bed.

"If there's anything wrong..." Kero looked over at Sakura, and noticed that she was already asleep. *Hmm... maybe I'll be nice and set her alarm clock for her.*

Touya cursed silently to himself. *How am I going to tell her?!* He poured himself a glass of orange juice, but it soon overflowed. he cursed again.

"Good morning oni-chan..." Sakura dragged herself into the room and sat down. Then she noticed the over flowing orange juice. "Oni-chan?"

"Hm? Oh, the orange juice... I'll clean it up..." Touya grabbed a bunch of tissues and soaked the juice all up with them. "Um..Sakura..I have something to tell you..."

Sakura noticed the hint of pain from her brother's voice. "...Is it bad?"

Touya's back remained facing Sakura. He nodded, and Sakura frowned. "It's...dad isn't it?" Sakura pushed her chair back and stood up. "He's not here for breakfast...where is he?!"

Touya turned to look at his little sister's face. No, she wasn't that little anymore, she was 17. "He's...he's somewhere that there's no pain Sakura." Touya found it hard to breathe just looking at his sister's face.

"No...NOO!" Sakura screamed. "WHERE IS HE?!"

Touya shook his head sadly. "...You know what I mean..."

Sakura felt her eyes brimming with tears. She spun around in her bunny slippers and flung the door open and ran out. She didn't care if she was in her pajamas, she just needed to find out the truth.

*No...no! Let this all be a nightmare...* Sakura ran down the streets, tears flowing freely form her face. She ran around a corner, and entered the place where her mother rested. The cemitary.

She slowed down into a walking pace, and spotted her mother's grave...and...

"...No..." She fell onto her knees, as she saw her father's grave. "NO!!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!!!!"

"He..he got hit by a truck Sakura..."

Sakura turned around and saw Touya. "...But how?!"

"There was a drunk driver... it was dark out and he didn't see. I was at the hospital the whole night, but...dad didn't wake up, and he slipped away..."

Sakura held her hands up to her ears. "No! Stop lieing to me Touya! Stop it right now!"

"Gomen nasai...Sakura..." Touya closed his eyes silently.

Sakura bowed her head, her hair falling around her. *I hate my life...why...? Why is everything happening to me?!* She took a sharp breath in, and slowly stood up.

"I'll just go now..." Sakura slowly left her parents to rest in peace.

"You don't have to go to school today Sakura... you have a good reason..."

"No...I'm ok..."

Touya frowned at the flat words his sister was saying to him.

"XiaoLang?" Called Yelan, Syaoran's mother.

"Se me mu qing? (What mother?)" Syaoran asked, coming out of his room.

Yelan smiled at his son. "You can go back to Japan er zi (son)!"

Syaoran's eyes widened. He had always loved Japan, with it's busy streets, and cherry blossom trees... *Cherry blossom trees? Why am I thinking of that? ...Sakura! I'm coming back.*

"And bring Meiling along. I know she'll love to come."

Syaoran didn't care. He was glad he didn't have to marry Meiling anymore. "When am I leaving? I mean we?"


"And why can I go back anyways? Don't I still need to train?"

"You've trained long and hard enough XiaoLang. You need a break of some sort," Yelan looked proudly at her son.

Syaoran dashed into his room to start packing. He knew that it had been around seven years since he had seen Sakura Kinomoto. *I wonder if she still remembers me?*

flash back>


Syaoran turned and met emerald eyes belong to Sakura. "Sakura?"

Sakura stopped running as she caught up with Syaoran. She was panting from running so fast. "Where are you going?!"

"...Hong Kong..."

Syaoran could see the tears forming in Sakura's bright eyes. "Don't cry Sakura..."

Sakura jumped into his arms. "No! Why are you going?!"

"I have to train...to become the leader of the Li clan."

"But you'll come back?"

Syaoran stepped back, and nodded. "Yeah..I'll come back."

Sakura reached into her pocket and pulled out something. She opened her hand and a crystal cherry blossom sparkled there. "It's not much... but remember me with it!"

Syaoran nodded, and took the fragile flower out of her hands. "...H..Here..." He blushed a furious red as he handed over a bear he had made, for Sakura.

"Aw! Thanks Syaoran!" Sakura threw her arms around him again, causing Syaoran to blush even more red.

"Master Li...you must hurry now."

Syaoran turned to Wei and nodded. "Sayonara Sakura..."

Their hands parted.


End of flash back>

Syaoran smiled to himself, and looked at the sparkling cherry blossom beside his bed. *I wonder if she still has my bear...*

Tomoyo tapped her friend on her shoulder. "Sakura? Sakura?! Sakura!!!"

Sakura jumped a bit and turned around to look at her friend. "...Nani?"

"Daijobu? (Are you ok?)" Tomoyo asked, with concern in her voice.

Sakura nodded slowly and turned back to stare at her textbook, but Tomoyo could tell she wasn't even reading the thing.

*What could have happened?* Tomoyo wondered as she scribbled down her answer to a question in the textbook.

"Class, sorry to interupt you, but we have two new exchange students from China who are going to join our class!" Mr. Tazaimaki announced.

Everyone looked up from their textbooks except Sakura who didn't even notice what the teacher said.

"Syaoran Li, and Meiling Li from China! Please welcome them warmly!" Two peopled stepped into the classroom.

"Konnichiwa everyone," Syaoran and Meiling greeted.

The class greeted back.

Syaoran scanned the room for anyone that looked familiar, but he didn't see Sakura since her head was behind her textbook. *Hmm..that's odd...I was sure she came to this school..*

"Ok, Mr.Li please take the seat behind Miss. Kinomoto."

Syaoran took his seat and stared at the auburn hair infront of him. *I sense a familiar aura around her...and Kinomoto...that is so familiar...*

"And Miss.Li, please take you seat behind Miss. Daidouji."

Meiling walked over and took her seat behind a girl with long purply hair. *Odd.. but Daidouji sounds familiar.*

"Ok, well let's go back to work!"

Sakura stared at her blank page blankly until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She sighed and turned around. "Nani?" She noticed that her voice quivered as she spoke.

Syaoran looked at the emerald eyes staring back at him. *...She looks sad...but those eyes...* "Excuse me...what's you name?"

"Sakura Kinomoto," Sakura turned her back towards him again and back to staring at her textbook.

*Sakura Kinomoto!!!!!! That's my sakura...*

The bell rung signaling lunch. Tomoyo quickly dashed to her friend.

"Sakura, what's wrong with you today? I know you are not concentrating on you textbook! You haven't written a single answer down!" Tomoyo grabbed the blank piece of paper from Sakura's desk.

"Tomoyo-chan..nothing's wrong..."

"Then why is you voice shaking?"

Sakura looked away.

"Tomoyo?! Sakura?!"

Tomoyo turned around. "Yes?"

Meiling stared at Tomoyo for a long time, then jumped up and hugged her. "Tomoyo chan!!!!"

"Nani?" Tomoyo was shocked.

"Don't you remember me Tomoyo!? It's me! Meiling!! Remember?! From gr.4?"

Tomoyo stayed silent in thought, then she to jumped on and hugged Meiling. "Oh my god Meiling! It's really you!! Sakura, it's Meiling! She's back!!!"

Sakura turned around and looked at the Chinese girl. "Meiling? You mean, Meiling?!"

"Yeah Sakura! It's me!!" The two hugged, and Tomoyo smiled to see Sakura smile for her first time for the day.

Meiling stood back and pointed at Syaoran who had remained silent behind them. "Don't you guys remember him?!"

"Oddly, he does kind of remind me of Li-kun..." Tomoyo commented.

Meiling sweatdropped. "Maybe because this is Li-kun!"

"Nani?!!! Wow! Oh my god! Li-kun you look cuter than you use to!"

Syaoran turned a light shade of red. "Arigatou Tomoyo chan..."

Tomoyo shook Sakura hard on the shoulder. "Snap out of it Sakura! It's Li-kun!! Can you believe it?!"

Sakura turned to look in the brown eyes of Syaoran. "...Li-kun? Is it really you??"

Syaoran nodded and blushed. "Yeah...it's me Sakura. I'm back."

"Kawaii!!" Tomoyo had stars in her eyes.

Sakura forced a smile on her lips, but it quickly disappeared. Syaoran noticed this, and frowned in concern.

"What's wrong Sakura?"

Sakura looked at all her friends. *I can't lie to them.. not now... not when I need them!* "...My...my father passed...away.." She choaked at her tears.

Tomoyo turned pale with shock, so did Meiling and Syaoran.

"Gomen nasai Sakura-chan..." Tomoyo gave her friend a light squeeze in her hand.

Sakura started sobbing more. "I..I can't believe it though! It's not right!" Sakura cried onto Syaoran's shoulder since he was the closest in reach.

Syaoran turned red, but he looked down at the auburn hair girl who was crying with concern. "Sakura...it'll be alright..."

"Yeah Sakura! Be strong, we know you can!" Meiling patted her friend on her shoulder.

*But...that's the only part you guys know...* Sakura held back a new set of tears. *You don't know what I experienced...*

AN: Tee hee! Thanks for reading guys and please R+R!! Coming up in the next chapter or the next next:

~What does Sakura mean "You don't know what I experienced?"
~Will Syaoran even confess his love to Sakura?
~How is Sakura suppose to live on after another accident happens?!

Read on to find out!!

Yours truly ~XiaoLing~