Chapter ten


Kyo grunted. His face was red, and his eyes were set in determination, although they were bulging slightly. He was trying to commit suicide by holding his breath. Which isn't possible, by the way.

Ayame didn't even notice. He was cleaning and trimming Kyo's gown. It looked like new, which was amazing considering all it had gone through. And in only one morning, no less.

"Kyo," a voice called. Kazuma walked up.

"Master, please! Get me outta this!"

"The wheelchair? I may be your sensei, but I can't go against a doctor's orders."

"Not that! Well, getting out of this chair would be nice… Get me outta this wedding, Master, please! I don't wanna get married to Yuki!"

Ayame spoke up as he adjusted a string of little pearls on Kyo's bodice. "It sounds to me like somebody's nervous! Don't worry, Kyo, everything will be fine."

Kazuma nodded thoughtfully. "Kyo, you still cannot beat me in a fight."

"Well, no duh! ..uumm, no offense, Master."

"But you have a strength that I don't. Look at you! Chasing your dreams, laughing tradition in the face, and making the biggest lifetime commitment anyone can ever make in their life."

Kyo shook his head earnestly. "My only dream is to get away from this wedding, I'm not laughing at anything, and I don't wanna get married."

Kazuma didn't seem to hear. Kazuma was the kind of person who, once they got started, could continue with their speeches until they were completed.

"My grandfather never had anything. He was the cat, he was reviled, he was confined… But you have the strength to fight against that future. My grandfather didn't fight against tradition. He never realized his dreams."

Kazuma smiled at Kyo, eyes sparkling with happiness. "But you're fighting the biggest tradition of all – the hatred between the cat and rat, and the isolation of the cat. Kyo, my son, I'm so incredibly happy for you."

Kyo felt all strangled inside. "Master, you too? It seems like everyone's out to get me, to make me miserable."

Kazuma said, "Like Ayame said, you're probably just nervous. Making history gets people nervous. Getting married makes people nervous. Which is why I've done neither as of yet."

Ruffling Kyo's hair, he said, "Kyo, good luck, my son. I'll be sitting in the audience."

"Master, wait!" Kyo pleaded.

Kyo watched his Master walk away. However, the view was soon blocked by a gauzy white material. Ayame had put a bridal veil over Kyo's head.

"What a bride you are! Your fiery eyes shine like beacons from under this veil. Yuki will just die seeing you like this!"

"Here's hoping."

Ayame's golden eyes widened, then he burst into laughter. "Kyo! You're such a joker! Keep it up—laughing will relieve your stage fright. Ooh, and just in time! Here comes Ha'ri!"

"Ready Kyo?"


Oh, Kyo. Poor, poor Kyo…


A crowd was gathered under the ivy-covered pavilion, sitting on folding chairs. Cats and rats swarmed from who knows where, gathering peacefully to watch the wedding.

Yuki smiled dreamily. If that wasn't a sign from the heavens that he and Kyo weren't meant to be, he didn't know what was.

Organ music began to play. Yuki saw that Ritsu was the one playing the organ. Ritsu looked extremely nervous. Yuki hoped he wouldn't flip out and scream random apologies for no reason.

"Ready, little brother?" said a voice to Yuki's side.

Yuki nodded at Ayame, and they walked side by side up the aisle together. Whispers fluttered through the air, saying that Yuki looked so handsome, that he and Aya looked so much alike, that everyone was glad they were on good terms again.

Cameras flashed, recording every wondrous moment. Each time one flashed, Ritsu's fingers twitched and he played wrong notes. Yuki would have laughed, but instead he flashed a brillant smile at the cameras. They responded by taking even more pictures.

Yuki and Ayame reached the altar, where Shigure stood in priest robes. Yep, you read right. Shigure was going to marry Yuki and Kyo.

Shigure had one of his hands in the pocket of his robe, and he was giggling for some unknown reason. Instead of a Bible, Shigure held in his other hand what appeared to be one of his romance novels. Yuki rolled his eyes, but began to wonder if the marriage would be legitimate if an idiot like Shigure were to marry them. Most likely not, but no matter. All Yuki wanted was to be with Kyo, and nothing would stop him. Not even a rabid squirrel driving a bulldozer. Not even an insane gaggle of runaway circus clowns. Not even if the universe imploded upon itself.

Ritsu's horrible and even slightly abominable organ playing grew to a sloppy crescendo, and every head turned to see the entrance lovely blushing bride.

Kyo's face was blushing, alright, but with a green tinge. Kyo was going to vomit, he just knew it. If he had to, he'd aim at Yuki, and Yuki would be so disgusted that maybe he'd call off the wedding.

Nah. Kyo took a quick, loathing glance at Yuki standing at the altar, seeing the unmistakable determination Yuki would sometimes draw upon for strength.

Hatori was wheeling Kyo up the aisle because Kyo was, if you didn't already realize, tied and bound in a wheelchair. Even his arms and hands were tied up.

Before Kyo, Kisa skipped up the aisle, scattering rose petals on the ground. She looked adorable in her lacy yellow dress, and her little face shone with a smile. Kyo thought about how this wedding might actually be nice to go to, if he wasn't the one forced to be in it.

Kyo took his last chance, shaking and struggling in his wheelchair. Hatori hissed, "Hold still, I'm pushing your wheelchair as fast as I can. You'll be married in just a minute, don't worry."

Kyo and Hatori were flanked by Tohrue and Kagura on both sides, with Momiji behind, dropping more flower petals. Everyone looked absolutely lovely in their matching bridesmaids dresses. Well, Momiji was dressed in a creamy yellow suit, but he still matched the other girls. One can only hope he won't be gender-confused when he gets older. He seems to be setting himself up for it.

Kyo whispered desperately, "Kagura, we can still make it! Let's go!" She continued beaming her best smile for the audience and the cameras, shaking her head ever so slightly.

Kyo turned to his other side, to Tohrue. "Tohrue, I love you, I love to see your smile. Get me outta here, please, and we can be together."

Tohrue smiled, "Thanks, Kyo. I love you too! You're the best friend ever!"

"That's not what I meant!"

Hatori smacked the back of Kyo's head. "Be quiet. And you forgot your bouquet, here."

A huge bouquet of heavily-scented gladioluses and peonies were thrust in Kyo's face, and his nose immediately started to itch with the intense smell. He twitched his nose as the photographers took pictures. He couldn't even move his hand to itch his nose. He sneezed several times, coating the inside of his veil with spatters of spit and nose drippings.

With an upset stomach, Kyo was pushed up the aisle to his doom. As Ritsu played the wedding march, Kyo was wheeled to Yuki's side. Kyo wish lightning would strike him.

Shigure cleared his throat. "We are gathered here, on this joyous day, to join Yuki Sohma and Kyo Sohma in holy matrimony." Shigure paused for dramatic effect. "But, first we will enjoy a song custom written for this wedding, sung by our very own… Hatsuharu Sohma!"

Hatsuharu was standing by Ritsu and the organ. Hatsuharu was dressed in a sharp tuxedo, but of course, the collar was opened and his neck was adorned with the usual jewelry.

Haru began opera singing, if you can believe it. Ritsu nervously accompanied.

L'unita eterna

Durare di matrimonio

Glorioso per l'infinita

Maledire per sfidare

Saranno come un

Il gatto ed il topo

Insieme nell'amore

Insieme nell'amore

Haru held the last note as Ritsu played flourishes on the organ. The audience applauded and Haru bowed. Ritsu also tried to bow, but it looked more like a twitch.

"Now!" cried Shigure. "….A poem, by yours truly. …ahem."

In the spring they'll run midst the fresh buds and sweet grass

In the summer they'll laugh in the sun

In the autumn they'll catch leaves of maple and ash

In the winter their year will be won

People were wiping tears from their eyes. Kyo was also openly weeping, but not for the same reasons. He thought that was the corniest poem ever to be composed, and he was also miserable for reasons already well established.

Yuki thought his betrothed looked angelic. His face lightly obscured by the veil and tears running down his cherubic cheeks.

Kyo could barely see a thing. All he saw was his veil and the snot that decorated the delicate lace and netting. He wished he could hide behind this lace forever.

That last thought made him weep harder. He'd never had to think of anything like that before. He'd never had to hide behind lace in desperation to stay unwed.

"The ring, please?"

Hiro, disgruntled looking as ever, shuffled up the aisle holding a pillow. Atop the pillow was a golden ring with beautiful gemstones set in its center. Hiro reached the altar and held the pillow high, to Yuki.

Yuki took the ring, and to Kyo's horror, began talking. What was he saying?

Oh god. Wedding vows.

"Today,my mind is clear ('yeah, right' thought Kyo) and my commitment is strong and without reservation. I take you, Kyo, to be my life partner and we will share a lifetime of eternal and immeasurable love. And because of you, my dearest, I dare to dream again. I am proud to marry you this day. I promise to wipe away your tears with my laughter, and your pain with my caring and compassion. We will wipe away the old canvases of our lives. Together, we will fill them with new color, harmony and beauty. I give myself to you completely, and promise to love you always."

Yuki held Kyo's hand, which was painfully tied to the arm of the wheelchair, and slid the ring on Kyo's finger.

Great, if things weren't already bad enough, the ring was too small, making Kyo's finger red and swollen.

"And now!" said Shigure, all emotional. "With the power my publishing company invested in me, I now declare you…Husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride!"

Yuki smiled, "Finally!"

He lifted Kyo's veil. Kyo squeezed his eyes closed, scrunched up his face, and threw his head around in a final act of rebellion.

He couldn't help it. Kyo opened his eyes a fraction and saw Yuki's face getting ever closer, his pink lips ready to claim their prize.

Kyo struggled harder, desperate to dodge the kiss of death.

Suddenly, he sat up with a gasp. He was tangled in the blankets of his futon, breathing heavily. He threw the blankets off. He touched his lips in terror, and realized his arms weren't tied up.

Kyo looked around in the darkness of his room, noticing that his ankle wasn't in a cast.

'What? What just happened?! …no way, it was just a dream?!? YES!!'

Kyo stood up, leaping and screaming, "I'm not married! I'm not married!"

Yuki yelled through the walls, "Shut up, you stupid cat!"

Kyo's face spilt in two with a smile. "HELL, NO, YOU DAMN RAT! YOU DAMN, DAMN RAT!"

Kyo did a happy dance, but in the darkness, he stepped on something. He hit the floor, muttering, "What the hell was that?"

He turned on the lights, curious to see what he'd tripped on.

It was a plate of waffles, with whipped cream and strawberries on them. Kyo could tell, even though his foot had smushed them a bit, that the topping formed a smiley face waffle.

Wait, what?


The end!


A/N: It's done! Yay! So yeah, in the end it was all a dream. I planned it so from the start. It's called Kyo's Nightmare, after all. Hope you liked it, and that you liked the ending. Thanks for reading, and reviewers, thanks for reviewing. But I'm a little sad… there are more chapters than reviews. Oh well.

And the song in Italian means:

Unity eternal

Glorious matrimony

Lasting for eternity

Defying the curse

They shall be as one

The cat and the rat

Together in love

Shigure's poem is mine. The wedding vows Yuki said are not. I got them from myweddingvows . com or some site like that. I'm sure as heck not that poetic.