Chapter One

Kyo stood up. "Ya' damn rat!!! Now look what'cha did!!!"

Yuki remained hunched over the remains of what might have been a door. It was too broken to tell what it was now. Kyo and Yuki had reluctantly agreed to fix it, since Tohrue had asked them. She had housework of her own to get done because Kagura had come over. And whenever Kagura and Kyo are in the same room, things often become broken due to Kagura's violent love towards Kyo.

"It's your own fault, you stupid cat. If you hadn't broken the door in the first place, we wouldn't even have to fix it," Yuki accused.

Taping the panes back together and laying paper over the panes was tedious, frustrating work. Not only was it hard work, but being in each others' company made it worse. Therefore, after the first hour or so, tempers had been running dangerously high. And they had been doing this all morning long.

Kyo kept screaming on. "But you just ripped it more right there!! You just made it worse!!!"

"Not any worse than it was after you decided a closed door was a suitable escape from Kagura."

"Why the hell are you blaming me!!! It's her fault!! I didn't want her to come over anyway!!"

"Always blaming others," uttered Yuki darkly. He stood up and faced Kyo. "I've had it with your attitude."

"Oh, really!!! You wanna fight then? FINE!! Let's go, pretty boy!!"

A call came from the other room. "You two had better stop breaking my house!!" Shigure walked to the doorway. He clutched his heart and put on a face of exaggerated grief. "The main house has cut funding for repairs, and poor Tohrue already has enough to take care of. School, a part-time job, cooking and cleaning…oh!" Shigure sighed dramatically. "And to think you two will load more work on her! Her beautiful soul will break if she has anything more to do, like fixing ceilings or doors. You should be ashamed!!"

"Yeah, like you're one to talk. At least we're trying to work. But YOU never do anything around here," said Yuki.

"OH!! I think I hear the phone ringing! Don't anybody get up, for I shall go and answer it!!!" Shigure dashed away.

Yuki mumbled, "Idiot…" He squatted back down over the door. "Well?" he said. "We need to fix this door. Hand me the tape."

"Don't order me around, ya' damn rat!! Get it yourself!"

"Listen, you stupid cat…"

They heard a cheerful call from the front hall. "I'm back!"

It was Tohrue, home from the store. She entered the room, holding a bag. "Hello Yuki, and Kyo. Here. I got more rolls of paper for all the doors that get broken around here."

Yuki stood up and smiled kindly. "Thank you, Miss Tohrue. We were running out and this was exactly what we needed." She handed him the bag.

"You're welcome! Thanks for fixing this door. I'm so sorry that I haven't had time to work on it."

"Think nothing of it, Miss Honda."

"Well, I'm gonna start on dinner. I'm making it especially with Kyo in mind. We're having fish! I'll also make some leeks for you, Yuki."

"Miss Honda, you're so thoughtful. Thank you."

"Oh no! It's my job to cook dinner! You don't have to thank me!"

"No, really, Miss Honda. Thanks for all the effort you put into this house and into us."

"Well, thank you, but I really feel like I should be thanking you!!"

"Don't be silly!"


Yuki turned and glared at Kyo. "How dare you say such a thing. I would like to fight you now. Beating you like I always do will shut you up for a while. The peace and quiet will be heaven. Or better yet, just leave."

Tohrue rushed between them. "Please don't fight!!"

Kyo growled, "Don't worry, Tohrue. I can handle fighting him. Don't try and call it off."

"Tohrue's right," Yuki said calmly. "You can't win against me. Listen to her advice. Don't fight me. Just leave."

"That's IT, rat boy. I'm gonna mess up your face for good!!!"

Kyo threw a punch at Yuki. Tohrue ran between the two. Kyo and Tohrue's bodies touched, and in a puff of orange smoke, Kyo transformed into his cat form. He sat there in a disgruntled silence.

"Miss Tohrue, are you ok?" asked Yuki.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Yuki. But what about Kyo?!"

She kneeled by Kyo and peered at him.

"I wouldn't worry about that stupid cat, Miss Honda. His head is to thick to be damaged."

Kyo started screaming obscenities at Yuki. Yuki smirked a little evilly.

"Stop it, both of you!" cried Tohrue. "Why have you two been fighting more than usual lately?! And over the littlest things!!"

They stopped and looked at her. In a streak of orange fuzziness, Kyo stormed off. Yuki kneeled and resumed working on the door.

"Would you please hand me the tape, Miss Honda?"

Tohrue sighed and gave it to him.

"Thank you."

Tohrue was already walking away, lost in her thoughts. All she wanted was for Yuki and Kyo to get along. For them to not scream and argue—that is, to talk to each other like normal people do. Was this too much to ask? Or rather, was this just impossible?

Little did she know, things were about to take a huge turn next morning. We're talking gigantic. Monolithic. Bigger and more unforeseeable than anything you could expect…