This is the preface of my new story "Like a Live Wire." This is just a small sneak peek to get you interested ;)


Packing up my things to move to a new place was both exciting and depressing. I had been anxiously awaiting this day for almost eight months, but now that it was here, I was almost sad to leave. Almost. Eight months ago I was praying that this day wouldn't ever come, but all in one day it changed and I wanted to leave home more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

I had dreamed of going to NYU ever since I was eleven and I had visited New York City with my mother right after she found out that she had cancer. She wanted to do something special with me, so she had taken me out of school for a whole week and we had gone to New York City. We did everything while we were there. We sat in Times Square for hours eating greasy funnel cakes and hot dogs and just watching people run through the crowds while we sat still in the middle of it. We visited all the famous sites and saw everything there was to see. It was the best week of my life, even though we stayed in a rotting motel and ate off of hotdog stands every day. That just added to the perfection of the week, but the real crowning jewel of our stay was Thursday night, when my mom took me out to NYU to see a play they were putting on. We would have gone to see a play on Broadway like we both wanted to, but it was too expensive. I really wouldn't trade seeing that play at NYU for anything though. My mom and I spent half an hour looking for the theater before we finally entered through the backdoor where all the actors and dancers were getting ready. We ended up seeing about half of the campus while we were looking for the theater and I fell in love with it then and there, and I knew I was meant to be on that stage someday in that big theater.

Dancing had been a large part of my life since I was five years old when my mom put me in my first ballet class, and I had always dreamed of being a dancer. I knew it would be a part of my life somehow in my future, but I had only realized that I wanted to continue with my dancing and someday open my own dance school when we went to NYU. Seeing the college just made me think of my future, and what I wanted from it, but the one thing I thought I would always have in my life I lost a few months later. I thought he would understand, but he didn't, and now I couldn't wait to move across the country, away from this god-forsaken town.

This town held so many bad memories. This was the same town where my mom had died five years ago, and this was the town where I had been a reject all throughout high school, except to one person. This town was small and boring and offered nothing to anyone except rain and gloom. And I was finally leaving.

Well there you go! I hope you're interested! Add me to your author alert so you'll know when I post the real story! Thanks guys!