Hey guys, sorry its been so long. So much stuff to do like... I duno, just so many activity's, my first chaper I think sence before I graduated. Man, two years is a long time. Anyhow read up, Wakka Wakka.

It was early in the morning, the sun hadn't even begun rising yet and Aang woke up slowly to Katara shifting in her sleep. His eyes slowly came into focus as he stared at the ceiling of his room, he then looked to his beautiful girlfriend to see if she had awoken. She hadn't, she was sound asleep, her hair messy dark hair was twisted all around her and her arms wrapped around his torso. He smiled and watched her snooze peacefully for a few moments before deciding he could really use a drink of water.

He slid carefully out of her arms and pulled the blanket back over her, he smiled as he looked at her sleeping form one more time before pulling his pants on and heading out to the fountain to grab a drink. He walked slowly through the hallways and into the main chamber, greeted by the sound of a light wind blowing in the chasm and the sound of the water trickling in the fountain. He bended some water into his hands and took a few gulps before using his arm to wipe the water off his chin.

He looked around the large room, looking at all the pictures of air benders, bison and his nations symbols painted on the walls. Time had been kind to this place and he was thankful for that, he was also thankful that Toph had helped him repair the pillars and strengthened some of the structure that was damaged from their fight with Combustion man. Otherwise this place might have crumbled into the abyss below in their sleep.

Just then he heard something, off in the distance. He couldn't quite think of what the sound was, it sounded familiar. He looked over at the sleeping forms of Appa and MoMo, The curious lemurs, ears shot up and he turned his head in the direction the mysterious sound was coming from. Soon after Appa had woken up and turned his head in the direction of the sound too. Aang walked over to the edge of the room, strolling past Appa and giving him a soft rub on the head in which he earned a content grunt from the bison.

He looked up into the sky to see if he could see the source of the sound, he couldn't really see anything, there were quite a few clouds in the sky and it was dark still but the sky was starting to color from the coming sunrise so he would be able to see better in a few minutes. He sat on the ledge, dangling his legs over the side. MoMo flew over and latched onto his shoulder, nuzzling his head against his masters as a good morning greeting. He grinned as he scratched behind his fuzzy companions ears.

The sound was getting louder, the sky was getting brighter and yet he still didn't discover the source of the sound. He was debating on whether to go wake his friends just in case there was danger. 'Better safe than sorry' he thought as he hoisted himself to his feet and began walking back to his room to wake Katara and the others. He walked into the room to find her sitting on the edge of the bed wiping the sleep from her eyes. She looked up at him and smiled sleepily before grabbing him around his waist and pulling him on the bed. He landed on his back as Katara rolled on top of him and kissed him softly.

He loved the feeling of her pressed up against him, it was the best feeling in the world feeling her soft warm skin on his own. Her kiss was soft and tender, a sweet morning kiss.

He could have stayed like that forever, but like every human on earth Katara needed to pull away to get some air in her lungs.

"Morning sweetheart" He said softly into her ear, earning a light giggle from her.

She smiled and her dark blue eyes twinkled with happiness. "Morning Cutie" she said in return "Where did you disappear to?"

"I went to get a drink of water" he answered, sitting up as she rolled off of him "I need you to pack the essentials, there's something coming. I can't tell what, but I don't want to be caught off guard" He told her, standing up and took her hand in which she had offered and pulled her up.

"Alright, we don't have much so it should only take a minute" she said, beginning to put on her clothes quickly. Her mind going through everything she needed to pack. "Have you woken any of the others?"

He shook his head before pulling on his robes and adjusting them "I'm gonna go do that right now, I'll see you in in a few minutes" he said as he disappeared out the door and down the hallway

After he had woken everybody, he and Katara sat on the edge of the of the cliff while Huru and The Duke loaded there sleeping bags and packs onto Appa. Toph and Teo scanned the rooms once more in case they had forgotten something.

"Ok, we've double checked everything sweetness. Do you think we should high tail it out of here now or wait and see if we have to kick some butt?" Toph asked, walking up behind her and Aang

Aang didn't know what to do "We can't go far, Zuko and Sokka will have no idea where we went. We can't really leave a note or anything because if the fire nation searches this place and finds it they'll be able to track us down" he said, beginning to worry

Just then, a huge figure started descending from the clouds.

Aang rolled his eyes and groaned "I should have known" he mumbled, standing up. He was about to tell everybody to hop on Appa but he caught a glimpse of the fire nation airship headed in their direction. It looked beaten up, and there was only one. 'If they were looking for me I think they would have sent more than one, and if they sent any I doubt they would send one that looked like it was driven by a five year old'

"Let's see who they are" Aang announced, talking over the airships engine which was getting louder and louder

There was a loud noise of metal grinding against rock as the airship started to descend into the chasm making everybody cover their ears and grit their teeth.

"Who's the genius that promoted that guy to captain" Toph yelled

The airship started to come to a halt, every one of them got into their battle stances. Preparing for a attack.

The ships docking bridge began to lower, slamming to the ground in front of Aang and Katara and out of the ship emerged five very familiar figures walking towards them.

Anyhow, I hope you guys liked it. It had been so long I forgot I even wrote some of the chapters, sad. But like I said, SO MANY ACTIVITYS. Comment if you like it. The more comments I get, The more motavation I have to actually do stuff.