So, as promised, here's the next chappy! I really, really hope you'll like it because... well, let's put the useless chit-chat after you read it ;)

Previously on Our true self:

"I'm not your puppet anymore, Kuran! Whatever the hell you're planning I'm not going to-"

"Please, Zero," Kaname murmured, completely disregarding the fact that he just called the other by his name.

Zero, however, noticed it, quite clearly if one might add. Yet it wasn't even the shock at hearing his own name from the pureblood's mouth that had him hovering just a few inches above the exposed skin- fangs elongated and ready to pierce.

It was the crushing honesty and a plea of something. What it was, Zero didn't know.

Not yet, at least.

But those things could wait.

The pulsing vein just under his tongue, couldn't.




Was the first thing Zero thought when his fangs pierced the skin. He knew he was rough with the other, not preparing the pureblood before biting, but he simply couldn't wait.

And when the first drops of blood touched his tongue, he moaned shamelessly, too lost in the long forgotten taste and essence of one Kuran Kaname to care.

Said man, on the other hand, knew it was a mistake as soon as he felt the stinging sensation on his neck. It wasn't the fact that Zero bit him, again. After all, for the past two years he allowed Yuuki to feed from him whenever she felt particularly tipsy or depressed.

No, it was the way Zero's fangs, strong, massive, demanding- unlike Yuuki's slim and short ones- were squeezing out the red liquid from under his skin. The way Kaname bit his lip trying to stop the same inappropriate sound from escaping his lips. Which was so damn hard, considering the way Zero held him tightly against his chest right after the first mouthful of his blood.

But above all else mentioned before, it was that connection, formed and laying dormant in the back of his consciousness for nearly two years that startled him the most. The small bond born from sharing his blood with the ex-human in order for him to survive and fulfill his role.

The bond that was currently resurfacing to the front of his mind.

He could feel his heightened awareness towards the other, feel the thirst Zero was so desperately trying to quench, despite his earlier protests. Feel the way his body was responding to the hunter's demands, relaxing on its own, urging him to give everything away.

And it scared him.

Because, in those few seconds he knew, that Yuuki's blood will not be enough for him anymore.

Zero opened his eyes, finding himself quite confused after the initial shock of the brunet's blood wore off. He drank quite a few large mouthfuls yet he saw nothing.

"Kuran?" He whispered, leaving the pale neck to look at the other's face. What he saw wasn't exactly what he expected.

The pureblood's eyes were fixed on him, true, yet the lifeless shallowness of those burgundy irises told Zero that he wasn't looking at him. As if his soul left and went far away.

"Kana… me?" the silverette murmured and not knowing what possessed him to do it, he leaned his forehead against the other.

The feel of their skin touching was enough to snap the pureblood back to reality of here and now. His eyes closed, head lolling to rest on Zero's shoulder, inhaling the unique scent of the hunter. It was sweet, yet with a tingling sensation to it.

"I apologize," Kaname said, breathing on the pale neck, feeling the shiver that crawled up and down the other's body.

"My mind drifted away," he finished, raising back his head. Locking their eyes, the pureblood couldn't stop the growl at seeing the glowing red and blue irises.

"Is he here now?" the brunet asked, placing his palm on Zero's chest, just above his heart. The silverette inhaled a shuddered breath, before looking at equally bloody irises.

"No," was all the hunter said, fisting his hand in those curly dark tresses. Kaname almost let out that sinful sound again, closing his eyes and relishing the feeling of those fingers massaging the back of his neck.

"Show me," Zero murmured, licking the small line on the pureblood's neck- exactly at the place he bit him before,

"Show me everything,"

And this time, against all the alarms going off in his head, Kaname groaned, throwing his head back, before it changed to a long, soul stirring moan as he felt those fangs inside him again.

It was hard, concentrating on what he was supposed to do now. On the memories he would so willingly trade for a few minutes of pleasure he was feeling right now. Yet he knew he needed to do it, to show Zero, to make sure that his earlier thoughts were either true or false.

The land.

Covered in piles of human bodies and ashes- the residues left by killed Level E's. Zero wanted nothing more than to go down on his knees and empty his stomach. The smell, the stench, it was unbearable! Now he knew what Kuran meant about seeing and hearing things. No amount of words could describe the view before him.

Suddenly the scene before him shifted. There were a lot of vampire and E's walking together in a single direction.

And then he heard it, the stomping sound.

Looking to his left he saw a white horse, on top of which was a hooded person, or rather, creature, as Zero was able to sense the pureblood aura coming off of her.

The horse stopped and the hunter took a few steps closer to get a better look. Yet the other person beat him to it, one he hadn't expected to see here.

True, the hair might have been a little longer than now, but it was unmistakably Kaname.

'Sorry… Kaname,' the hooded person said and Zero's eyes widened- shock written all over his face.

That voice… he thought and watched how the pureblood brunet touched her face, murmuring quiet 'I'm fine,' and asking if she was ok.

Something shifted again and suddenly he was standing next to them, seeing for the first time the mysterious woman's face. If he was surprised earlier, now he was baffled beyond even something as simple as confusion.

The woman's eyes were a ton or two lighter than his own. Her long, silky hair in the unmistakable color of his own silver. God, if he hadn't knew, he would be ready to call the woman his mother.

'Don't worry,' she whispered, leaning into the hand that was caressing her cheek,

'We're all working together and doing our best,'

At this point Zero had no doubts what Kaname wanted to ask him by showing this.

Was this the woman you heard before you collapsed?

Was she the one calling out to you?

And the only answer he knew he would give was yes. Because, along with the visual aspect of the memories, came also the emotional one. The emotions Kaname felt at that time were almost crushing Zero, taking away his ability to breath.

How could anyone feel for someone so strongly, unconditionally?

And when the hooded woman leaned down and kissed the other pureblood on the lips, Zero's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he collapsed, strained from feeling too much.

'You're a good boy, Kaname. You will work well, even when I'm not around you,' she whispered against his lips, before all turned black.

Zero was sure that was all the pureblood wanted to show him. Yet, he was proved wrong when the darkness receded, showing a small infant held in the hands of someone he knew very well, Rido.

They were in some kind of chamber, with nothing but a coffin inside it. Suddenly he heard a loud cry before a small body was thrown to the floor. He watched in horror as the lid of the coffin was opened, and next to it was a long haired creature, with nothing but a long coat covering his body.

'The hunger that accumulated for thousands of years must be about to slam into you soon. I can't even wrap my mind around how harsh that must be…,' Rido whispered, laughing at the other.

And when the creature with incomplete body turned to him, Zero saw the glimpse of his eyes and face. Yet that was enough for him to know the person's true identity.

Kaname looked at the bloodied cloth covering the infant with sad eyes, before closing them and disappearing between the folds of the coat.

Zero felt his consciousness slipping again, just before he saw the other pureblood entering the chamber and taking baby in his arms.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back in his own room, laying flat on his bed. With a start, he sat up, looking for the pureblood. He found him in a heartbeat, leaning against the window, looking up at the night sky.

Why is he still here? Zero thought, remembering all that he saw earlier. It was still impossible to wrap his mind around all of that, but one thing for sure, the woman from that memory was the same one whose voice he heard back at the Association.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Kaname said, turning his eyes to the hunter.

"What… does it mean?" Zero asked unsure, reaching for a glass of water placed on the nightstand.

"I'm… not quite sure yet," the pureblood answered, looking up at the sky again. He was quite unnerved by the other's reaction. Screaming, cursing and threatening with gun would be good. Great even.

Zero looking like a lost child was not something he either expected or wanted to see.

"Why," the hunter started, trying to gain Kaname's attention, "why did you show me it?"

The implication in the voice was enough for the pureblood to know what he was talking about.

"I apologize for that. It wasn't my intention to let you see it," the brunet murmured and turned to leave the room when a sound stopped him in mid-track.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Zero sat there, eyes wide and unfocused, not noticing the salty drops leaving and cascading down his cheeks freely.

"Are you crying for me, Zero?" Kaname asked in a whisper, not sure how to handle the situation at hand. When the hunter didn't answer, he tried to move, yet stopped when the hunter rose from the bed, looking straight at him.

Zero had no idea what honestly possessed him to do it. Maybe it was the understanding that dawned on him just seconds ago? That under this cold, expressionless façade was a lonely, scared individual that wanted nothing more than to have a family. To belong to someone and be desired in return.

He was unable to even imagine what the man before him must have felt, living all these millennia, not having anyone to hold on to in times of need, yet being constantly shunned and despised for what he unwillingly become.

And he stopped, looking at those burgundy eyes as if gazing at the mirror, seeing himself in them.

Maybe… just maybe, Kuran and he weren't so different, after all.

"Zero?" the pureblood asked, not sure what the other was up to, walking into his personal space with an unfocused gaze.

"Kaname…" the hunter whispered and it was enough. Enough to know that, unlike Yuuki, the silver haired man in front of him understood. Understood what it was like, going through all your life alone, without anyone's support.

The tears came back, even stronger than before. It wasn't that he felt sympathetic for the pureblood now. He still held a grudge or two for the things he'd done in the past. And he definitely didn't feel anything for the pureblood either.

Yet… those eyes looking at him, begging him to understand, stirred emotions he thought he was no longer capable of feeling.

"Zero, I-" Kaname started, unsure of what to say or do.

Luckily for him, the hunter knew.

"Yeah, I know," Zero whispered and pressed his lips against the other's, sinking against Kaname when his arms went around the hunter's waist to pull him close. The brunet turned them around suddenly, slamming Zero's back into the door.

The tongue probed at lips and the silverette opened to him instantly, craving the taste of the pureblood. As the kiss grew more insistent, Kaname reached down and grabbed the hunter in the middle of each thigh and spread his legs, wrapping them around his hips. As he ground against the other, Zero could feel his awakened arousal pressing through the denim of his pants.

He writhed against the brunet, who was uncaring that every time he thrust, it slammed his pale shoulders back into the door. Zero was so hard that every rub of the fabric against his groin was a mix between pleasure and pain.

Kaname's hands moved to his bottom, squeezing and pulling the hunter tight against him. He made a low growling sound, and Zero soon realized that he had his fingers threaded tightly in dark hair as he licked at the pureblood's fangs.

Kaname pulled away from him a few moments later, breaking the kiss.

"I have to go, Zero. If I stay..."

The hunter nodded, knowing exactly what he was thinking. He too, found that this situation progressed unbelievably fast and in the direction neither of them expected it to go.

Kaname slid one arm around Zero's back and let go of his legs, letting the hunter slide down against him as he landed on his feet. The friction caused his breath to hitch, and the brunet leaned in, pressing his lips against the pale ear.

"It would please me if you'd decide not to run away from me anymore, Zero,"

He was out the door in a blur, leaving the ex-human hard and confused, unsteady on his feet. Somehow he managed to crawl back inside the covers on the bed.

So much for not feeling anything, he thought, pulling the material over his head to hide his face.

So, um, tell me honestly what you think? As I said it before, the story took an unexpected turn :P I really didn't plan it like this. And as much as I'd like to explain myself... that little sex scene at the end... i have NO idea how it came to be. Honestly, you can laugh at me, but in the orginal version it was suppose to end just after the memory thing :P

So, yeah, I think it's a little too abrupt. The sex scene, i mean. but oh well, what's done is done. No point in crying over it.

I'll try to update as soon as i can, but i think the next chap should be in about a week or so.

So, 'till then! ;)