Hi guys I'm going to try and type a Rosario to vampire fiction, please be nice.

I call it Masked Pretty Boy

Summery: There's a new student in school but no one has seen his face, no matter what he always has something covering his face. When he befriends Tsukune and the others will he trust them enough to reveal his true face to them, and why does he hide his face to begin with?

"Normal speech"




Tsukune yawned as he slowly walked along the path towards the school "It's such a nice day today" he said to himself as he smiled at the sky

It was then that he heard a swishing sound looking up he was treated to the sight of Kurumu descending upon him her bright blue panties visible to all below her

"Yahoo! Tsukune-kun! Let's walk to class together!" She shouted joyfully as she squished Tsukune between her breasts

Tsukune was saved from death by suffocation when a metal tub came out of no where and smashed Kurumu in the head temporarily knocking her out "That's what you deserve you big breasted woman desu!"

Tsukune chuckled "Yukari that wasn't very nice you know" his reprimand held no trace of seriousness, neither did his eyes which were filled with mirth already used to the events surrounding him

When he suddenly felt a chill he turned towards a nearby try only to see Mizore staring at him from behind a tree, chuckling nervously he asked "Stalking again Mizore-chan?" she blushed mildly at being caught but nodded nonetheless.

Soon Kurumu was awake and arguing with Mizore and Yukari as the four of them made their way towards the school, that is until they heard a cry of "TSUKUNE!"

Turning around Tsukune saw the girl he has been so captivated by Akashiya Moka

"Moka-san" he smiled

"Tsukune" she stopped and smiled

"Moka-san" he stepped closer to her a blush on his face

"Tsukune" she also stepped closer a blush firmly on her face

"Moka-san" he was next to her now leaning in for a kiss

"Tsukune" she also moved forward but instead of going for a kiss she went for his neck "Capu Chuuuuuu"

Tsukune paused to register what just happened "EH! How did this happen again?" his arms waving around in surprise

Before anyone could answer they heard shouting coming from behind Moka "You bastard how dare you, I'll kill you and restore Onee-sama to her former glory!"

Everyone turned their heads towards the voice to see Kokoa running at them with a giant spiked hammer which oddly had a smiling face on it shouting death threats at Tsukune.

Faces whitening in fear the group of five turned to run away as Kokoa jumped high into the air preparing to crush Tsukune's head with her mallet. They all looked over their shoulders to see her jump following her with their eyes Tsukune trembled in fear.

Suddenly a figure appeared behind and above Kokoa their face covered by a black cloth. The figure grabbed Kokoa's shoulders pulled her slightly backwards and used her as a spring board to launch themselves further ahead as five more figures pursued them.

Before disappearing from view the first figure shouted back towards them "Sorry about that!"

Everyone just stared as Kurumu asked "What just happened?" the other four waved their hands in front of their faces and spoke in unison "Don't ask me"

Shrugging it off they continued their trek towards their class continuing to argue over Tsukune and other things completely forgetting about Kokoa who was still on the ground unconscious

When they reached the classroom they noticed that everyone was animatedly talking about something, turning towards one of the girls in the class Tsukune asked "Hey, what's everyone talking about?"

The girl looked confused "You didn't hear about it?"

The group looked at each other each one shrugging their shoulders, seeing this, the girl explained "We're getting a new transfer student, and everyone's trying to guess what they'll be like"

Mizore looked interested "What are the current rumors?"

The girl rubbed her chin thoughtfully "Well a lot of the girls think it's going to be some really good looking guy, though none can agree on what exactly they expect; the same goes for the guys except they think it's going to be a pretty girl"

Yukari nodded her head "Completely natural hopes desu!"

Tsukune chuckled "I agree in middle school whenever there was a new student everyone would try to guess what they would be like, though they were never right"

5 minutes later Nekomata-sensei arrived and called for everyone's attention her tail sticking out "Alright everyone as you know we have a new student in our class today please treat him nicely…You may come in now"

With that said the door opened and a tall person wearing a black shirt/pants combination and a black mask walked in and turned to the class his eyes crinkled into a U shape giving the impression he was smiling.

When he spoke his voice was so smooth that Tsukune noticed a lot of the girls blushing

"Hello, my name is Hitoshirenu Aikuchi, (1) pleased to meet you" he bowed at the waist

Nekomata-sensei frowned as she tilted her head to the side "Hitoshirenu-kun, you can't wear that mask in school and you need our uniform we do have a dress code you know"

He rubbed his head "Sumimasen but, I don't have a school uniform yet I never got a chance to meet with the director and I'd rather not take the mask off for personal reasons."

Nekomata-sensei continued to frown "You still can't wear it, rules are rules you know"

Aikuchi sighed "Fine I'll take it off" slowly he began to undo his mask as all of the girls leaned forward to get a better look. When he had finished untying the last knot he paused, drawing out the suspense, then with a flourish he removed his mask revealing…medical wrapping all over his face covering it from view.

Everyone face vaulted as Aikuchi explained "Well you see not to long ago I got into a fight and got cut up pretty badly, the doctors say I shouldn't remove the bandages for a few more weeks" he began to laugh as everyone slumped into their seats.

Then a voce was heard though out the room "Ai-chan you liar."

Tensing Aikuchi looked around "Aneki what are you doing in our classroom?"

Suddenly Tsukune noticed there was someone sitting in his lap "Why I didn't want to deny the women in your class a chance to see your real face…" she turned towards Tsukune and smiled seductively "…and I wanted to introduce myself to this fine example of a man"

All eyes were on Tsukune and the woman, he laughed nervously as he glanced at the woman she had bright red hair that flowed down her back, deep emerald green eyes, an hourglass figure, and a bust to match Kurumu's; she was wearing the school uniform and had wrapped her arms around Tsukune's neck as she stared into his brown eyes.

"My name is Hitoshirenu Keisei (2) nice to meet you Aono Tsukune-kun"

Tsukune looked shocked "How do you know me?" he tried to get her off of him but no avail much to the other's ire

She smiled seductively again causing Aikuchi to groan and place his head in his hands "My family knows a lot about you and your lineage Tsukune-kun or should I say…"

"Aneki! That is enough you know we are not to speak about that in the open!" Aikuchi shouted before she could finish, Keisei pouted

"You're no fun Ai-chan" she turned towards Tsukune "We'll continue this little chat later handsome" with that she disappeared

End prologue

Alright so what did you think about the story so far? I didn't want to reveal too much first chapter so I didn't mention what Keisei was trying to tell Tsukune

OK couple of things I want to mention

First, this is a harem fic if you don't like don't like don't read Tsukune is the type of person who wouldn't be able to choose one over another simply because he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings

Second, Aikuchi will have women problems as well though not in the same way Tsukune does

Third, the whole chase thing in the beginning will be explained later on so don't ask about it

Fourth, I want fan art! (Note: this is a constant in all of my fics)

Hitoshirenu Aikuchi – hidden dagger

Hitoshirenu Keisei – hidden beauty

Another thing When Keisei calls Aikuchi Ai-chan it's a pun because Ai is the Japanese word for 'love' where as Aikuchi is Japanese for dagger