Hey, how are you? Oof, well, with this epilogue the story comes to an end. This is the first story I have finished, and I hope all of you have enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. It was worth translating this story for my English-speaking friends, and I hope this will not be the last story I'll share with you. OK, nothing else to say, except, since Krystal/Kursed opened the story narrating the prologue, perhaps the best way to close it would be having Fox narrating the epilogue. Enjoy the conclusion.
A Second Chance
By FoxMcCloude
Disclaimer: Fox, Krystal/Kursed and all the Star Fox series belong to Nintendo.
"Is love capable of surviving distance, time, and treason? Can you live grasping to the feelings you keep in the deepest part of your heart, even when they cause you more harm than good? Is there any hope to go back and recover what you lost?
I asked myself those questions for a long time, and I didn't find the answers until several years later. They say everything in this life happens for a reason, whether it's good or bad. If that holds true, perhaps it was necessary all this happened for both of us to realize how important we were for one another.
I, Fox McCloud, made many mistakes in the past, but the worst of them was sending her away from me. I wanted to protect her, so she wouldn't be exposed to the risks of my work, but maybe, the real reason was that I didn't trust her or her capacities. She was always perfectly capable of protecting herself and others, but I couldn't see that. Maybe that happens with the people you care the most for.
5 years passed since I last heard of her. And then, I found her again. I didn't recognize her, seemingly I forgot her appearance with the time, not to mention how much she had changed, and I'm not speaking just physically. It never occurred to me it could be her, but there was something familiar on her, something which inspired trust on me.
When she told me the whole truth, I became a complete wreck. I didn't know what to think, what to do. She had been right in front me all the time, and I didn't even notice. And if that wasn't enough, her feelings for me had not changed at all. I think I felt stupid, but the confusion, or perhaps my pride, stopped me from paying any mind to that. I had promised that I would get over it, I would forget her, but that was a promise I was never able to keep. Because after all, I didn't want to do it.
And I think she knew. She knew exactly how I felt in that moment. And even with all and the fact I was about to reject her again, she risked herself to save me. I realized it was true, she truly loved me. And even in the bleakest situation, we managed to come through, just as we did long ago: together. If it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't be here now to tell about it.
When I returned to Corneria, my friends said I looked much happier than I had been in years. I knew they were right, however, I didn't tell them the reason. I still wasn't sure about how would they take the fact I had met with Krystal, after she had vanished from the map for years. I knew she needed time, but I never doubted she would show up when she were ready. One month elapsed, y she finally came back. My friends couldn't believe it, Krystal, after disappearing for so many years, had returned. We then told them about what happened in planet Kew. Needless to say, they were all very happy to have her back. Of course, not as happy as she and I were.
It wasn't easy for Krystal to adapt back to the life we had before separating. There were still some people who had not forgotten what she did as part of the Star Wolf team. But even despite of that, things eventually went back to be as before. Even better, I must say.
We cannot undo the errors we have made in the past, or anticipate the consequences of our decisions in the future. All we can do, is living the present, and follow our hearts. Why? Because in doing so, even while we might lose out path, we'll eventually find it again. And maybe, when we least expect, fate will bring us a second chance to recover what we lost.
Fate rarely gives you second chances. But even so, we must not resign, because they do exist, but they usually arrive when you least expect. And many times, those who are not ready do not take them, in fact they don't even perceive them. Krystal and I went through a lot, but now we're together, and that's all what matters.
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Author's note:
And with that, I've finished the translation of the story. It was worth it after all. Geez, it's 11:10 pm at the time I'm writing this, I'm so tired. Time to get some sleep. Goodnight, and good luck everybody, hope to see you in my next story.