A red haired woman was laying on the mars atmosphere badly wounded and dying.
She could feel her life draining away with the secrets that she hoped would go with her to the afterlife. She thought of the few friends and the man she loved hoping to meet him there.
As many did at their point of death the woman thought of how things began. More specifically when she was reborn into another being. It felt so long ago in a station of revolving steel…
A red haired woman entered the hospital on the Commander Sinclair's request. Lyta Alexander was reluctant to go into an alien mind, it was not the most comfortable thing to do. However Vorlon Ambassador Kosh was attacked and she as a registered telepath could find something that could say who did it. The first try indicated Sinclair and almost ruined everything for him. However his friend and Chief of security Michel Garibaldi managed to prove that it was a Mimbari using a disguise to look like Sinclair.
It was at that moment Lyta formed a bond with the Ambassador Kosh. Lyta did not know how profoundly her connection would affect her at that time. She could sense however that it was the start of a new chapter in her life that was outside the core.
It finally gave her the courage to run from the Corps and start over someplace else.