A\N: All good things must, unfortunately, come to an end...

I roll over and groan.

Why does she do this? Every single morning. It's not as if she'd miss anything by staying in bed one day. Her Red Ranger powers keep her body the same. She could be eating nothing but junk food and sitting on the couch all day and her metabolism would accommodate.

"Morning." Kim comes in, wet from her shower, and drops the towel on the floor.

"You're early." I tell her. "You could stay in bed, you know."

"Do you want a repeat of the sugar thing?" Kim asks dryly. "Anyway, the other Reds decided I needed to be initiated, so I need to clean."

"Only you would see being humiliated as worthy of cleaning." I tell her. "Come back to bed. I know a better way to get exercise."

Kim laughs and crawls in with me, kissing me passionatly. I growl, flipping her onto her back. "You taste good." I tell her.

"You always say that."

I lick her neck. "You always taste good." I moan as her fingernails run down my spine--


I get out of bed and start dressing.

"What're you doing?" Kim asks, dressing as well. "It's probably just Jason."

"I know. If Jason is here I may as well give up on trying to sleep. The psychic energy would drive me insane."

Kim accepts that, since it is, technically, true. "You might want to stay away from the house, then. I'm pretty sure the rookie's coming over, Casey, I think. Yeah, Trini's brother."

"Trini's adoptive or biological brother?" I ask. One was, for a three-year-old, mildly tolerable.

"Adoptive." Damnit. Oh, well, makes me happier. I can only imagine the look on Jason's face when I...no, don't even think that, still not sure how much telepathy Kim has.

"You hiding something from me?" Kim asks suspiciously.

I kiss her again, the kind of kiss I ususally give her before we make love. "That?"

"Get off, you goof." Kim says, shoving me playfully. I let her go greet Jason, who is now treating the doorbell as his own personal toy.

I wait until Kim yelps, then jump out the window. My staff appears in my hand, and my illusion of skinlessness falls into place. Jason probably remembers me in his nightmares. He'll remember this in his nightmares, too.

Kim's in the woods, trying to keep the Reds from tying her up. She's doing fairly well, really, given that they outnumber her drastically and she's still getting used to her ability as, in her words, the human flamethrower. Still, I should intervene.

So I do.

Kim rolls her eyes at my dramatic appearance, and the tossing of one particularly annoying Red (Connor, I believe) into a tree. He looks up and says, "Dude, that is so cool!"

"Connor?" Ah, so it is Thomas' protege. How gratifying. "That's the bad guy."

"Yes. And I would like to know why you think kidnapping my mate is a good idea."

Silence reigns, and I smirk. So Kimberly didn't tell them. No surprises there, but still, this is quite amusing.

"Your what?" Thomas says.

"DIE!" Jason screams, the idea that Kimberly and I have done something together reaching his brain. I toss him into a tree as well. They really should pick better battlegrounds.

"Kim, what the hell?" Thomas asks.

Kimberly sighs. "Meet my boyfreind."

The scene devolves into chaos, and I smile at my lover's glare.

I really enjoy my life.

"You're sleeping on the couch for a week."

On second thought, I hate my life.