A/N: This is the last part for Truth or Dare: Dare. I'm starting work on the sequel, which will take on a continuation from here. But it will be on the Truth this time. Anyway, thanks for all your reviews and enjoy.

Chapter 7: Uncompleted Dare

"Kakashi-sensei, where is this place?" Iruka stared in awe at the sight before him. They were on a cliff overlooking the whole of Konoha. Under the moonlight and stars, the brightly lit village looked like a beautiful scene out of a fairytale.

"It's a cliff." Kakashi chuckled. Iruka turned away from the scene and glared at him.

"Maa…… Iruka-sensei. Chill it. I'm just joking. But this is really a cliff. And a beautiful one at that. I think hardly anyone ever discover this place."

"I think so. This place is so untouched and undisturbed. I didn't know this place even existed."

Kakashi shrugged. "I don't think many people do. This place is far from the main gate. People don't usually take notice of it. But it's a good place to watch the sunset and the night scene." Kakashi sat down on the ground and motioned for Iruka to join him.

Iruka plopped down beside him, drew his knees up and propped his elbows on his knees as he cradled his chin in his hands. "How did you know about this place?"

"Back in the ANBU days. I chance upon this place during one of those times when I return from a mission. Since then, I've been paying visits here. It's a nice place to relax and read my book."

Iruka shot him a dry look. "That porn you always carry around, you mean?"

Kakashi laughed. "Sensei that really shouldn't be coming out from you." Iruka snorted and turned back to the scene laid out before him.

Iruka had no idea how long they sat there, just watching the sky and the village in comfortable silence. He was so drawn into the calming atmosphere that he hardly noticed when the jounin stood up.

"Come on, Iruka-sensei."

"Huh?" Iruka turned to the other man, dazed. He looked up and suddenly felt his voice caught in his throat.

Kakashi hovered over him, loose strands of hair falling over his hitai-ate. His hands were shoved into his pocket and he was standing in his usual slouch. The moonlight reflecting off the silver hair and pale skin made the jounin looked almost surreal.

Iruka gulped. He had never noticed Kakashi to be this appealing.

"Iruka-sensei?" Iruka snapped out from his thoughts as Kakashi waved a hand in front of his face, trying to get his attention. He blushed and turned away, embarrassed at being caught staring.

"What…. What is it?" Iruka managed a reply as he pushed himself off the ground, avoiding the copy nin's gaze.

There was a momentary pause before Kakashi answered. "We should get going. It's going to get cold pretty soon."

Iruka nodded briefly and walked off quickly, with his head bowed down.

Kakashi watched the hastily retreating chunin and felt his lips tugged upwards.

"Kakashi-sensei, what are we doing here?" Iruka looked around at his surroundings, dimly lighted by street lamps. His face faulted when he realized that the park was filled with couples.

"To finish up your quest." Kakashi's single eye arched into an arc as he beamed at the shocked chunin.

Iruka blinked at the older man. "Come again?"

"You said it, didn't you? Dinner, sightseeing and a walk in the park. We did the first two. So now, it's the last item."

"It's not funny, Kakashi-sensei." Iruka frowned.

"It's not meant to be a joke. So of course it's not funny." Kakashi smiled. "Come on, let's finish this up, or else you are going to disappoint your audience."


"Yes. They have been following us ever since we left the restaurant." Iruka turned and looked discreetly at the direction which Kakashi was motioning at and felt a faint chakra signal emitting from behind the bushes. He sighed.

"Let's go then."

Kakashi turned and walked after the chunin. He was starting to think that perhaps, he should thank Genma for coming up with that little dare.

Iruka stretched himself as he walked out of the park with Kakashi following closely behind him. He turned around and grace the copy nin with a small smile.

"Thank you, Kakashi-sensei. For you know…… Helping me out."

Kakashi shrugged. "That's nothing. I've enjoyed myself anyway."

"Yes. But it save me from having to buy those drunkards drinks for a month. That's a big help you've given me." Iruka blushed.

Kakashi thought for a moment before he smirked. "Hmm…… I wouldn't know about that. Since I don't think you actually fulfill the conditions for the dare."

Iruka stared at Kakashi, not understanding the meaning behind it.

"Well, Iruka-sensei, if you think about it, the dare states that you have to ask me out for a date. But it seems I was the one who ask you out. So technically, you have failed the dare."

Iruka frowned. Surely the great copy nin wasn't going to go gritty over details?

"What are you trying to say, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi leaned in closer, much to the younger man's surprise. "Well, you owe me a date, Iruka-sensei. To make up for what you were supposed to ask for this dare, but never brought it across."

Iruka's face instantly flushed.

"But…… But……." Once was awkward enough for Iruka. He wasn't going to try it a second time. He was even thinking of swearing off the game from his life to avoid such ridiculous situations in the future.

"No excuses, sensei." Kakashi leaned in until his face was but a mere inch away from Iruka. The academy teacher gulped and tried to back away. But Kakashi reached out a hand and held him still.

"And sensei, here's a bonus for you. No date is complete without it." Kakashi grinned and tugged down his mask.

Iruka felt himself stiffened when Kakashi's lips met his. The kiss was brief, but it was enough to send waves of shock into the tanned chunin's body. Before Iruka could even recover his senses, Kakashi had already stepped back, with his mask back in place.

"Well, I will see you around, Iruka-sensei. Don't make me wait too long. Good night." Kakashi winked and turned away, pulling his book out of his weapons pouch as he strolled down the streets.

Iruka stood there in complete shock, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Behind the bushes, four gaping faces looked at each other.

"He….. He kissed Iruka." Kotetsu tried to get his mind to work.

"Did you see his face?" Izumo blinked a few times.

"No. Iruka hid the view." Genma scowled.

"So what's the verdict now?" Raidou frowned.

Genma sighed and shifted away from the bushes. The rest followed.

"Well, much as I hate it, he completed the dare. Though I can't imagine why Kakashi would kiss him. But anyway," Genma grinned. "That was pretty good entertainment."

Iruka slowly gathered back his wits as he tried to make his body move. He wasn't even aware when the faint signal of chakra which had been following him the entire night had disappeared. As he started his walk home, he was only conscious of two things.

The first was the kiss. He could still feel the feel of the other man's lips on his. And he was definitely sure he hadn't mention anything about it to the copy nin.

The second thing he was clearly aware was that……

His mission for the dare is far from over.