Note: I did not invent these, I found them and converted them to Naruto. I am not a good prankster.

Mind Your Own Beeswax

Naruto was sitting in class at the academy. He was waiting for his least favorite teacher, Mizuki-Sensei, to pass back his test. When he got it, he glared at his teacher. He had gotten a 67 percent, when the student in front of him, Sasuke Uchiha, whom had had copied from, had gotten a perfect 100. He knew Mizuki was purposefully trying to fail him, but nobody would listen to him, not even Iruka-Sensei or the Hokage. They told him that Mizuki was there to help him learn from his mistakes, not purposefully fail you. Naruto thought that was a load of bull.

Now, how to get back at him? Naruto thought of a phobia that Mizuki had told the class about, spiders. That wouldn't work, because, frankly, Naruto was afraid of them, too. So what else? Then he remembered. He had a friend, named Shino Aburame, who had a whole clan dedicated to bugs! They have honeybees and sell honey, too. That would be perfect.

After school, Naruto ran to talk to Shino before he went home.

"Hey, Shino!" he shouted.

The boy merely turned around and glanced at Naruto, black glasses glaring in the afternoon sun.

"I was wondering if I could come over to your house. I want to see the famous bees your clan has!"

Shino's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Of all the things this knuckle head could have asked him, that was most definitely not what he was expecting.

"Of course." Shino led the way, and Naruto gleefully followed.


When they got there, Naruto couldn't believe his eyes. It was amazing! In the room where they keep the bees, the back wall was covered in honeycomb. Hives were hung everywhere, and there were cages full of the buzzing bees. Shino's father came out, and was surprised to see that Shino had brought a friend home.

"Uh, Mr. Aburame, sir?" Naruto asked nervously, after all, when you are eight, Shibi does look intimidating.

"Yes, Uzumaki? What would you like?" he asked. At first, Naruto wondered how he knew his name, but then he remembered that everybody knew his name. He winced at some of the more…colorful…memories.

"I was wondering if I could buy 500 bees?" he asked nervously.

Both Aburame members looked surprised. Why would the number one knuckleheaded ninja want bees?

"What do you need them for?" Shibi asked him.

Uh, think Naruto, think. "Um, Iruka-Sensei asked me to pick some up as a sign of responsibility. He told me that we were going to have a lesson about bees and their behavior. He also said that Shino would really enjoy the surprise."

Naruto was getting anxious, what if they didn't buy it? He held out his frog purse as if to prove he would pay. They seemed to believe him.

"Alright, Naruto. Listen, we actually happen to have a hive that isn't producing any honey. For some reason, they don't have stingers, either. So, I will give them to you for free. Be sure to tell Iruka that Shibi said hello."

Naruto mentally cursed. Okay, so they didn't have stingers. Minor drawback. The Aburames believed him and he was getting 500 free bees. He nodded his head in acknowledgement to Shibi's extended greeting.

Shibi left the room, and came back with a 10 gallon Plexiglas tank filled with the bees. It had a mesh sliding top.

"Will you be able to carry that, Naruto? It's a bit big." Shino asked him.

Normally he would have said yes, but he was taking the bees back to his house, so he had to do it alone.

"No thanks, I can do it myself. Thank you for the bees! Iruka-Sensei will love them!"

Naruto hauled the large tank on his back and left through the door, which was being held open by a amused Aburame. He left and headed in the direction of the Academy before he was sure they couldn't see him anymore. He veered off and ran home, careful not to drop the bees. He put them in his room.

Naruto went to Ichiraku's for dinner, and waited until nightfall.


Naruto snuck onto Academy grounds. Everybody had gone home. Breaking in wouldn't be a problem, he was a master at it. He slipped into the building and went to Mizuki's classroom. He went to the windows and closed them, sealing them with a clear adhesive. The windows opened to the inside, so he went back out and taped the outside with clear tape so it wouldn't be seen from the street. He went home to get to bed, he had to finish tomorrow morning.


Naruto woke up bright and early; it was still dark out. He went back up to the academy, bringing the bees with him. He nearly dropped the container because of the sickening buzzing. He found Mizuki's room, and he was already in there. He hid, waiting for him to leave. The teachers always met up in the training room before class started. Mizuki finally left, and Naruto bounded in, he had to be quick to pull this off. He went inside the room and took apart the doorknob, prying it open with a screwdriver. He messed up the mechanisms inside so that it wouldn't open from the inside, just the outside. He turned it to make sure, and it did exactly what he wanted it to do. He got out of there and hid again; in the air vent along with the bees. Mizuki went back into the room and closed the door behind him. Naruto practically squealed with glee; his plan would work!

Jumping down from the vent in the ceiling, he brought the bees with him. He shook the tank, and made them angry. He let them buzz around for a while, like a minute, ant tipped the tank on its side. Naruto lifted the screen about an inch so the bees would fly in under the door. In no less than 5 seconds the entire tank was emptied into the classroom. He bolted, he didn't need to be caught, and he needed to ditch the aquarium.

He threw it in the dumpster, then ran to the bushes to spy on the classroom window. He could hear frantic, bloodcurdling scream coming from the inside. He could hear the door jerking in its frame, but not opening. Next were the windows, scratching and pounding, but still not opening. Mizuki was still screaming. Naruto couldn't hold it in, and cracked up laughing in the bushes. He heard a smash, and looked up to see a chair leg sticking through the window, ripping the tape.

He left to get away from the scene of the crime, and went to Ichiraku's for breakfast. When he got back to the academy, fashionably late, he had found that the bees had escaped, the door had been opened. A few were still buzzing around the room. Everybody knew what happened. Nobody knew it was him. Naruto took his seat, smug as hell, looking at his teacher.

Mizuki was paranoid, and was moving in jerky movements. He went to collect the homework, and when he passed Naruto, Naruto buzzed. Mizuki grabbed his head and cringed. All of the students tried their best not to laugh at him, Naruto especially. Mizuki, of course, blamed him anyway.

"I'll see you in summer school, Uzumaki." he said.

Naruto just smirked. "I heard about what happened. Something about you dancing around the classroom?"

His classmates couldn't hold it in any longer. The entire room was bursting with laughter. Even Shino had a sadistic grin on his face. He had known better than to believe Naruto's charity act. Mizuki stammered for a moment, then just walked away.

Naruto was pleased with himself. That was an awesome prank. He always gets back at people who mess with him, believe it.

Ta Da!! This turned out better than I thought it would. I wonder what the next chapter will be? And for those who may be confused, Naruto is still in the Ninja Academy, the genin are only eight years old.