Hey Aoki here~ This is my first attempt at a Final Fantasy fanfiction, so I decided to start off with drabbles. I was inspired by the great Gwaeren, who writes wonderful ZackReno fics. Well, enjoy I guess.

Prompt: Defiant

Pairing: ZackxReno

Reno was known to always follow the orders that Tseng presented him with. It didn't matter if he didn't want to go through with the mission or not, orders were orders.

Being a Turk meant that he had to follow an order no matter what, yet this is the one time Reno could be seen turning down a request.

"You got to be kiddin' me yotto?" Green eyes widened in disbelief at what he was just told to do.

Tseng sighed in frustration. "I don't want for you to go through this, but the President thinks it's in our best interest if you cease your relationship with Lieutenant Fair."

Body shaking with anger, Reno glared at his commanding officer. "No."

Tseng raised a fine eyebrow. "No?"

Reno shook his head. "I refuse to break up with Zack."

Giving Reno a stern look, he spoke in a tone that gave no room for argument. "You will terminate any affiliation with Lieutenant Fair and that is that. Do not go against orders Reno."

Turning away from Tseng, Reno stormed out of the room. Reno rushed down the halls towards a familiar door. Knocking against it rapidly with his fists, he could feel the tears falling against his cheeks.

The door opened to reveal Zack looking down at Reno in surprised. "Eh? Reno? What's wrong?" He reached out and pulled the crying redhead against his chest.

"Zack, I-" Reno bit his lip harshly, causing it to bleed. A few moments later, he took a deep shuddering breath. "Zack, I have somethin' to tell you."

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