First of all I don't own Kung Fu Panda or any of it's fuzzy, feathery, scaly glory…….so don't sue me. Not that you'll get much. Nothing in my pockets but lint….and maybe a chewing gum wrapper…oh and a receipt from KFC. Yeah that about all your gonna get. I do however own any Ocs that may appear periodically throughout the fic. Don't worry no mary sues for they are the root of all evil. This is a Tai Lung/Tigress fic so enjoy.

The morning gong rippled through the Valley of Peace. The Village streets burst to life with its inhabitance. Various species of animals working together to rebuild their great town after the second incident with the vengeful snow leopard. Engrossed in their work no one noticed the stranger climbing the stairs to the Jade Palace.

"AGAIN!" Master Shifu's face met his palm. "We will go over this till the sun rises tomorrow if we have to."

The six kung fu students once again took their places. The small master snapped his fingers and the warriors sprang into motion only to once again crash and burn.


"We're sorry master." Tigress bowed shamefully.

"We're used to there being only five of us." said Crane untangling himself from under the giant panda.

"Sorry guys." Po sighed helping monkey to his feet.

"Enough excuses. Take a break." Shifu glared at his students "I want you all back here in 30 minutes."

"Finally!" The exhausted dragon warrior collapsed onto the training hall floor

"This is ridiculous." Viper sighed. "Were all masters. How hard is it to incorporate a sixth member."

"Well Po technically should count for like three new members." Mantis hopped onto a ceiling beam.

" Hey." Po lifted his head just enough to look at Mantis. "You guys promised no more fat jokes."

The light mood was broken as Tigress slammed the door behind her.

"What's eating her?" Po stared Blankley at the door

"Who knows….." Monkey laid down next to the dragon warrior.

"Yeah….we've learned to just not ask." Crain sighed

Tigress stomped through the training grounds in a rage. "This is ridiculous. The panda was granted the dragon scroll. Wasn't that enough." She growled to herself. "No he has to be one of the five…I mean six..ugghh whatever."

Tigress ranted inwardly until she came upon a secluded area behind the palace. With a humph she sat lotus style under a blossoming peach tree. "I just wish things would go back to the way they were."

"What's the matter kitten. Not getting you daily petting." A familiar voice came from above.

"Tai Lung!" Tigress snarled and leapt into battle stance. "Your suppose to be dead."

"Well, as you can plainly see I'm not." The snow leopard stretched across the branch he was lounging on.

"But po…"

"You honestly think that pathetic panda could kill me?" He smirked. "Me the master of 1,000 scrolls."

"But the wooshie finger hold?"

"Yes the hold did do some damage . Hell, it launched me into the far mountain ranges of Mongolia."

Tai Lung leaped from the tree to come face to face with the confused tiger master. Tigress jumped back and bared her claws. Something she rarely did.

"Put those away, kitten." Tai Lung leaned against the tree much like he had done on the Tread of Hope. "If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead by now. In fact you'd all be dead by now."

"Its been 4 months, why now have you chosen to return."

"Oh I've been her for close to a month now." He closed his eyes and grinned. "Been watching your pathetic excuse for training sessions." His grin grew. "I've especially been watching you kitten."

"ARRG THAT IS IT." Tigress lunged for the male feline. Tia Lung disappeared only to reappear behind her. Taking hold of her arms he subdued the struggling tiger master to her knees. "That temper of your is going to get you into a lot of trouble one day, kitten."

"My names not kitten. And who are you to say anything about my temper" Tigress threw her head back butting him in the nose. Tia Lung lost his grip and stumbled back. Tigress took this as prime opportunity to strike. Drop kicking his legs out from under him she pinned the mighty snow leopard to the ground.

"Well kitten if you really wanted to straddle me all you had to do was ask. "Tai Lung ran his tail across the tiger masters thigh.

"Ugh you pig. I should kill you right now."

"What's stopping." He smirked. "Oh I get it, you couldn't live with yourself if you killed Shifu's baby boy now could you." His tail assaulted her thigh again.

Tigress dug her claws into Tai Lungs arms causing the male feline to hiss.

"Ah so she likes it rough. I can do rough."

Tigress was about to respond when the gong rung signaling the students to return to the training area.

"I swear to the maker Tai Lung, I had better not catch you here again." Tigress gave him one more clawing before she jumped off his chest and ran swiftly back to Shifu and the others.

"Or what kitten, or what." Tai Lung smirked at the retreating feline's back and leaped back into the peach tree.

"Ah Tigress, so nice of you to join us." Master Shifu gave the tiger master a stern look.

"I'm sorry master." Tigress bowed. "I lost track of time."

"Shall we begin?"

"Yes Master." The six warriors all spoke in unison.

Shifu was about to snap his fingers when a sudden pounding came from the palace gate.

"Grrr who could that be." The red panda grumbled and walked over to the doorway.

The pounding became louder.

"Yes, yes I'm coming." Shifu opened the doorway to revile a middle aged female tiger dressed in clothing only worn by ones of great wealth. She was draped in jade jewelry and had on an obnoxiously strong amount of perfume. Although she carried a mahogany Cane she walking with no limp or hobble.

"Can I help you Madame?" Asked Shifu trying not to gag at the stench of the tiger's perfume.

"Yes." The tiger glanced down at Shifu. "I suppose you can.. I'm looking for my niece. I was told she was here."

Shifu and the remaining five warriors all looked at Tigress, whose color had completely drained from her face.

"Aunt Xui Mei ?"


The remaining warriors stared speechless.

"Aunt?" Viper was the first to regain ability to speak. "I thought you said that your family was no more."

"My parents were killed by bandits when I was four and I was sent to live with my aunt." Tigress spoke softly, still in shock. "I ran away after six months."

"And I've been searching for you ever since." Xui Mei spat. "And just look at you, wearing men's clothes, Kung fu. Why your father would die of shame if he saw you now."

"Aunt Xui Mei….I…"

"No I have been searching for 15 years for you Tigress." The older tiger glared down at her niece. "It is time you stopped this foolish rubbish."

"But my training." Tigress looked at her aunt with pleading eyes.

"Is over, this is not your place. You are 19 you should have been married by now." Xui Mei tapped her cane on the ground. "Your place is by your husband, fulfilling his wishes and baring sons,. That is your place. That is how you will restore our family's honor."

"Ha! Tigress married." Po doubled over with laughter. "I pity the poor man that tries to boss her around."

The others snickered

Xui Mei glared at the panda and Tigress kept her eyes on the ground.

Shifu had had enough. Who was this woman. Coming in here trying to take his best student, well second best student.

"Madame I am Tigress's master and legal guardian. I and only I can decide whether she has to marry."

"Master you may be but I am a blood relative and since Tigress was originally placed into my care your legal guardianship has been stripped as of now." Xui Mei stared down her nose at the small kung fu master.

Shifu sighed "You are right."

"Master no" Tigress pleaded to the red panda.

"I'm sorry Tigress. You and your aunt are welcome to stay at the Jade Palace as long as you wish."

"Excellent, Tigress show me to my room." Xui Mei looked at the remainder of the furious five and the dragon warrior. "Stop gawking and make yourselves useful, my bags are still in the carriage."


Soooooo. First chapter down. Heheh, this idea kinda hit me while I was in Spanish. Yes I felt it was necessary for Tai Lung to be that flirty…Builds for great sexual tension. ^-^ R&R please and thank you!