Disclaimer I don't own yugi-oh
Chapter 17
13 Hours later
Yugi staggered from his room, hair mussed and lying tangled upon his back and face. He made his way slowly to the kitchen knowing that no one would be awake at this time and he needed Chocolate. Walking into the large spacious kitchen he headed straight for the cupboards to retrieve his special German chocolate stash that usually had him in hyperactive mode.
It took three bars before he was remotely back to himself and still he couldn't find a comfortable way to sit upon the bar stools near the counter. Swearing internally at his powers lack of restraint he stood wincing from the pulling sensation in his lower body. He just wanted to go back to bed but grimaced when he remembered that he still had to make a report to the chief. Already knowing that his uncle would notice his discomfort yugi sent a subtle string of energy to heal his sore and aching muscles and ass.
He laughed to himself thinking of the reactions of the others. Before Gyui had left he told him about the incident in the living room. He found it cute that they all wanted to practically volunteer to take his virginity. Heh they had had their chance all the years knowing him and never saying anything. Though he couldn't really blame them because for most of the time they knew each other he was under the control of the ass holes and their group. Sighing he slumped into his seat a little more being careful not to overbalance and fall off the stool.
Shaking his head he took a deep breath and stood knowing there was no reason to put off the inevitable. He made his way to the side door and into the forest to the doorway into the base. Once in the base he let the water wash away more of his fatigue and enchantments on him. His hair plastered itself to his back and face but he just pushed it away and continued to his rooms. Gaining entrance he was relieved that there were only a few people on the early morning shift and non e that knew him to well.
Changing swiftly he made his way to his uncles rooms to give his oral report before starting on the written later. Reaching the solid titanium doors he knocked twice before entering. His uncle was seated at a desk near the side of a large king size bed decked out in crimson and violet colors. It was a nice contrast that not many would expect from the man. He glanced up as Yugi entered but did not greet him beyond a small head nod letting him know he was listening.
Yugi settled himself on the bed and tried to stall for time before he had to explain what happened on the mission and what happened after at the mansion. Lying on the larger, covered bed, he stared up at the night sky view painted on the ceiling. Trying to imagine the surprise of the people around him when he told them what actually happened at the mission before Gyui took over and ravaged him. Laughing softly he swung his legs back and forth over the beds edge and whistled a slow soft tune waiting for the call to come through.
He already knew that his uncle would be asking about why he was out of contact for two days. He silently wondered if Bakura or one of the others reported after the mission. He laughed knowing that none of the guys would think to report. The sound of tea pouring signaled the finished work of his uncle. Sitting up he accepted the cup of tea as his uncle returned to his seat.
Yugi waited a moment taking a sip of tea before beginning. "Uncle I've come to give my oral report for the last two days and mission report as well."
His uncle waved his hand using the other to support his tea. Yugi cleared his throat as he spoke. "The mission was a success with no casualties and we gathered more data than previously thought. It contains the plans for several different operations around the globe that will hinder the efforts of peace in some countries as well as decimate the economy of some of the smaller countries."
Sataki glanced at his nephew and reached back to the small table behind him. He grabbed three files and handed them to his only nephew. "Here these are the reports from the agents sent on missions that were coordinated to go along with your strike."
Yugi nodded taking the files before finishing the report. "Last night my powers fully manifested as a separate person in order to …uh..well to take m-my virginitybeforei explodedfromtomuchpower."
Sataki spit out his mouth full of tea as he choked due to the last sentence out of his mouth. Wiping his mouth he glared at his blushing nephew who was trying to look anywhere but at him. "uhuhm care to repeat that at a slower speed please Yugi."
Yugi already knew that it wasn't a request but an order and blushing he repeated his sentence. "My power separated from myself and took a human form in order to relieve me of my virginity, because if it didn't I would have exploded from no release of power."
Sataki frowned but didn't comment further on the subject. "Alright how about we simply move on to the next topic shall we. I need to know what is happening with your adopted family. I have been told that you are no longer staying with the muto family, is this correct?"
Yugi nodded "Yes uncle I'm currently living with my friend Kaiba Seto and his brother Mokuba. They have allowed me to live there as long as I please since they also have become involved with the agency and have know myself for years."
Sataki raised his eyebrow in enquiry before speaking. "What has happened to the elderly Muto whom you were so close too. I know you have been taking more missions away from japan than in previous years but I thought you had simply explained your agency role to the old man."
Yugi shook his head a glower appearing on his face before it turned into a sad smile. "No uncle I have not been telling the whole truth. I have not stayed with the Muto's since before I took on more jobs. After the Egyptian Pharoh was free the Sugoku took him in as his grandson and I was treated like an unwanted mutt. To be used fro their pleasure and entertainment."
Sataki's jaw unhinged slightly before a murderous look crossed his face. Yugi began to sweat as the look turned into what his friends called the 'you-better-give-me-what-i-want-or-suffer-my-wrath-smile. "Yugi why did you not tell me this when it occurred? Hmm I could have made other arrangements and had you living alone or adopted by me."