A/N: So here it is finally. It is the rewrite of The Werewolf and the Angel. This beginning chapter you will notice is actually similar to the one I posted before, but I believe it was written with a little bit more gusto and the ending has changed slightly. The story about the Angels' have also been tweaked. Well, I won't waste anymore time so here you go!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. It belongs to Stephanie Meyer.
Summary: Seth is the last of his pack to imprint, even his sister has imprinted on someone. Six, years after the birth of Renesme, he finally imprints, but why does it have to be on a girl? If vampires and Werewolves can exist why can't Angels and demons?
Why why why?! I can't believe that out of everyone I'm the only one left that is…alone. Even Leah, who hasn't even been in the pack as long as I have, has imprinted! I'm supposed to be the most upbeat, but right now I don't know if I can handle it. I thought to myself as I walked across the yard towards the big looming white house in front of me. The path to the Cullen's was familiar as I broke the barrier of the trees and ran across the field to the gorgeous white home. I could already hear the drifting tune of Bella's lullaby seeping across the open door as I quickly shifted and pulled on the sweat pants hanging on my legs.
It was early morning, as I shook the water from my fur as I trotted up to the house. I could still feel the moisture covering the grass, but I loved the mornings, they were always the best times to run, as Jacob showed me once before. I just got done with patrol when Embry relieved me of my duty.
"Hey kid." Jake smiled, getting up from watching television with Renesme. He ruffled my hair like I w still fourteen, eliciting a small growl from my lips.
"Seth! What's up little dog?" Renesme hugged me, with Jake smirking from the nickname he made sure to call me by. We were all pleasantly surprised when Renesme matured into a young adult in six years. She was beautiful. Inheriting Bella's chocolate colored eyes, her grandfather Charlie's curly hair, and Edward's perfect facial features, she was the embodiment of beauty rivaling even Rosalie and Edward.
"Seth it's so nice for you to visit us again. Will you be joining us for breakfast?" Esme called from the kitchen preparing food for Jacob, Renesme, and hopefully myself. The motherly role fit Esme perfectly, and I can tell she loved cooking for her family.
"If you don't mind ma'am!" I cheerfully called back.
"Seth, I keep telling you to call me Esme. Please." Her laugh chimed from the kitchen.
"Oh great another dog has come to play." Rosalie said, the hostility was still there between Jacob and Rosalie I observed. That's nothing new. "At least he is tolerable and uses proper manners." A glare was sent at Jacob's back.
"You wound me Rose. I thought we could finally get along." I ducked. I didn't need to be Alice to know that something was going to be thrown at Jake's direction. A few moments later, the remote control was shattered on the floor next to me.
"Huh, I was wondering who was making me more blind than usual." Alice teased me as she floated down the stairs, coming to rest next to Jasper who was reading a book at an actual human pace...I hoped.
"Hey Seth, what brings you here? I know Jacob assigned you patrol last night." Edward asked me. Even though Edward didn't, maybe never would is the proper terminology, like the fact Jacob imprinted on his daughter, the two have gotten along better over the past six years.
"I had to go report back to the boss before I could head home." I chuckled, "There is nothing to report, just ran into Sam's pack when Brady literally tackled me to the floor." Jacob just rolled his eyes. Brady was always playful when we were in our wolf form if nothing was going on that was important. "Besides that, I just wanted to hang out." I smiled, but when I looked at Edward I knew my cover was blown. Of course he could read my mind. He knew about these worries and troubles I've been thinking about ever since Leah imprinted. I begged him not to say anything.
"Well you are always welcomed here Seth." Bella came by and placed her hand on my shoulder. It was funny being able to actually see how Bella has adapted to the vegetarian lifestyle. It seemed like she was made for it actually, the way she could move across the floor as gracefully as Rosalie, or control herself as well as Carlisle. It never ceases to astound me.
There was of course another reason why I came by. It was the news that Jacob told me a few nights ago, "I also heard your coven would be moving on soon." At that, they all just looked away. "I understand that it was about time you all moved, I heard people talking about how Carlisle doesn't age lately and it's totally cool and all, but I mean Jacob and Renesme is as much as our family as yours." Trying to justify my case, "I just...hope you all understand that if you guys take them away you are taking away our Alpha, our leader, and honestly we might have to follow you guys."
A mischievous look crossed into Renesme's eyes, "Well I don't think we will anytime soon." She said. She touched Jacob's arm, no doubt showing him what she was going to do. He nodded in agreement smiling. Renesme hasn't grown at all in the past couple of months, and by what Carlisle says she has finally reached maturity. Even though she doesn't grow, there are still parts of her that are human. When you cut her hair, it'll still take a bit of time before it would grow back, and she still can digest food like a human, actually she can eat just as much as anyone of us in the pack. It always makes me laugh when Renesme and Jacob get into an eating contest, and Renesme wins.
"What's up?" I asked them curiously, looking between the two lovers.
"Well…." Renesme started smiling. "The thing is…Jacob proposed!" She said almost jumping up and down. She flashed the golden wedding ring on her finger, and at that instant I could hear three teeth grinding in the background. Of course it was Rosalie, Bella, and Edward.
Shocked, I looked at Jacob and he had that goofy grin plastered onto his face. Even though there was a slight pain in my chest, I couldn't help but smile.. "Wow! Congratulations! That's amazing! I have to go tell everyone else!" I said turning to run out the door and shift.
"No not yet Seth!" Jacob said. I stopped abruptly having a weird itchy feeling from being interrupted mid change.
"Why not?" I pouted, even though I have been a werewolf for quite sometime, I still never let go of some childish things, like pouting. I was still the youngest and looked the youngest out of all of them being the smallest wolf out of either packs.
"Well…" Carlisle spoke up this time, as he came down the stiars wearing a button down and some slacks. "I have a visitor that should be arriving soon, and we aren't sure how well the pack would react to him." He walked at a snail's pace for a vampire. I wasn't sure if it was because he was contemplating what was happening, or because he wanted to make me feel more comfortable.
"Well what do you mean?" I didn't understand "As long as he upholds the treaty between our pack and your coven then there shouldn't be any problems." I glared. If the treaty was broken in anyway, then all of us would kill without hesitation. I don't think even Jacob would be able to resist killing another vampire even though he practically lives with them now.
"No. That won't be a problem for someone like him. I guarantee you that he will uphold the treaty." Carlisle was hiding something. Again, it was like he was contemplating the news. If this was his friend, I don't see why he was being so hesitant.
"Well then if he's a vegetarian then that's great." I beamed. Even though they were our enemies, I loved meeting new vampires, as long as they didn't drink human blood. When I looked around the room, no one confirmed what was happening.
It wasn't until Edward spoke, "He is an Angel." Edward said without hesitation. Well that's a double whammy, first Jacob then...this!? I've never seen the Cullens this flustered since Renesme was born. All of them it seemed were lost in their own thoughts, clearly trying to comprehend what this meant exactly.
"Wait…are…are you serious?" I just couldn't comprehend this. An Angel? There was no way...
"Trust us, that's how we all looked when Carlisle told us." Bella said. "But I mean honestly, with what I knew as a human to find out about this other world living among us, it didn't quite come as much of a shock as it did the rest of them."
Carlisle explained in even further detail. "I knew there was something strange about the way he was. The moment we met he asked me about my vampiric blood, and how I was surviving off of animals alone. It didn't surprise me that he was carrying a weapon, most travellers did in those days, but the weapon was made of some of the highest quality of material. He travelled lightly, and I thought maybe he was another Vampire. His eyes though…" Carlisle was looking off into another world, another time, another life, "His eyes were blue. I have wondered about him ever since he left a week later."
I just stared at Carlisle, still trying to grasp this idea that there were Angel's in this world. "Ok ok ok, wait. I still don't get it, but all I need to know now is when he will be arriving." This was a lot ot take in.
Alice was the one that announced this one, "In about three days time, the mountains from the North become hazy, so we are assuming then." This was perplexing.
"Why can't you see him?" I had to ask.
"No idea." She said, and again the frown was back onto her face.
"Then I have to go tell the pack about this, they will need to hear this. Jacob we have to meet with everyone." I said diving out the door, with Jacob right on my heels. As soon as I cleared the door, I was already shifting and took off at a running pace towards the forest. When I reached the forest I called out through the mental link, Everyone, we need to get to the cliffs now. There is a lot that needs to be discussed.
What's wrong Seth? Embry asked
What are you whining about now? Leah's mental link asked me. I growled
Obviously the rest of the pack could feel the tension rising from me as Quil interrupted the goading, Seth, buddy, you need to learn to just relax. I'm sure everything is fine.
I felt Jacob's mind enter the link and immediately his voice echoed through our heads, Get to the cliffs. Now. He said, and of course everyone shifted direction to get to the cliff as soon as possible.
As we ran, I replayed the conversation in my head between the Cullens and I. Whenever I couldn't remember what Carlisle said, Jacob was able to fill in the rest of the information. It was clear to everyone this might be bad. ! was there silent scream. It was quite irritating
I'll call Sam's pack now. Quil announced as a howl reached us from here. I flanked Jacob as he ran forward. I had to remember my place as a member of the pack at this point, making sure that there is a hierarchy within the pack, and I was not allowed to run ahead of my alpha unless told to do so.
What's wrong? I heard Sam's voice come into my own mind. As the pack leader, Sam was able to communicate with each of us if Jacob allowed it. Each of our minds to Sam though were separate and couldn't be penetrated by any of his pack members just as we couldn't directly communicate with the rest of the pack unless a mental link is formed. Right now there was a unified link between all of us, it was important for each of the members to get there say into this matter.
What happened Jacob? Sam asked as an alpha to alpha. The tension never really left between the two of them as Sam believed that Jacob had no right to have his own pack, but Jacob could not fall behind Sam now that his Alpha blood awoke after being dormant for so long. It usually didn't cause too much tension between the two of us, but I couldn't say that there weren't times where Sam looked like he was going to attack Jacob.
I'll wait till everyone is here. It is essential that each member of our packs are prepared for this. Jacob asserted himself. Sam snorted as a response, definitely not pleased at being kept in the dark.
Sam tried to make himself look a little larger, definitely trying to reassert himself as the alpha, I'm sure whatever it is, we can take care of it. He announced, and I swear I saw Jacob roll his eyes. I'm glad that the two of them weren't having a pissing contest to see who was the better alpha. Instead of responding, he let the comment slide by.
Everyone is here. I had to drag Paul by my teeth but they're all here. Quil called out to us. I could already hear the footfalls the two of them made as they ran towards us.
Ok get on with this, Quil dragged me out during a very important session…I'll stop now. I couldn't help but chuckle as I saw the look Leah gave him. Then again, none of us wanted to hear that part of Paul's relationship anyways.
We were all here now. Just beyond the edge of the forest was where the cliffs were that was the burial place of many of the past chiefs. It is here in this clearing where each pack meeting has been held. There was a fallen log laying on the edge where the pack leader, well now leaders, always stood as we all listened to what they had to say. Now though, with two alphas, there was a divide, on one side was where Jake's pack waited, and on the other side was Sam's pack. Outside of being a pack, all of us were actually still great friends, but as soon as the alpha called for us, we followed them for whatever they needed.
So Jake, what is it that we need to know about? Usually Sam was the calm and collected one, but all of us could hear that nervous tenor in his voice. The last time we needed to have a meeting like this was when the Volturi attacked those years ago.
Jake and I replayed the conversation in our head, projecting the conversation to the rest of them. The amount of shock varied from each of the wolves. Some were speechless while others, Paul mostly, growled in anticipation. Although, there was a resounding feeling each of us had.
What do you think we should do? There is nothing in our legends about dealing with an Angel. Collin asked us. We were all thinking it.
Is an Angel really such a threat that we have to go defensive. I mean in every other kind of book or source of information I've ever read, Jared was interrupted.
You read? I chirped in. Everyone just glared at me, ok maybe not the best moment to interrupt when we were talking about what to do in this situation, but I still got a small chuckle out of it.
Is that there has been no evidence of an Angel being bad...except Lucifer. Jared concluded his statement.
We can make the same argument about Vampires. Embry supplied his own input. With vampires, it's been said they just killed to feed their own needs, but the Cullens have opted out to take on a different life. Who says this Angel won't attack us? I could understand where Embry was coming from, but I just don't believe that this Angel was bad.
Even if they do, I think we could take him on. Paul supplied, obviously the one never to back down from a fight. With Jacob and Sam's pack, we have enough to take down a horde of vampires. One Angel would not be enough to kill us.
Assuming that is true, at what cost are you willing to go Paul? Sam reprimanded. Would you be willing to fight without knowing one of us might die from the encounter? We need to think about this clearly, or you will be the one to deliver the news to their family. Paul looked away, embarrassed for being scolded in front of everyone.
I think the best course of action...is to maybe listen to the Cullens on this one? Collin suggested from the back. Sam growled in response. Ok maybe not then, I'm just saying that out of all of us they probably have the most knowledge when it comes to other supernatural beings.
I agree with Collin. Brady suggested. We have no legends, or anything to go off of. Why don't we trust the Cullens? They have proven that they have the ability to be great strategists when it comes to these situations, I think they would know what to do. We all contemplated what Brady had to say, and I saw Brady and Collin share a small smile between the two of them. I tilted my head questioning the looked they share. Are we missing something there? Whatever.
This time Jacob was the one that spoke up. I already talked to the Cullens about that, and they think that it would be best if we send a group from both packs that will greet the newcomer. I've already selected Embry and Leah to join me when we meet. If that is ok with you two. He turned to his two choices.
Yeah yeah, you said in three days right? There shouldn't be a problem. Just hope this doesn't turn into a fight. Leah said, yawning at the discussion. If it's just the three of us going up against him I'd feel a little worried. The whole situation is unpredictable.
I don't have a problem. Embry was excited about it now. I've been itching to do something other than just patrol the forests anyways.
Fine. Jared and Paul you are with me. His two choices just nodded there heads in response. If it came down to a fight, these two would probably be the most useful besides Sam and Jacob. The rest of my group will be guarding La Push in case things go bad, and I'm going to assume that Jacob's pack will be guarding Forks. Jacob just grunted to tell him obviously that was the case.
All of us stayed together for another hour and a half, discussing the possibilities of what could happen. I actually tuned them out for most of it, knowing if things really got bad they would relay the information right away. Instead I sat there admiring the forest. I loved just sitting and listening to the way the forest just felt alive. The movement of the trees whispering to the animals, giving a sense of security for each of the creatures. Even I loved listening to the trees rustle with the wind, or the pitter patter of a fox stalking a rabbit, or the way a mouse might scurry underneath a tree. I loved just listening to the world around me. Even though I might have grown from that fourteen year old kid, I still felt like a kid at heart.
Eventually, we all dispersed. While the rest of the pack went back to their Imprints, besides Collin and Brady who have yet to find their soulmates, I decided to head home. I'm pretty sure Leah was headed to the beach to meet her imprint Kita. He was a native from Oklahoma, who went to the University of Washington to study medicine. He had short blonde hair with hazel eyes. Honestly, I think he is the only person that I know of that might be able to handle the tantrums that Leah sometimes throws with how calm he could be, although he was a laugh when things weren't serious. As is custom, Leah showed him her ability to Shift, and all that happened was Kita smiled and said, "That's actually pretty cool." Then proceeded to try to jump on Leah's back. I almost died of laughter.
I felt every one shift back into their human forms, and I could finally let out my joy at actually meeting an Angel. I mean the thought of it was exciting to be able to actually meet something so revered in all mythological text. I took an interest in the mythology after the first time I shifted, learning that some of these things probably had some fact to them.
As I arrived at my home, I shifted and climbed through my window. I put on a pair of sweatpants, I forgot I ripped my other ones already, and went to the kitchen where my mom was already beginning to cook dinner.
My mother smiled at me as I sat on top of the counter. "Seth, what did I tell you about sitting on the counter?" I quickly jumped off, before she smacked me with a wooden spoon, again. She silently laughed, and smiled before speaking again. "So what happened at the meeting?" She asked. Being a member of the council, she would eventually hear, but I told her everything about what happened this morning.
Excitedly I began discussing about what the Cullens said, and how they would be arriving in three days. Then informed her about the course of action we were taking and the precautions that were being made. "We are just worried that we don't actually have any stories on these kind of supernatural beings." I gave an exasperated sigh, picking up an apple and chewing on it thoughtfully.
She turned back to the stove, stirring what I could only describe as potato soup. My mom was cooking a roast with potato soup and corn on the cob, enough to feed a group of ten. I'm assuming Leah and Kita were coming over. "Actually there is a story, one that I heard when I was a little girl." I turned to her, finishing my apple already.
"Really?! I thought that we heard all the stories?" I curiously asked.
"There isn't much, because this story was lost from time. I only found it in an ancient text of the Quileute, but most of it was ripped out, or worn away." She took out the roast from the oven and handed it to me to place it on the table. I didn't even feel the scalding metal as it seared into my skin. "As a councilman I made sure to memorize the story. The story starts out during the ancient times of the spirit warriors a young chief, the name wasn't given, wondered about the source of their powers. Apparently, there were things that happened during this time, but I can't tell you what as this chunk of the book was ripped out. All we know is the chief wandered through the world, searching until he came upon a group of strange beings in the 'Forbidden Lands.' The script describes them as 'Humans with the wings of a falcon'.
Stunned for a second, one of these humans turned to our chief and spoke, 'You have travelled far child.'
The chief replied, 'You are able to see my ethereal body?'
'Of course chief of the spirit men known as the Quileutes. The Spirit Warriors.' Another of the humans said, 'It seems our magic has found protectors of their own.'
'Your magic? These forms were given to us from the gods were they not?' The chief was eager it seems to finally be getting some answers.
'Indeed they were, in a sense.' The group smiled. 'The magic we left to grow in the Earth has chosen it's guardians.'
The chief finally got his answers, 'Before Humans began populating the world and the rest of us left, we wrote a spell into the ground of your lands to guard and protect against demons of all kinds. Those of us left that took part in that ancient pact have given up our divine protection and have fallen to help protect this world.' It says that the group lifted themselves up into the sky, leaving the young chief to ponder these questions, but not before the voice told him. 'Now return to your tribe child. Grow and live your lives just as we intended.'
My mother ended her story and I was a little startled that we none of us have heard this story before. "Why aren't any of the others told this story?" I asked her, as I continued helping her in the kitchen.
"Because we don't know if these stories are actually true. The book was written when the tribe began shifting into their animal form. These stories from the book might not be accurate, so the council have forbidden these stories to be told to the children. Now though, I think it's about time to share this story to your generation." My mother explained. She was just getting the rest of the table set up now.
I just contemplated the extent of this story. "Do you believe the story?" I finally asked.
She just smiled, "I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. There have been crazier things in our world, and I believe that stories and legends are here to teach the next generation." She just laughed as I gave an exasperated sigh.
"Thanks for telling me mom, but I don't think that story helped me. It just confused me more." I shook my head as she continued laughing. I loved my mom.
For the next three days, our battle plans were solidified. I was stationed to protect Charlie, by request of Bella and Billy Black. The forests near his home gave ample protection from any wandering eyes, and if anything were to approach, I would be able to hear it from miles away.
We also decided that those of us not attending the meeting would remain in our human form. This was a strategy brought up by Sam. None of us understood the power of an Angel and if it was anything like Jane or Alec's from the Volturi where they penetrate the mind of the individual, it might become a liability if they are able to affect all of the pack through the link. This was another reason why they wanted to make sure I was on guard duty, if anything were to approach I had the best hearing to judge whether it is a friend or a foe.
Instead of just waiting on the ground, I decided the best course of action was to leap into a tree, and rest until I was called into action. The meeting was going to be in an hour, and I knew everyone was already making their way to the same clearing we confronted the Volturi in. It was odd though, it seemed like there was this pull towards the meeting area, like I needed to be there. I wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but I felt like my pack needed me. All I could do was ignore the pull as it got stronger the more time passed.
After two hours, the force that kept tugging at my heart grew unbearable. I knew something happened as the force began to pull in a new direction, and it continued moving. Worry began to etch into my mind, but I knew I couldn't move until someone came for me. Please, be alright guys… I had to pray to whatever being was listening. I wanted to run. I needed to run to wherever this strange pull was taking me, luckily I wouldn't have to wait any longer as I could hear the soft footfalls. It was too loud to be a normal sized wolf, and the running seemed too collected to be anyone but Leah.
Without hesitating I leaped from my perch and shifted in the air landing on my feet, rushing to meet Leah. Seth! Leah shouted in my head. She sounded frantic, something went wrong. You need to get to the hospital, Sam and Jacob got hurt.
How?! What happened?! I kicked the power in, and ran as fast as I could to the hospital. They must have taken them to Forks General Hospital, since the Cullens still weren't allowed on the Reservation.
I don't know myself. The worry in her voice just amplified my own feelings, making me run that much faster. One minute, Issac was pulling out his sword, and I guess it triggered something in the two of them as they leaped towards him in an instant. Now though they are stuck in mid-shift writhing in agony. Everyone is trying to help, but I had to go get the others.
I'm going to kill this Issac, Angel or not. I growled. No one hurts my fucking alpha and gets away with it.
Seth, just shut up and think about how you would fend against an opponent Sam and Jacob fell against. Leah ordered. Move your ass to the hospital, I have to go get Emily. That was all I got from her as she began mumbling to herself about some idiotic brother, thinking he's hot shit. Whatever, I'm not going to listen to her.
I neared the hospital and found Alice waiting for me. "I knew you were coming." She informed me. I just growled. If she didn't move out of my way, I might just rip an arm off or something. "Seth, relax. Jacob is ok." Pulling out a pair of sweatpants, she placed it on the floor. The news that Jacob was fine though calmed me down significantly. "I knew you were going to overreact, and thought you might need some pants to wear." I just nodded. I ripped my sweats when I shifted before. "Everyone is on the third floor since it was empty due to a lack of patients. JAcob is in room 305, and Sam is in room 310. Carlisle says no one should bother them there, and Edward already programmed the elevator to skip the third floor. I'll see you there." And then she was gone.
I shifted and pulled on the extra pair of sweats, thanking Alice. Running into the hospital, I just passed the reception desk and found the stairwell. Taking the steps two at a time it didn't take me long to reach the third floor. Bursting through the doors, I felt this odd feeling pass through my body, but again I ignored it until I burst the door open to Jacob's room.
He looked like hell. His usually dark toned skin looked pale on his body as sweat was breaking out across his forehead. By what Leah told me though, at least he was in his human form. His breathing was shallow, but even. The room was empty, but I could hear everyone down the room, something was happening but I didn't care. I let the veil drop and let my emotions get the better of me. I walked over to his bed and began wiping the sweat off his brow with a cold wet towel next to his bed. I smiled softly at the way he smiled even through the pain, and couldn't help but have my heart skip a beat.
It was stupid falling in love with Jacob.
I couldn't help it though. Jacob made me feel like I was someone other than a member of his pack. I can't explain why I ended up falling for my alpha, my leader, my friend, but all I know is that whenever he smiled at me my heart seemed to start racing. His touch was always warm against my skin, and he made me feel like I meant something to the world. Especially after all those times together in the woods…
Jacob groaned and his eyes seemed hazy, but he looked at me and smiled, "Thanks Nessie…the cold water actually feels nice…" He smiled before closing his eyes and going back to being asleep. I pulled the cloth away and just shut my eyes willing the tears to go away. I thought if I was here this tugging force in my heart would go away. But seeing Jacob like this the pull was just worst now. I didn't even hear the footsteps coming from down the hall, or the voices drifting in underneath the door.
"I have to check on Jacob first. Hopefully he is in better condition." A foreign voice said, and the door turned. The feeling in my heart just grown to be painful as I slowly turned my head to watch the door as it swung open.
The tears stopped, and my life shattered before me.
A/N: So there it is. The introduction to the new version of this story. I hope you all like it, because I'm enjoying this one more than I would like to. Let me know in a review please. They always make me feel better.