Chapter 5: Chibi, Naraku, and Orochimaru Together!

*phone rings*

Chibi-chan: Yes! You finally called me back after 364 messages!

Naraku: Hold on I want to three -way it.


Naraku:Not what I meant! Just let me connect the phone lines…

Chibi-chan: Yeah, Yeah!

Naraku: Calls Orochimaru

Orochimaru: picks up the phone Kobuto is that you? I have been waiting all day for you to bring me my face make-up…

Chibi-chan: I KNEW IT!

Naraku: snorts I always knew you where a girl.

Orochimaru: O///O shut up both of you!

Chibi-chan: anyway as I was saying it is time to take my revenge on Sesshoumaru and Kagome check earlier chapters MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Naraku and Orochimaru: O.O ookay so what are we suppose to do?

Chibi-chan: be my minions what else?

Naraku: why should i?

Orochimaru: Yea!

Chibi-chan: Ohh you will because I have embarrassing pictures from last years Christmas party!

Naraku: Nooooooooo! falls to the ground sucking on their thumbs

Chibi-chan: that's right prosterate yourselves before me!

Naruto: what have you been eating?

Naraku: Go AWAY! throws a turtle shell at him …. Stupis fox go find your box…

Orochimaru: what do you want my master?

Chibi-chan: Ahhh finally you see my way of things. starts whispering to them in a low voice
