I am so sorry! I really forgot about this story! I just reread it and noticed that I had written 'To Be Continued…' so here I go!


"Um…" a familiar voice broke the silence.

Hermione seemed to realize someone was there before I did. I was flung off the chair.

"Harry!" she cried breathlessly.

HARRY?! Bloody Hell. Why didn't I think of him? He's gonna be so mad. He's gonna… I dunno! He's gonna be pissed! I feel so stupid.

"Hey, Hermione. Hey, Ron," His cold, empty voice made my stomach feel empty as well.

Hermione seemed to be trying to figure him out, as well. She looked at me with a curious look and glanced back at Harry to say his name again. It felt terrible to see her look so guilty. I wanted to tell Harry it was my fault when his face puffed up and turned bright red.

"Harry! Are you alright?" I cried. I no longer cared what the situation was. Something was wrong, and I didn't want him to be sorry about it.

"Harry, I'm so sorry!" Hermione whimpered.

All of a sudden, a burst of laughter tickled the air. I jumped, realizing it was Harry. He doubled over, laughing like a hyena.

"God, Harry. What the bloody hell is up with you? Are you like, bipolar or something?"

This is ridiculous! First he's all stony and cold and now he's all giggly? This is so bloody weird!

Harry finally subsided his laughter. "It's about time, you two! Do you know how much everyone's been talking about you?"


"You don't m-mind that we're…" said Hermione, stumbling over her words.

"Of course not! I've been waiting, actually. I knew it would happen eventually,"

I smiled with Hermione.

"Come on, mate. I'm glad you're not screaming at us or something. But, that's wasn't funny!" I squeaked. "At first, I thought you were gonna kill me!"

"Of course not, Ron," Harry play punched me.

I smiled again. How could things possibly get any better than this?