Of course, as stated before, I do not own Spider-Man or X-Man in any shape or form.

Thoughts *sdfg*

Talking "ahsdjf"

After Peter had been re-patched by the lovely Jean Gray, he found himself back at The Professor's office again. Which Logan had the absolute pleasure in escorting Peter there once more. Which meant that both Peter and Logan had to put up with over inquisitive onlookers as they made there way back up…Joy.. (note the sarcasm).


So here he was sitting in a chair waiting for whatever questionnaire that he may have to answer in a somewhat spacious room. Looking about to get a clearer and a bit more detailed idea of what his surroundings may consisted of besides priceless objects. As Peter categorized potential weaponry uses for certain objects in the room and advantage points to the room, he could hear the annoying sunglasses guy bounded into the room. *Wonderful*, thought Peter, *Just what I need to deal with, an over cautious conspiracy theorist with a twist of jerk.*


Professor! WHY is that guy (pointing at Peter) Still HERE?! (this is Scott in case you didn't catch on) AS I SAID BEFORE HE COULD BE A GREAT DANGER TO THE OTHER CHILDREN ….mumpgagjkh djfkghla u SJKDHFGLJHS!


Peter sat there with a slight satisfied smile on his face as he watched the young man in front of him struggle to speak around the webbing on his mouth.


Logan practically had an hysterical fit when he saw Scott pulling fruitlessly at the gunk on his mouth so that he could either a, continue ranting or b, say I told you so to Chuck.


Peter just sat and watched the entertaining show before he turned to the Professor and asked "So what do you wish to talk about or know?"

Pretty short but I figured since I will update another chapter in a day or so that leaving it like this would be okay. Now sick, tired, and worn out writer shall go to sleeppppppppp……