Please don't kill me! I am very sorry that it has taken me so long to update this story. I won't bore you with my pathetic life and why it has taken me so long. Instead I offer this chapter as a peace offering and a promise that I will finish this story no matter what! Thanks to any and all who have read and/or reviewed this story. I love you guys. P.S. Bolded text means the character is thinking those phrases. Now on with the story.
~Alika Jones~
I don't own Cats or its characters but if I did… (Goes off into day dream)
Daphne ran. She had no idea where she was going or even where she was. All she knew was that she needed to get away before Mister and those other cats caught her. Tripping over some wayward junk, Daphne hit the dirt hard. Spitting dirt and grit from her mouth, Daphne struggled to her feet. But she barely made it three more steps before she collapsed to her knees. Half sobbing, half panting Daphne slumped down with her back to the nearest pile of junk as she clutched at a stitch in her side. Burying her face into her hands Daphne let her emotions over take her as she began to cry.
"Where am I? How the hell I am going to get out of this mess? I was supposed to work today at three. What time is it? If I can get home maybe I can call in sick….But the rent is due tomorrow and I am still short about fifty bucks….
I wonder where Mister is? Is he looking for me? Who were those other cats with him? What will they do if they find me? What am I going to do? Where am I going to…?"Daphne's head shot out of her hands. Something had moved in the nearby junk. Wiping the tears hurriedly from her eyes, Daphne peered around her carefully. She didn't know where the noise had come from but she didn't want to be caught off guard by another one of those cats or anything else for that matter. Who knew what else lurked in this junkyard. Another noise came from the junk, nearer this time. But Daphne couldn't see anything. Feeling slightly scared, Daphne jumped to her feet and began to back out of the section of the junkyard that she was in.
A hand descended on Daphne's shoulder. Now Daphne was by no means a strong person but sheer terror and self defense classes are a great strength booster. Grabbing the hand, Daphne bent her knees and pulled. WHAM! The smaller grey cat flew over her and landed hard on the ground. Daphne turned only to discover Mister and the large grey cat blocking her only exit. Snarling she backed up.
Misto sighed internally. He could tell that Daphne was tired, hungry, and above all scared. He hadn't wanted that. Misto knew deep down that Daphne's reaction was only natural but he had hoped that her reaction would have been calmer, even happy. "Yeah right Misto! You turned her into a giant cat and took her away from her home. What did you expect? A hug and a kiss?"
Misto shook his head and tentatively took a step toward the hissing queen. She hissed louder and extended her claws. Misto held his paws in front of him showing that he wasn't going to try anything. "Daphne, can we please just talk?"
She tried to claw at his face but he grabbed her wrists. Screaming is frustration Daphne struggled against his grip. Misto looked down at his slightly shorter owner; tears were streaming down her face as she screamed up at him. She looked so lost. Before he knew what he was doing he had dropped her paws and pulled her close to his chest. Daphne's screams stopped as she stiffened in Misto's embrace. "I'm sorry," Misto whispered so softly that Daphne couldn't be sure that he had even spoken.
But then. "I'm so sorry. I was just trying to help. I didn't mean it to turn out like this. I just….I just wanted to help." Misto words were soft and sincere that Daphne couldn't help but melt into his embrace. Sobbing into his chest, they both went down to their knees as Misto the cradled crying queen.
Muskustrap smiled slightly as he watched his younger brother cuddled with his former human owner. She had cried herself out in a matter of minutes and was no sleeping in Misto's arms. He gently picked her up and exited the small junkyard clearing with their father walking at his side. Munk started to follow them when the hair all along his back stood on end. Someone was watching them. Muskustrap whirled around and glared into the surrounding refuge. Nothing. But some sixth sense told Munk that someone was there. Teeth bared and claws extended Munk backed out of the clearing after his family and the new queen.
"See Boss, it's just like me and Javier said, aint it? Aint she a beauty?" A load smack sounded and a small rumpled cat flew from one pile of junk and into another. A larger grey tabby jumped out of the junk quickly and went to stand by the entrance to the clearing. Out of the junk stalked another cat, but unlike his two companions he was not grey. Far from it. This cat's fur was a zigzagged array of red, orange, black, and white. He walked with an arrogant swagger and an innate grace that would intimate anyone. His eyes were the deepest black with no trace of warmth in them. To be quite frank he looked like a centuries old devil who had just been released to plague and destroy the earth.
"Javier, I suggest you teach your rather dim-witted younger brother to shut up!" The devil cat sat and stretched in the warm dirt of the clearing. "But he dose have a point. The "magician's" little queen is quite a catch. Much too good a catch for that little whelp! I will just have to relieve him of her."
Macavity jumped to his feet and pointed a jagged claw at Javier. "Follow them and be sure not to be seen. Take your little idiot along too. I want a full report tomorrow morning. No get out of my sight!" Javier and the small rumpled cat shot out of the clearing. They had learned the hard way what the Boss did to stragglers.
Macavity listened to their retreating footsteps until they faded from his hearing. Crossing to an old refrigerator the Napoleon of Crime ran his claws up and down the scarred metal. Watching the sparks fly off the metal as he raked his claws along it the cat smiled. This time there would be no screw-ups. He would make sure of it!
Hahahahaa. I AM DONE WITH THIS DAMN CHAPTER!!!! It is now one in the morning and I am a little wired!!!!
I HATED THIS CHAPTER (if you couldn't tell)! It was not cooperating with me at all. I have rewritten it about 13 times trying to make it work the way I wanted it to. Finally I just decided to leave well enough alone. So sorry if it sucks. Is there a beta reader in the house?!? Cause I'm really thinking about getting one. Anyway I am now going to go pass out on my bed. Good night! Oh review, please! (puppy dog eyes)
~Alika Jones~