It was a cold rainy night.

It seemed to always be cold and rainy now.

But it has been only fifty years since the sun shined.

The slayers think it is because the evolution of the banshees. And if they kill all of them the sun will shine again.

It is not that the sun is not shining. Not at all.

It is that the rain clouds have been in the way.

They have always been in the way.

Just like the vampires were.

They were executed like rabid animals.

Once on sight they were shot, or cut down.

And once word gets out, all the hunters grab at their own guns and go a hunting.

Only few know of the tragedy of the vampires.

But vampires weren't the first rabid animal they found.

No there was the only beings that would have a harder time looking human... especially on full moons.

Of course I am speaking of the only men that howled at the moon... werewolves.

Though there is probably more out there in hiding.

Maybe trying to recuperate and once again be at the hight of the food chain.

You see, vampires and werewolves don't turn others into them by biting as myth is told.

Nope, only one who is born one of them is a natural. And the way to become a vampire or werewolf with out being born one it to drink its blood. Though they are unnatural they were vampires completely with the powers and sharp teeth as one would say. Werewolves with the wolf exterior on full moons, with the ability to turn into a wolf on sight.

Yeah. Sometimes life gets a wee bit complicated.

But only a bit, as the slayers want it.

And they will destroy everything until there is no complications.

Yet have they known that they just make more complications.

With more beings trying to survive.

With more reasons to fight.

With more reasons to lie.

With more reasons to die.

With more reasons to have these reasons.

Or yet. Just for the hell of it.


I was in the library. But hell be it if I ever came back.

Everything had to be so complicated.

First I had to look it up in alphabetical. Then look for the the bookcase, and I have never noticed how many book cases we had here before. I didn't even think we had this many books.

Well, after I found the the stupid bookcase, I had to look for some books about vampires. And they barely had shit about them. I found only one book. And it looks so old and beaten, even burned. It seemed at any moment if I touch it just a wee bit to rough it will turn to dust.

I can so see why Rukia gets assigned to library duty. Hell, I didn't even put her books away. I just left them on the librarian's desk.

I sat down at the table closest to the book self. So I wouldn't destroy the book before I get to the self (well, that and I am to lazy to go get a better spot).

I opened to the first page and noticed it was hand written.

Must have been real old.

All it had was an author's note to the person it was dedicated to.

It was hard to make out small smudged handwriting but after a few minutes of squinting and bringing the book closer to my face I made out:

'To my beloved vampire,

Ishida Ryuuken'

Ishida... hmm... it didn't seem like a common family name. Yet it seems like I should know this name. Like it will be important in the future.

Oh, well. I will figure it out later.

Flipping the pages and reading what I could, I have learned a bit from this book. As old as it may be, It was a very good source.

I learned:

That it was a trait for vampires to have blue eyes and wear glasses.

They CAN walk out in the sunlight. It has no affect on them.

They are weak against animal sickness.

They are immune to cancer. (damn them)

They can live to then end of eternity (meaning they have immortal age)

I still don't know if garlic works against them or not....

But I also have learn the cross doesn't work against them. If anything, it helps them.

That was as far as I could go. Besides the fact I was tired, the rest of it had been ripped out, and burned.

It looked like some one didn't want anyone to read the rest of it.

Maybe not the rest of it but the whole thing... maybe the other vampire books had been burned and this one was lucky.

But who would want to eliminate all known knowledge about them?

And why?

Why the hell did they have to make it so complicated?


eh, sorry it took so long to update, my cat (looks at dove with the evil eye whilst Dove just casually sits there) spilled water on my keyboard and broke it... then my mom wanted to sell the black one I got after the water spilled one so she made me take the friggen thing out of my computer and I broke it cause I was made.... then the next one didn't have a space bar (pretty much useless without one) so Peter (me father) cut the wires to the black and the space less one to see if he could switch them round (I don't know about all the wiring crap and whatever) to figure out the space less one to small.....and many of you don't have this problem but I need the down and enter key to turn on my computer which the space less one had until he cut it..... so I'm like flipping out at him and he... is just being him.... then we went searching for a keyboard...and found a laptop!..... which is what I am currently using to type this long and ridiculous message =D so yeah.........

sorry for the long excuse and delay. But I hope you like this chapter..... I rather do..... and I think I did better on this chapter than any other I did before..... and sorry for the no warning and disclaimer and shit... but this laptop has to be plugged in at all times and every time I was typing this..... I would accidentally unplug it and have to start all over... which sucks.... but I hope you did enjoy this louzy excuse for a chapter... though I am good at coming up with excuses... I just can't seem to get a good one for being late.... hehe