
Violet Finch-Fletchley knows that she is a passionate person. Everything she does is full of her enthusiasm for life and all of its wonders; from her artwork to her clothing to the way she brushes her teeth.

Therefore, it's only natural that the ways she expresses her affection are exuberant, chaotic, and even sometimes hurtful to the people she cares about.

But while other people tend to flinch and whimper at her playful (or is it painful?) bats and cuffs and slaps to the head and arm and shoulder, Dean simply tosses his head back and laughs. He is just as passionate as she is, and when he tugs on her ponytail and smears blue paint on her cheek, he makes her feel funny in a way that no one else ever has.

She isn't sure when she falls in love with Dean Thomas (that's a lie). But sometime in between his paintbrush sweeping against her skin and her accidentally-on-purpose knocking him in the head with her palette in retaliation, her grin gets wider and his hands brush hers and her heart seems ready to burst, like a balloon filled too fast.

Violet loves him far too quickly (or maybe far too easily) but she'll love him with as much passion as she feels for everything else.

And to her (for now, anyways), that's all that matters.