
I don't own anything so don't sue me.

Chapter four.


"So, what got you upset?" The man asked before taking a sip of his tea. The younger boy that sat across form him rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands.

"I, I don't think I can continue making those herbal bath powders Kisuke-san."

"Why not?" the other asked, his rejection to the idea showing in his face. Hanatarou shook his head.

"I can't say."

"Why not?" He asked again.

"It's just, I mean, let's just say that my sake depends on it. If I don't stop now I don't think I'll survive school."

Kisuke shook his head and leaned back, his arm supporting his weight from behind. "Is something bothering you?"

"Not… really."

The sandy blonde man eyed him suspiciously. "Hanatarou, remember how I told you that the two women I know (Kuukaku and Yoruichi) are going to come by tomorrow?"


Well, if I say that you don't have anything for her, then your sake (and my own) will be in danger. Especially Kuukaku. If something displeases her, then she'll do something about it whether if it's in her power or not."

"But, Kisuke-san, I can't. If I continue, then I–"

"Then what?"

Hanatarou swallowed hard. "Then, I'll be taken advantage of." He said quietly. It was the best he could do, he couldn't just say that he was being black mailed. But little did he know that when Kisuke heard that he got completely different ideas.

"Take… advantage of you?" He asked, trying his best not to sound angry. Hanatarou nodded.

"He, he said that if I don't do as he says he'll tell the school what I'm doing."

"This is a man? But you're not doing anything wrong."

"I told him that, but he'll make it look like I'm in the drug business."

Kisuke could only shake his head. "Well, don't worry. But seriously, you have to make at lest three packets for each person that's going to come tomorrow. And if that person keeps threatening you I'll do something about it… and about that, did he make you do anything yet?"

"… Yes."


"He made me clean his room."

Kisuke broke a sweat at this. Well, at least it wasn't being handcuffed to a bed and… he stopped his thoughts there.

"And, when I was done, I came across this room, and…"


Hanatarou gave a shiver. "Someone had died there. And I have to go back there, to that house." The student began shaking. "Kisuke-san, I don't want to, it's, it's terrible. I don't know what happened in that house, but it's creepy, and I don't think I'll be safe there…" The boy couldn't finish his sentence, instead he could only shake, holding both shoulders. Kisuke pulled his hat over his eyes.

"Hana-kun, if it makes you feel any better, would you like to stay the night?"


"Not bad Ganju. I thought that it would be in worse condition, but the place's sparkling clean." She said as she made her way around the house, the younger of the two siblings following behind her.

"So, Aneki, I made seafood curry for tonight's dinner, is that okay?"

"Does it have squid in it?"


"Good. But now that I think about it, I guess I could use some red wine too."

"Wine doesn't go good with curry Aneki."

"Shut up, I want what I want. Do we have any in storage?"

"The ones you put in storage are still there."

"Good, speaking of storage, I'll be checking the basement as well, it better be clean."

"B-But Aneki!"

"I don't want any fucking excuses Ganju! I've been away for three months now and I told you before I left that I want to come home to a clean house. Not only that, but you're living under my fucking care, under my friggin' roof, and friggin' rules, and my own, frucking, house. If you can't do what I tell you to, you can get the hell out." She said, giving her younger brother a murderous glare, of course, Ganju didn't object, but nodded instead.

"Y-yeah, I understand." Came the weak reply, pleasing the older woman.

"Good, now go get me my wine."

He nodded again and made his way to the room at the end of the corridor and walked over to the back right corner and pulled out the tatami. Underneath, there was a knob that he pulled, revealing a door and letting himself in to the wine storage.

"Shit, this place is dusty as hell, and half of the bulbs are still broken… If only that brat didn't run for it I would've had him fix this place up too." Ganju grumbled as he made his way to the racks where his sister's beloved wine was. Grabbing a bottle at random he made his way back into the room, brushing off the cobwebs that littered his shoulders. Maybe he could get his sister so drunk that she would forget everything, and not check the basement tonight.




The two stared at each other as they stood in the middle of the empty street. The younger holding a plastic bag filled with his own necessities and the other holding a black folder, looking responsible as usual with his spectacles resting on the bridge of his nose.

"So… you're headed home?" The scar-faced senpai asked, the younger boy shifted his gaze but gave a smile. He didn't want anyone knowing that he had any sort of connection with Ganju besides being bullied by him.

"I am, but why are you out here?"

"Ah, I had a few things to do. A number of places and people I had to attend to. Took nearly the entire afternoon." He said with a sigh. Hanatarou gave a small chuckle.

"But Hisagi-senpai, how do you finish all of your home work if you have so much to do in the day?"

"I do it at the library before I leave school."

"You can finish it there?"

"As long as you concentrate."

Hanatarou gave a sheepish smile. "Ah, I'm quite jealous and envious. I get distracted easily so it takes me a while to get everything done." The younger boy said, scratching the back of his head. The spectacles gave a glint at this.

"Say, Yamada-kun. If you're having trouble, I could always help you out."

The said boy looked up with a surprised expression. "R, Really? You would do that?"

Shuuhei gave a smile. "If it helps, then of course. Do you think you can meet me in the third row in section C tomorrow after class?"

Hanatarou was about to say yes, but then Ganju came to mind, damping his thoughts. "I… I don't think I can…"

"Is there something wrong? We can always do it the next day."

"No, it's not that. I just… have to go somewhere… right away…"

"At the end of every school day?"


"What about the weekends?"

"I'm not so sure about then either. I'm sorry, I really don't think we can–"

"Then how about now?" He asked, cutting the boy off. There was a hint of desperation in his voice, but Hana didn't catch it.


"If you're free for the rest of the day, you can come over."

"But what about your parents?"

"No worries there, I live alone."

The boy bit his bottom lip and thought for a moment, not noticing the eyes that were set on it. Well, he did agree to staying at Kisuke-san's, but he could give him a phone call and say that he would be studying at a friend's house and he would be late (the shop keeper was always kept in his room anyway.) Hanatarou smiled.

"Well, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, then may I?"

Shuuhei smiled and took a step closer to the younger student. "It would be my pleasu–"


Both turned around, clearly startled, only to face an angry delinquint.
