I was "Gold3Tenshi3Tsubasa," but I then realized how... childish that name sounded, how it sounded as if I didn't put much thought into it (which I probably didn't), and so I changed my name to "BunnyZesaika-Chan"!

Anyways, please welcome my new fan fiction of CCS! I actually did plan out this story, along with doing some research so I sound like I actually know what I'm writing about. The title took me forever to think of, even if it wasn't such a big deal. I really want to impress some readers and I'm trying to improve my writing skills.

-Lone Crescent-

Summary: A suicidal-playboy Syaoran had been forced to see a therapist. That therapist is an unprofessional Sakura. But despite the lack of experience, Sakura will somehow heal the young man in another way… Love. SxS AU

Please take the time to read and review! (Leave praise, criticism, or anything else.) Like any other author says: Reviews make me write the next chapter faster!


Suicide is our way of saying to God, "You can't fire me, I quit!"

Bill Maher

I held the small picture frame in my hands, displaying with honor the Masters Degree I've come to earn. I was sitting in my rather comfy armchair, leaning against it as I told myself, Don't screw up, Kinomoto Sakura! Or else you will have to admit to that stupid brother of yours that you were never right for this therapist job!

I stood up, my heels clicking against the tile as I set the frame behind my desk. My mouth twitched as I noticed the frame tilt sideways. I fumed and tried to fix it. It kept tilting sideways.

I rolled my eyes and just sat back into my armchair, slumping. I toyed with my pens, papers, and computer keyboard as I tried to find something to do. Where was Tomoyo anyway!?

I gave a loud sigh as I took in the view of my office once more. The door was right beside me, and in the middle of the room were two large, maroon sofas that were separated by a small dark brown coffee table. My eyes darted to the windows that overtook half of the right side of the room. I could see one of the employees making out with Tomoyo's male secretary in one of the distant building. Again.

Great. Maybe if my clients were having a bad day, I could tell them to turn around and watch what these people do practically every single day. I'm sure I could get a smirking twitch from one of them.

I was admiring the fascinating paintings in my room when the graceful Tomoyo came in, startling me with her infamous laugh.

"Oh! Sakura-chan!" She squealed, taking my hand and bringing me to my feet, twirling me around the room. I smacked my leg once or twice on the furniture, though I don't think Tomoyo noticed my yelps.

"Happy twenty-first birthday!" She finally said as we came to halt, then she threw myself onto me, holding me tightly.

"T-Thank you, Tomoyo... this is really the best birthday present!" I said cheerfully, ignoring the pain as Tomoyo slowly increased the tightening hug.

After what seemed like hours of painful hugging, Tomoyo let me go and smiled, the smile made her face glow, "You are lucky that I own many departments and was able to get you this job!"

I nodded, sitting on the sofa, "And you know I'm truly grateful..."

She quickly sat down by me, taking my hands into hers as she gave me a desperate look, "Just make it up to me by wearing cute clothing that I made especially for you, Sakura-chan!"

I grimaced but composed myself into an awkward smile, "Anything for you..."

"Omoidasuba... Haruka, Ha-aruka!" sang Utada Hikaru's Passion ringtone. I turned from Tomoyo's pleading eyes and got my cell out, a gentle smile brimming into my features as I read the text.

Happy Birthday, Love.

Tonight let's have dinner at that new Sushi bar

they opened a few blocks from my Cafe. I for-

got what it was called... Anyways, Congrats on

your job and let's meet at 7:00.


Tomoyo giggled as a blush slowly crept onto my cheeks, "Remind him to wear a condom after the date!"

"Tomoyo!" I snapped, mortified. Though we both laughed it off.

Ichihara and I had been dating for six months now. Even though Ichi and I haven't really talked about sex, I'm sure it's been creeping on the back of his mind for the last few weeks... Thanks to Tomoyo's kinky shopping.

Tomoyo patted my leg, snapping me out of La La Land, "Well, hopefully clients start pouring into your services!" She smiled encouragingly.

I nodded, "Hai!"

Eriol readjusted his glasses as they slid down the bridge of his nose once more. He kept on his business, writing things on his clipboard for the meeting later on tonight as beautiful girls laughed at another joke Syaoran had told. They had their hands touching every part of his body. Though, to the ladies' disappointment, those parts were covered up in clothing. Eriol could tell Syaoran was getting irritated with it.

Should I save his ass? Eriol thought, a smirk coming across his face as Syaoran managed a glare towards him.

Then a women's finger was drawing lazy circles on the zipper of Syaoran's black pants. Eriol stopped himself from laughing and thought that this was enough sexual harassment for one day.

He carefully stood up, putting the clipboard in between his arm and side, "Well ladies, I think Syaoran is very tired today and unfortunately has to go."

The ladies looked up at Eriol with pleading eyes and "awwed" their disappointment, while Syaoran quickly stood up, letting out a silent sigh of relief.

Nonetheless, Syaoran gave them a charming, enticing smile and promised they would meet again.

Eriol knew too well that Syaoran liked getting women's hopes up.

He kissed each of the women's hands, and quickly squeezed from the crowd towards Eriol at the exit of the noisy and crowded club.

"Took you too long to get me out of that," retorted Syaoran. The charming look that was once on his face soon faded into a dark scowl. The real Syaoran was back.

Eriol merely chuckled as they got into the car, "I swear, that women was about to bring thats zipper down."

Syaoran grimaced, pushing the button so the passenger window slid down, and hatefully spat out, "I hate making out with these sluts."

The ride to their luxurious penthouse was silent, until Syaoran started mumbling complaints, "Eriol, seriously! I haven't been able to sleep for the past few days..."

"It might be stress."

"I feel so hopeless... I can't even enjoy playing that stupid Wii any longer!" he went on.

"The Wii is a childish gaming system."

Eriol caught the miserable expression on Li's face. He frowned. Maybe something was the matter.

When they finally reached their penthouse, Eriol patted Syaoran's slumping back as they slipped out of the silver convertible, "Don't worry about business, I will take care of it. For now, just try to rest."

Syaoran snorted, walking into the building, "I wanna die," he muttered to himself.

Eriol rubbed the side of his temples. Now he still had to go to that bloody business party.

Ichihara and I were both standing outside my apartment, just looking into each others eyes because we didn't know what to do. Of course, we've gone on thousands of dates, but... this was awkward. And all because of the frickin' "S" word.

"Um..." Ichihara muttered, brushing his sand-colored hair from his eyes with his fingers, "Do you want me to uh..."

My heart was aching as it was kept in it's fast pace. I won't be surprised if I suddenly had a heart attack.

I smoothed down my frilly dress, having to keep my hands busy, "Do you want to..." I repeat his words.

"SAKURA! GET YOUR FLAT ASS UP HERE!!" screeched a familiar voice. Ichihara and I both looked up with a shocked expression.

It was Rika, one of my other friends, waving around strings that were supposed to resemble a pair of panties at my apartment window. I didn't know undies could be made with only a few strings...


Oh hell no.

Ichihara could only look at me, a slight blush forming on his face. I could feel the heat rising up on my face also.

"I-I-I..." I stuttered, backing away from Ichi, "I-I'll see you tomorrow!" I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, avoiding the look on his face. I turned and slammed the door, leaving a very speehless Ichihara outside.

I breathed in and out... counted backwards from ten... and vowed I would send Rika to her grave.

"I HATE YOU!!" I screamed, not caring about the neighbors' curses and complaints towards me.

Eriol smiled as he comfortably chatted with the young and beautiful Daidouji Tomoyo. They been talking about their businesses and how they've been stressing out lately.

He then decided to bring up the topic of Syaoran's health. Tomoyo nodded as Eriol listed off the number of complaints Syaoran had said.

After he was done, Tomoyo's smile brightened, "I know just the therapist to help!"

"Oh really?" asked Eriol amused, "and who would that be?"

"My latest addition to my Department of Health! Kinomoto Sakura!" Tomoyo giggled.

Eriol raised an eyebrow, "I haven't heard of this... Kinomoto Sakura. Tell me, what experience does she hold?"

"Absolutely none!"

Eriol frowned.

Tomoyo giggled again, "Don't worry, she has her masters and a PhD."

Eriol sipped the wine he was just handed, "Sounds pretty risky to me."

Tomoyo smiled sincerely, "Please give her a shot. Sakura is a unique person who has always wanted to help people sort out their lives." She batted her eyelashes to add to the affect.

Eriol groaned. What this woman did to him.

"Fine," he said without enthusiasm.

"Yay!" Tomoyo couldn't help but squeal.

Your first customer Sakura-chan! Thought Tomoyo deviously.

The next morning, Eriol decided to break the news to Syaoran at seven o' clock in the morning. He already discussed the plans with Ms. Kinomoto, and this way Syaoran won't be able to run away.

As Eriol entered Syaoran's room, he looked at the messy, empty bed. His eyebrow furrowed. Where did the damn bastard go?

He entered and found Syaoran crouching at the top of the balcony, ready to be brought down. His body tensed to indicate he was about to fall off.

"LI SYAORAN!" Eriol screeched, tackling Syaoran's body back into the room's floor and not into Syaoran's bloody death. He held onto him as Syaoran screamed in protest, his arms flailing.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Eriol's voice boomed.

After a few moments, Syaoran finally calmed down, his body twitching to the reaction of him crying. Eriol sat up from the ground, rubbing Syaoran's bare back., "You idiot... C'mon we have to go somewhere."

And with that, he helped Syaoran dress for his therapy session.

As the handsome, amber-eyed man sat across from me in the other sofa, I suddenly felt nervous.

I didn't know people's glares could actually hurt, I thought, flinching as he moved a tiny centimeter.

I coughed twice, "Hello, my name is Kinomoto Sakura. It's very nice to meet you Mr. Li..." I stopped myself from babbling once his eyes sank more into the deep pool of hatred and darkness.

I fixed the paper on my clipboard and coughed again, almost resisting the urge to make him turn around to see that one employee making out with Tomoyo's male secretary again.

This might be a little bit harder than I might have imagined. Heh.

So, everyone, did any of you enjoy it? Was it interesting? Appalling? Please review and tell me! I would really appreciate it! I honestly did try my best and to my surprise, this is the longest chapter I think I have ever written in my history of fanfiction writing!

Coughreviewspleasecough :)

