Chapter 27

Harry moved at a leisurely pace across the barren land, his green eyes glowing slightly as he held his power just under the surface as he glanced around to see if anything would be stupid enough to attack. The mist which had arrived with him danced around his form yet seemed to hold a shadow inside it- if anyone would have been able to see it they would have known that the mist was deadly.

Harry gripped the hilt of Rubilacxe tightly as he got closer to the foreboding building. Strangely Harry was comforted yet fearful of the place. There was a presence that reminded him strongly of Azkaban and yet it was older and more powerful than anything he had felt. His own darkness was itching to get out and find this power.

Harry glanced across the land and could see Wyatt making his way across the land, the sky behind the Light King was glowing eerily a golden light as a warm breeze followed the blond. The breeze seemed to hold the light within it making it shimmer gold in the air. Excalibur was held in a tanned hand and Harry sent a small wave of darkness to join his lover- for extra support. Harry smiled as some of the golden breeze swept over him.

Harry stopped and watched as Wyatt blew the fortress wall in making stones turn to ash as his magic hit it and headed inside, his posture wary and Harry could almost taste the light that danced on Wyatt's skin as his lover brought his power to the surface.

Harry gave a gasp as he felt coldness settle in his stomach and before he knew it he was forcibly orbed away. Harry gave a small cry when he landed and took in his dark surroundings. He was in a chamber. The ceilings arched with stone which divided areas on the chamber. There was a raised area where a dusty bed was placed and another lower area which appeared to be an old kitchen. Harry was stood in what appeared to be the living room.

"Come out come out wherever you are," a raspy voice sang and Harry whirled around and saw nothing. His grip on Rubilacxe became tighter and Harry gave a cry as he felt the sword shudder in his hand- trying to pull away from him.

"I KNOW YOU ARE HERE MAURUS!" Harry yelled as his glanced around the room.

"Then come and get me," the raspy voice replied. A wave of coldness struck Harry who gave a pained shout and Rubilacxe was wrenched from his hand.

Harry gasped as he looked around the room- his eyes pained as he took shuddering gasps. Out of no where a rotted hand reached out and threw Harry back, Harry landed with an oomph on the dusty bed and coughed as the dust surrounded him.

His wrists were pushed back with a bruised force as each one was pressed into the bed. A clocked figured was hovering above him and Harry could just make out the outline of a mouth- the skin and lips were rotten but the shape of the face was more human than the other dementors.

"Maurus," Harry whispered as the First Dementor sniffed at Harry and with one breath began to feed from Harry.

Harry gave a cry as his memories were brought forth and his own magic struggled against the First Dementor.

"Beautiful, powerful…dark…haunted…pained…a true Dark King," the dementor rasped above Harry and delved deeper.

Harry screamed.


Wyatt moved down the corridor, Excalibur held in his grip ready for use as he took cautious steps through the fortress. The sound of his breathing seemed unusually loud and his footsteps echoed down the corridor. Wyatt shuddered. This place was horrible. He could only imagine what it was like for Chris who had been here for a long time. Wyatt only hoped he could help his brother.

Wyatt followed his gut instinct as his magic led him through the fortress. He could feel it seeking Chris out. Wyatt moved quickly as he felt his magic attach to something. He could feel small tendrils answer to his magic- it was recognisable and Wyatt breathed a sigh of relief and sent a large amount of warmth through the connection hoping it would warm and comfort Chris in this barren place.

Wyatt moved swiftly as the bond strengthened and headed towards a spiralling staircase. The dust which had been so prominent over the fortress in earlier corridors now disappearing- someone kept the area clean and inhabitable. Any signs of the grim and dirt which would have no doubt built up over the years was gone and Wyatt knew who had done this.

His sister always did have a thing for cleanliness.

Wyatt slowed his steps as he felt a wave of familiar magic and turned to look the way he had come. He could sense Harry's magic building and Wyatt could only hope that the fight with the other Dark King was going to plan. Wyatt steeled his instincts which told him to find his Mate and turned his focus to his brother.

Wyatt started the walk down to the source his magic had latched onto, his steps light and silent as he headed down the silent halls. After a few minutes as his magic swirled around him in a golden shimmer he found a long corridor- several room were located on the corridor but the room which caught Wyatt attention was the one at the end of the corridor.

Chris was behind that door.

Wyatt began to move down the corridor- his eyes peeking into the open doorways which showed several areas- one looked to be a potions area and Wyatt could recognise the ingredients which sat on the shelves. He would have to send someone here to collect them all when they were done- his keen blue eyes picking out some rare finds among the common ingredients.

Another room showed what looked like a sleeping area and another room appeared to be a pantry area which had a counter for preparing food. Finally, Wyatt came to door and brought his magic to touch the locks ever so slightly to check whether any magic was placed on the heavy locks.

Wyatt found nothing and with a cautious hand brought up his hand and pulled the bolt across and grabbed the handle- his magic posed within ready for any threat which could lurk behind the door.

The door opened with a shrill squeal of the hinges and beyond that nothing happened. Wyatt stepped into the room and felt his heart clench as he looked at the slumped and desolate figure which sat on the tattered blankets which looked at him with green eyes.

The green eyes were fixed to his blue ones and Wyatt gave a choked cry as he looked upon the thin and wasting figure. A ragged breath seemed to come from the figure and that was all it took to bring Wyatt out of his shock.

The Light King moved quickly forward and dropped down next to the figure and gave a sob as his blue eyes took in everything his brother had being forced to live with.

"Chris," Wyatt whispered as his gazed at his brother who gazed back with an almost calm air.

"Wyatt…" Chris breathed, "I know you'd find me."

"I knew you were alive," Wyatt whispered and his heart felt whole knowing his brother was alive. There were times when he doubted it.

"Its okay, Wyatt, I'm here now," Chris said soothingly.

Wyatt moved forward and gently took his baby brother into his arms and felt the smaller man collapse into his arms as if all his strength had gone. For a moment the brothers stayed like this- their body drinking comfort for the other. Wyatt was confused when Chris tensed up but his confusion was chased away by anger as he heard a voice break the silence.

"Aww, isn't this sweet," the female voice rang out.

Wyatt froze and gently eased Chris from his arms and rose, his magic crackling ominously as he turned and gazed at the figure in the doorway.

"Melinda," Wyatt growled as his magic snapped and the earth seemed to shake.



Over 700 reviews! Thank you! I apologise for the lack of updates recently but I am finding it hard to write this story- my muse seems to be disappearing for this story. So ideas will be very helpful right now. Keep up with progress at my LJ- the link is on my profile.