Chapter One:Outside Castle Grounds
By : xxxvirus
His nose was almost touching hers, Kagome could feel his breath on her face, it smelt like everything luxurious, impossibly delicious and ever more so tempting. She left forward closer to his lips trying to find the source. Has Sesshomaru turned a new leaf? Our does he have something darker in mind. SesshXKag
As the crescent moon made itself visible behind the dark clouds, a young priestess clutched the shikon jewel to her chest, thinking what she would do now.
Kagome was bored and tired, the feudal era held so little entertainment unless you wanted to work all day. Naraku was long gone.
Kagome had now become accustomed to using her miko powers having convinced Kaede to train her some more, it wasn't much, just the basics. She felt a demonic aura pull at the edge of her senses.
"Sesshomaru" she breathed, she knew that aura anywhere, it was the most spine chilling in the world - it felt like a thousand knives were being drawn slowly across her flesh.
"Miko" came a dark reply from the shadows near the well she was currently leaning against.
"Sesshomaru" Kagome called into the moonlight, not receiving any reply. The summer air was filled with an unexpected chill, and the forest stilled as if waiting for something to happen.
"Miko" he spoke again emerging from the darkness
"What brings you here?" Kagome questioned cautiously sitting down on the edge of the well.
"This Sesshomaru sees no need in answering a human" he spoke regally taking leave.
Sesshomaru kept walking. Kagome shouted for him to stop.
"Quiet" he spoke softly, sending his youki crashing into her. Kagome fell down the well.
Sesshomaru wondered what had happened to the girl, he walked closer to the well and peered into the darkness. He couldn't see in the dark - that was just a rumor he had enforced so no enemies would attack at night, he would wait until morning, she seemed to be unconscious from what he could hear, a faint whiff of her metallic blood floated up.
Kagome awoke to blinding pain.
Kagome swore loudly while trying to get up, grappling at the smattering of vines that hung down the well walls.
"Is it not too early in the morning to be cursing profanities" said Sesshomaru peering over the well with a ghost of a smile.
"You are the thing that gives demons a bad name" Kagome screamed up the well, trying to vent some anger at the stoic demon lord.
Sesshomaru gave a small mental sigh and jumped down the well to the desperate girl.
"What are you here to do, finish me off!" Kagome spat in his face.
"Don't make me hurt you" Sesshomaru said eerily calm wiping the spit off his face.
"Hurt me, just look at me, your going to leave me for dead aren't you" Kagome cried out
Sesshomaru's ears were beginning to hurt from the sound of her screeching so he scooped her up with his one arm and jumped out of the well.
Kagome grunted as Sesshomaru dropped her on the soft grass, her left leg felt broken. She was holding back tears in the blinding pain.
Sesshomaru smelt salt in the air.
"Miko, are you crying" he said disgusted
"Yea, you think" Kagome said out of gritted teeth, tears streaming down her face "My name is not MIKO!"
He lent forward to inspect her form. He gingerly felt along her legs finding a break in her left.
"Its broken" he uttered feeling the rest of her for other injuries." Just a broken bone"
"Just!" Kagome almost screamed through her teeth.
"Easily repaired" he said smugly.
Sesshomaru released some of his youki to form a bind around the leg as Kagome watched painfully.
Kagome felt the pain fading away, she was becoming a little more relaxed.
"Thank you" Kagome uttered through a shuddering of breaths as she realized his aura eating away at her again.
"It will be a week or so before you will be able to walk, the bind will speed it up" Sesshomaru said leaving the clearing with Kagome sitting in the middle alone - not able to walk.
"SESSHOMARU!" she screamed causing the nearby birds to leave their trees
Kagome began to drag herself in the direction of the village. He was going to be a very dead youkai once she was through with him she thought digging her nails in the dirt so she could move forwards.
Kagome had crawled for several hours now and still was not even close to the village. Kagome scanned the surrounding forest for branches that could possibly support her weight, she crawled towards a sturdy one, grasping it and using a nearby tree to stand up, it snapped and she ended up falling face forward into the dirt.
"Damn annoying, despicable INU YOUKAI!" she vented in her frustration, as she began crawling again. It was taking forever and the sun was beginning to set.
Kagome rolled herself towards a tree, hoping that no youkai would find her.
"Stupid jewel" she grumbled to herself quietly, hugging herself at the base of a tree, trying to fall asleep.
Kagome woke up in the middle of the night hearing a crackling of a fire. She looked around, she was somewhere foreign, it was cold here for some reason even if she was next to the fire.
She heard low muttering from a few meters away.
"Jin you know he put 50,000 gold pieces on her head" whispered one frantic demon to the next "Dead or alive"
Kagome gave a small gasp. Followed by her hand clapping over her mouth, it was useless her heart was beating too loudly and to fast.
"Ssssh, I think she's waking" said the more sensible sounding one
Kagome now began to feign sleep, she was to tired to move, that was if she could actually move.
It wasn't long until the priestess fell asleep.
The next morning
Kagome rose to the jittering of birds in the surrounding forest. It took a while for Kagome to realize that she was sitting back beside the tried to pick her self up again she placed her hand on an extremely wet patch of grass and then fumbled into a soft boulder.
'A soft rock, there is no such thing' she thought before turning to face two youkai heads with their tongues hanging out. Eyes rolled back into their heads.
She emitted a high pitched shriek that echoed in her surroundings. She moved as far away as she could during this realization and wiped the blood from the heads on the nearby grass.
"Why ME" she screamed into the forest again. She was tired of venting. She stared at the stick she had broken the other day. She would be resuming the slow crawl towards the village.
Movement with her right leg wasn't as painful as it had been before.
"Sesshomaru wasn't lying about speeding up the healing process." she grumbled to herself
A white high speed blur passed her to sit several feet in front with its back facing in the direction of the village.
"This Sesshomaru never lies" he grumbled as if to prove a point that should have been common knowledge.
"You" Kagome straining to pick herself up
He almost chuckled at the strain it was on her.
"Yes" he replied seemingly innocently.
"This is all because of you" she said her stomach pressed against the ground. A finger pointed in his direction.
"My leg is broken, I was captured, I'm back here and I touched freaking dead ugly youkai faces" Kagome screamed in his direction
Sesshomaru almost flinched at the loud sound that was assaulting his sensitive ears.
Kagome decided that the conversation wasn't going anywhere, she might as well be talking to herself.
"I love ...this flower" Kagome said ignoring the demon lord, so she could try to stretch and pick up the strange blue flower. Kagome groaned as she tried to reach the flower stretching her arm as far out as she could.
"Having trouble?" he breathed
"No" she retorted trying again. A little frown making itself visible on her face.
"Stubborn" he said with a light voice. She was amusing, something bright in this dull world.
"Fine, get it for me" she huffed now trying to sit up.
"Why should I" he chuckled now.
"Because you Sesshomaru owe me a good leg" she said still trying to rock herself into a sitting position.
"Do you forget that you still owe me an arm" he spoke light heartedly
"Damn it, that makes us even." Kagome muttered to herself.
"No you still owe me" he laughed
"But I really like that flower" Kagome sniffed now, putting on a show.
"Who do you think I am" he said in his most frosty voice
"A nice, powerful and handsome demon lord" Kagome blinked back innocently
Sesshomaru smiled to himself, his lips still set in a straight line.
"Very well" he spoke picking up the offending flower and handing it to the girl
"Thank you" Kagome beamed forgetting that her leg was broken or that she could not move properly.
"Now you owe me even more" Sesshomaru smirked a glint of mischief appeared in his cold eyes.
"What do you want then" Kagome huffed
"What every man wants" he said leaning closer to her
Kagome shuffled back afraid
His nose was almost touching hers, Kagome could feel his breath on her face, it smelt like everything luxurious, impossibly delicious and ever more so tempting. She left forward closer to his lips trying to find the source.
"More" he said suddenly moving away.
"Outside the boundaries of the western lands, lies countless more territories to conquer" he said sitting down beside her form. "I can live forever.."
"No you can't" Kagome grumbled "Sickness, disease and war will one day finish you off"
"All such things are below this Sesshomaru" he said, making even the grass respond, shirking away.
"I wish they were below me"
"Mortals" he said disappearing as quickly as he appeared.
Kagome continued her long arduous crawl. 'Stupid Taiyoukai'
Afraid of capture again Kagome crawled throughout the night making it to the village by dawn.
"Get Kaede for me" she said clinging to the leg of a familiar villager. He rushed off as quickly as possible coming back several minutes later with Kaede and another man probably to help carry her.
"Kagome, what hast ye done to thy self?"said Kaede passively allowing the other two men to hoist Kagome up so the girl could stand a little, arms over both men.
"Sesshomaru" Kagome gritted out
"He has nothing to with these parts, so far out of his territory" Kaede muttered.
"Tell me about it" Kagome grumbled a sharp jolt of pain shooting through her system.
The men left Kagome lying down on a futon awaiting Kaedes inspection.
"Whats this" she said looking down "Who did this"
"Did what?" Kagome said tired
"Someone has bound your fracture with demon youki" Kaede said with some ferocity.
"Sesshomaru did it" Kagome said
"Why would he help you?" Kaede muttered more to herself than anyone else. "Was he not the one who caused the injury"
"Maybe he felt sorry for me" Kagome huffed.
"Thy should be more careful from now on" the old women said her brows knotted together. "I do not know much about demon magic or healing, he could have an ulterior motive"
"Please, this is Sesshomaru what doesn't he have an ulterior motive for, besides whats he going to do kill me.." Kagome chuckled "I'm not going down without a fight"
"Thy is too fiesty for thy own good" Kaede laughed.
"I need to take a bath" Kagome said trying to sit up but not managing very well.
"Here you are" Kaede said giving her an arrangement of sticks that ressembled a modern day crutches.
"Thanks" Kagome said taking them both and managed to place her towel and a fresh change of clothes over her shoulder.
Kagomes eyes twinkled in the now becoming darkness, she had now found a muse. As terrifying as he seemed, rumors still dared to circulate, she had heard rumors of Sesshomaru's new found loneliness, he was apparently now traveling alone without his 3 companions. Despite his unwillingness to talk, many gossiped about the demon lord, it was enough to reach even the ears of humans.
Kagome felt sorry for him, she felt; not pity, not sympathy, but empathy was what she felt towards him. Even if he broke her leg.
She sighed thinking of the once cheerful banter that constantly graced the camp fires, now absent from Kagome's hearing, it had been for a while now. She never thought being trapped in the feudal era could have been so boring, she hadn't fought a demon in ages she would have to get around to do something soon. Looking towards the mountains Kagome began to ponder whether she should hike up the mountains just for fun, though she was never very fond of hiking. And she definitely wouldn't be going far with those crutches.
She definitely needed some fresh air and exercise, but she was too tired for now. Much to tired maybe she would just laze around in the hut.
Sesshomaru's amber eyes followed Kagome's figure through the dense forest as she made her way to the hot springs the villagers often bathed in. Sesshomaru was interested in what the girl was doing strangely, there wasn't much to do in his life now, in his long stretched out tiresome youkai life. Sesshomaru's father had lived for more than 2 millennia before his untimely death, guh he had soo long to live and so little to live for.
But he was not going to give up living, not by a long shot, life was long and there would much entertainment before his death came. Humans are so foolish, do they not understand how tiresome life is - they don't know how tiresome this life is. Eternal youth always has a price - I may live on indefinitely I suppose only to be wiped from existence with my death or sink into to hell. For eternal youth the first demons paid with their souls.
Kagome's eyes trailed across the dense forest scenery looking for the worn path to the hot spring. It was taking a while,the crutches were not a all convenient.
Kagome couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched, the forest was exceedingly quiet today, not one leaf rustled in the wind and she couldn't feel the auras of anything it was as if, something was scaring them off. Her thoughts suddenly flickered to Miroku, but if it was the monk she would have heard him by now. Besides who could be spying on her, the men knew better than that.
It couldn't be the honorabledemon lord. She thought slowly placing her stripped clothes on the bank of the hot spring, she blushed at the thought of the white demon becoming a peeping tom to look at her, plain little old her. Kagome slipped into the warmth of the hot spring, slowly washing her skin and looking up at the sky through the tiny little holes in the canopy. The pain in her leg was fading away. She was very glad that it wasn't a cast - where in the world would she find a plastic bag. At least Sesshomaru had helped her there.
She scanned the immediate area for demons and finding nothing completely relaxed into the comfort of the spring.
Sesshomaru sat close by the hot spring hiding his aura and his presence, a thing only powerful taiyoukai and powerful miko could muster, he could tell that the girl in the hot spring had not learnt that vital skill for he could have sensed her presence more than a mile away.
The girl looked so much like the clay pot, except her cerulean blue eyes, not in all of japan had he seen someone with eyes as beautiful or as blue as hers. Sesshomaru almost let out a sigh, he was praising a girl, a human girl.
Kagome continued to ponder about the demon lord.
Kagome had learnt of the abscence of the taiyoukai's companions, the toad had obviously served and some sort of stress toy but with his absence the already high strung Sesshomaru would not be someone you'd like to be around with, good mood or bad. He was unpredictable. There was always a reason for his actions and it somewhat unnerved her. Him and his calculating ways.
Kagome shuddered discreetly but this did not escape the taiyoukai's knowledge.
"Sesshomaru's white furry thing, I wonder if its a tail" Kagome breathed as she began to dry herself off.
Sesshomaru's pointed ear twitched in the direction of the girl as he received this piece of information. It was not a tail, definitely not a tail, but what it was he didn't have to explain to himself maybe next time he would to the foolish miko.
Kagome dried herself with a towel from her era and dressed in her black silk PJs preparing to hit the futon. She missed her bed, the electric lights, she wished she had spent more time with her brother and her family, at least before...she didn't want to think about it anymore. Kagome pulled up the sleeves of her pajamas, collected her belongings and began to slowly make her way with the crutches along the path so she could return to the village.
'I wonder if Sesshomaru is sleeping, do youkai need to sleep, inu yasha hardly ever slept' Kagome thought, unknowingly whispering into the wind just loud enough for demons ears.
Sesshomaru let loose a light chuckle, humans were definitely interesting, no wonder his father was bothered with the loss of human servants so much, they were plainly idiots who served as a source of great entertainment.
The world hushed into shock as they had only heard Sesshomarus laughter ever so very very rarely in his long 248 year old existence. It felt good maybe he would laugh more often.
'Hmm, I wonder if I'm beginning to hear things' Kagome thought to the quiet forest thinking that she had imagined the chuckle.
"I want to see him again" she said whispering into the wind. Sesshomaru heard this.
Her leg still felt so warm out of the water was her last thought before she fell asleep.
"Good morning Kagome" he said looking into her eyes directly above her. She checked her surroundings she was still in the hut.
"What did you do to Kaede" Kagome said trying to sit up
Sesshomaru watched and his lip twitched ever so slightly
"I did nothing to the woman, she went off with the village children to pick herbs" he replied nonchalantly.
"Oh, okay, so why are you here?" Kagome said surprised at this answer. He was very observant guess she should have known that.
"You said you wanted to see me again" he said eventually deciding that Kagome needed a hand to get out of bed.
I hope you enjoyed it, I've never really written a feudal era fic before hope you liked it.
I would appreciate 10 reviews before the next chapter.