Title: Falling Wrong Sides Up
Author: Kirschli Kuchen
Disclaimer: Please insert something witty here that tells that I don't own the characters and the original anime/manga/game.
A/N: 'm sorry 'm having a total sap moment…
He was falling. Falling inside his mind. But it didn't work that way. He couldn't be falling in his own screwed up mind-world. Simply couldn't.
Numbed to the world around him – not one of his senses functioning properly.
A voice rang out. Distorted and distinctly masculine:
'Baka Ou'
The world seemed to rumble - and stumble and fall further and further away from his grasp - with the sheer force of that voice.
Then someone jumped.
He could feel it on his skin, in his skin and was still so very fascinated…
He could feel that someone right beside him but hadn't had the actual strength to open his eyes and look.
Simply look – it couldn't be that hard…
An icy cold hand stroked his cheek languidly.
It felt like a heavy weight was taken from his eyelids and he could now open them slowly…
A breathy - and yet so very soft - laugh intruded his ears and coaxed his eyes to open further.
He had his eyes open now and could see him looking back at him - into him. It didn't seem like he was falling, more like floating. – No, flying.
The hand now descended from his cheek - over his ear - to his hair and stroked it gently.
His eyes nearly fluttered shut again by the unbelievable softness of that touch…
Hot breath on his ear.
He wanted to scream with the sensual overload he experienced…
Whispered words.
His eyes stung with unshed tears…
'I'm here to save you'
Arms closed around him and he wasn't falling anymore. Now he was flying, too, in the arms of that broken angel.
His tears weren't unshed anymore