AN- Yes! I'm still alive, and the new chapter is finished! It took a while to get everything just right. I didn't want you all to be disappointed with anything. That said, I just finished the chapter, so if there are any problems, review it, and I'll change it. New thing, I won't be putting disclaimers in. I think you all realize I don't own either story lines, or any characters. I wouldn't even own OC's, as I couldn't copyright them. So I'm just gonna put this to remind you this, from now on.


Chapter 6- History Lessons

The Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju, was very happy. Why wouldn't she be? One of Konoha's golden boys had come home, dragging along several interesting, not to mention powerful, allies. An old friend had arrived to pay for an ongoing mission, and had brought a request for another, even more expensive than the last. Add to that, the beautiful weather. Why wouldn't she be happy?

'I could use a drink…'

So she could have used some sake, but that wasn't a necessity on this wonderful day. So what if she liked alcohol?

"Haven't had any sake all day!" The blonde thought out loud, as she looked out over her domain. She cast her eyes upon the bustling streets, the nearby ninja academy, and, in the distance, the strong defensive walls. She passed her gaze across the streets below once more.

And did a double-take.

"Or did I?" Her soft voice instantly trebled its pitch. "Shizune!"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama?" Her brunette assistant was immediately poking her head into the doorway.

"Have I been drinking today?" The Hokage's eyes were focused on the view outside her window.

Shizune rolled her eyes. She stepped over behind the Godaime, hand glowing green. A single finger poked to the back of her boss's head.

"Blood alcohol level, 0.01. No, why?"

Tsunade took a deep breath, and massaged one temple before responding.

"Because I just saw Hinata Hyuga dragging Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha this way by their ears."

Shizune felt her jaw drop.

"What?! Where?!" She leapt to the window, only to check herself for hallucination. The tableau was right in front of her. The trio was moving up the street below the tower, towards the door below. A small crowd of shinobi followed at a short distance.

"But… he… they… gah!" The brunette blabbered incoherently for several seconds.

"Indeed." Tsunade looked grim.

"I expect we shall understand the reasoning in a few moments." One of the seven shadowy figures, unnoticed by the Hokage's assistant, spoke from a darkened corner of the room.

"Then maybe we should relocate to one of the conference rooms. Quite a crowd is coming." Tsunade seemed impossibly calm, despite the increasingly bizarre situation.

Hinata was the first into the building. She released the two boys, blushing as she realized how confidant, and improper, she had acted. Naruto and Sasuke, however, merely rubbed their sore ears before trooping into the corridor, fearful of the petite girl's continuing wrath.

A soft cough brought their attention to the woman sitting behind the receptionist's desk ahead of them.

"She's waiting for you. Conference room A-7." Shizune pointed down the hall with a pen before returning to her paperwork.

"Hai!" Naruto snapped to attention, clicking his heels together.

Hinata let out a long-suffering sigh before pushing the two teenaged boys down the hall.

Two minutes passed before Shizune heard the larger group enter the hall.

"A-7," The woman spoke without even looking up.

'5 letter word for disorder…'

The full group proceeded to approach the conference room. Harry led the group, and was about to knock, when a voice called out.

"Come in, Harry."

'Déjà vu.' Harry narrowed his eyes at the door before opening the door.

Instantly, the boy focused on the group at the far end of the generic-looking conference room.

Tsunade was speaking to a number of robed figures. Naruto and Sasuke were sitting along the long table, the former preventing the latter from doing anything more than glare at everything.

The four Akatsuki members were obvious. Itachi and Kisame were huddled with Jiraiya, going over some blueprint. The target of Sasuke's glares was obvious. Tobi and Deidara, however, were conversing lightly with the Hokage and two other people. These two were recognizable by Harry alone.

"Remus!" The boy leaped forward to embrace his former teacher and friend.

"Hello, Harry! Having a good summer?" The boy turned to the twinkling eyes and jovial beard of Albus Dumbledore.

"Sir? You're sadistic!"

Dumbledore simply laughed at Harry's accusation. "Thank you!"

"If this happy reunion is over, maybe we can get to work?" Tsunade seemed grumpy, and was eagerly showing it.

"Hey, Baa-chan! Relax, will you?" Of course, Harry surmised, anyone who had to put up with Naruto was obviously bound to be entitled to a bad day.

The woman pointedly ignored the grinning blonde. "Could someone explain to me why I have an A-rank missing ninja in front of me, without restraints?" The message was clear as the Hokage directed a good deal of killing intent at the youngest Uchiha.

The black-eyed boy gulped before speaking.

"You all know that I had left for power. The cursed seal warped my mind, building suspicion and paranoia. It had seemed that the only person who would have accepted me would have been Orochimaru. It was a lie, of course. I was trained nearly every day for the three years I was gone, but it was simply physical training, conditioning my body. He was going to obviously transfer his soul, my wishes be damned." Sasuke rubbed his eyes tiredly

"Two months ago, I had been given a day off from training. Kabuto gave some crap excuse about needing rest, but I believed him. I went to my room, not ready for what was coming. The moment I closed the door, Orochimaru slid from a shadow. We locked eyes, and he tried to transfer his soul. I had managed to activate my Sharingan to level 3, but the technique was more powerful than I had anticipated. We battled mentally for nearly three days, before I was able to trap him in a genjutsu. I ran him through with his own sword, charged with a Chidori, and coated with poison. It took four stabs to finish him off. Kabuto finally entered the room as I left. He did nothing to me, but I think he was scared." The boy smirked softly. "That night I blew up his lab, incinerated his notes, and fled. I spent the next two months wandering back here, exhausted from my struggle."

"Why here?" Tsunade asked, hands splayed on the table, eyes boring into the boy.

"The curse mark was destroyed when I killed him. All the paranoia and hatred vanished. I was ashamed of my actions." Sasuke looked down at his hands, grimacing as a tear dripped onto the table. "I wanted to apologize for what I had done. For everything."

"What about now? You know Itachi is a Konoha shinobi, now. What of your revenge?" Jiraiya spoke up from his spot further along the table, feet resting on the polished wooden surface.

"My teacher once told me I need to look underneath the underneath." Kakashi, Naruto, and strangely Tobi all laughed at that remark. "If he's here, there must be something no one knew. I know I might not be cleared, or even fit to sit in this room, but I'll give my nii-san the benefit of the doubt." Sasuke turned one last weak glare at Itachi, who stared back impassively.

Tsunade grimaced at the knot she had been picking at in the table. 'Fuck it'

She looked up, only to be extraordinarily confused. Half the people in the room were staring incredulously at her.

"Oops. Did I say that out loud?" She gave a small chuckle she had probably picked up from Naruto, before continuing. "Anyway, I think it's time some rather old, and now unnecessary secrets get revealed." She pulled a folder from one of the file cabinets behind her, before sitting down again.

"This was an S-class secret. I am declassifying it now. It's time for everyone to know the truth behind the Uchiha massacre." She looked both at Itachi and Sasuke, as she said this. Itachi sighed softly.

"Ma'am, I'll do it." His impassive features left no hint at his inner turmoil. "9 years ago, the Uchiha clan leaders came to me. I had risen quickly through the ranks to become ANBU at a young age. I was a true prodigy of the Uchiha. They felt that the clan was being crushed by the village. Prejudice and fear led many to believe an uprising against us was inevitable. I had heard nothing of this, but the elders were not as privileged as I was in my contacts. They told me to spy on the leadership of Konoha, and plan the assassination of top officials. It was to be a coup d'état of epic proportions. They neglected one fact." Here Itachi turned to look at Sasuke, who was surprised by the lack of emotion his own brother was showing. Anger or fear was one thing. But a cold mask like this could only mean repressed feelings hundreds of times stronger than his own. It truly frightened the teen.

"They neglected my allegiance. This village was my home, and I was unwilling to let it be destroyed by a lack of knowledge. I went to the village elders to explain. They approved my plan to try and reeducate the Uchiha to the error of their ways. But it failed. I tried for an entire year to persuade anyone in the clan to listen to reason, but their fear and paranoia led them down an irreversible path. Eventually, I had to turn to the fail-safe plan. I asked for the assistance of two other ANBU members who I trusted, and proceeded to wipe out the entire clan. My allies were killed, overwhelmed by the shear number of Sharingan users, but I finished the job." Itachi fell silent, his story dropping the temperature of the room. No person was left unmoved.

"Sarutobi sent him on an extended mission, to infiltrate Akatsuki which was just beginning to form. Then all the files were sealed, and the record closed. Itachi Uchiha became an enemy of the Village, until his return. Half a year ago, that mission ended, and all records of his dismissal from Konoha destroyed." Jiraiya spoke up, deadly serious for once. "He returned with several allies he had made in Akatsuki, as well as myself and Naruto. The boy who saved the Leaf came home. The last of the loyal Uchiha." The dig at Sasuke was softened by his tone

Sasuke stared at his hands, trying to take in the information. Itachi, loyal? Impossible! But the proof was right in front of him, as plain as day. A tear dropped onto his palm. Several more followed, as the boy broke down in sobs.

"Sasuke, if you wish to compose yourself, I'll have an ANBU escort you to your home."

"No. Thank you, ma'am, but I'm fine." Sasuke wiped a hand across his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"You were wrong, Jiraiya." Tobi's voice seemed less happy than usual, yet full of youth. Like he was smiling and crying at the same time. "Itachi is not the last loyal Uchiha. There is Sasuke. He may have strayed down the wrong path, but he has returned. I can see that. Also…" Here the masked man chuckled before reaching for his mask.

A gasp echoed in the room as the orange swirl fell away, revealing the features hidden below. A man, similar in quality to Sasuke and Itachi, yet distinct enough to only be moderately related. The left side of his face was covered by a crushed and dented protector, the symbol only a faded resemblance to the Konoha leaf. His right cheek was a mess of scars, but the eye seemed as alive as anyone else's. Two tomoes spun around the red iris. Black hair spiked up above his equally scarred forehead.

No one moved. Tobi turned to the source of the gasp. Kakashi starred at him, completely terrified, like he had seen a ghost. Which, Harry figured, he probably thought he had.

"O… Obito?!" Kakashi stammered out.

"Yes, Kakashi. It's me." Obito smiled at his old teammate, before the silver-haired man leapt forward, embracing his friend.

"But you were crushed! How did you…?" Kakashi had his forehead protector pulled up, and his Sharingan eye was spinning wildly, confirming this was no illusion.

"I don't know," Obito seemed a bit confused, staring at the wall over his ex-teammate's shoulder. "I can't remember it at all. The last thing was giving you my eye, and then it goes black. Nothing at all."

"Obito," Kakashi seemed to deflate right there on the spot. "I don't deserve this eye. I… I wasn't…" He seemed to struggle out the words in his mind. A lone tear streaked down a cheek, and wetted his mask. "It's Rin. I tried, I really did, but she…"

Obito furrowed his brow in confusion. "My friend, what is it? What happened to Rin-chan?"

"She left. About a month after you, well, after your funeral. There was no alarm, no hunters sent out. She just vanished into thin air. A short note was all she left, saying how she never deserved your love, and that she was going to help people to pay her debt. I assumed she had died. Forgive me." Kakashi hung his head in shame, tears freely running down his cheeks.

"There's nothing to forgive, old friend." Obito smiled, before slinging an arm over his friend's shoulder. "We'll just have to find her! Together. Team Minato, just like old times!" The two wandered off to a corner to reminisce about missions past and adventures long ended.

A small cough brought the rest of the assembled group's attention to the man standing behind the Hokage.

"Ah, yes. Gomen, Dumbledore-san. I almost forgot." Tsunade turned to the shinobi before her. "There is a new mission, contracted by Dumbledore-san just recently. We are to provide a special force to defend his school, as well as aid in the fight against a dark wizard, one Lord Voldiemart."


"Whatever. The following shinobi will remain here. The rest of you are free to go." Tsunade pulled a small scroll from the pile before her, and read the names listed.

"Potter Harry, by request, magical support."


"Uzumaki Naruto, close combat, advantage nullification."

"Hai, baa-chan"

"Rock Lee, close combat."

"Haruno Sakura, medic."

"Yes, Hokage-sama"

"Hyuga Hinata, reconnaissance."


"Tenten, ranged support."

The only response was a ring of drawn steel

"Hatake Kakashi, back-up trainer and jutsu specialist."

"Ne, Tsunade-sama?"

"Uchiha Obito, Codename Tobi, team leader, reconnaissance"

The dark haired man slapped a high five with Naruto

"And finally, Might Guy, close combat, team leader"

"The Flames of Youth will not fa-"

"Yes, yes, we know, Gai. Now, the nine of you will be escorted to this- Woghearts-"


"Whatever! Hogwarts, by Lupin-san and Dumbledore-san. You have two hours to prepare. As for the rest of you, well… You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here."

The assembled ninja looked around proudly; ready to do any mission set before them.

"Disperse!" The only response was a rustle as over two dozen bodies vanished out the opened window.

AN- Hope you enjoyed this bit of history. Next chapter is a bit of filler, updating the characters a bit, then off to England! I might decide to have some fun with translation charms, but I don't know. If there is anything that is either relevant, or popular, review it, and I might squeeze it in. Don't wait too long!

Review, or I'll sick my small redhaired friend on you!