Sometimes I wonder if you know who I am.

You look at me and you think I'm perfect, don't you, Bella? Like every other girl. But you're not like them, either.

But I'm not perfect. I have flaws...

Don't laugh. I do, and you know it. What sort of person lets the woman who's the centre of his entire universe be endangered by something so easily avoidable as the hunter, the tracker? I could have protected you, and then none of this would have happened. I'm blind. Perhaps that's it; I've heard blindness is common among lovers.

Your beauty, your flawlessness is blinding. And I sit here, very imperfect and very flawed, and there you are, perfect and shining and...

Bella Swan, listen to me. Do you know what every boy in that high school has thought of you? There are reasons for that, of course there are. And I'm lucky enough to know every one of them. Beauty is as common as a butterfly, but you are the most radiant, exquisite creature who was ever blessed to have wings.

I think I could watch you watch me and never need to move. Except to make sure you hadn't died on me. I'll have to get used to your mortal needs.

Oh, hush; of course I'm teasing you. Forgive my blindness. In all respects, please. I shouldn't have given James a chance to hurt you. I should have protected you, been there for you...

Damn. Bella, stop it, please, and listen to me! When he threatened you—when he—I couldn't—couldn't—Bella, I was so angry!—couldn't think...

I had to make him pay. It was more important that I exacted my revenge than it was to keep you safe. I know I can't lock you up like a little glass ornament, but I should have protected you. Alice...I trust her, and Jasper. They're like siblings to me. But perhaps I was blind to them, too.

I need to open my eyes, look around, be aware of things. As a vampire, one doesn't exactly have the dullest senses. But I'm not using them.

Not even for you, Bella. Not even for you. And I'd do anything for you.

You're so fragile—a damsel in distress constantly in danger of being eaten by a dragon. But I'm too blinded by my own shield to be your knight in shining armour.

You can be my shade, my solacing meadow. So lie with me, in the cool, soothing shadows cast by a golden tree of Forks, and I'll listen to your heartbeat.

One of these, I'll make you see what's wrong with me. And you'll see how beautiful you are.

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