Hi guys! Thank you sooooooooo much for all the reviews and favorites!! They make my day! I promised I'd update soon and here it is! I really hope you guys like it!

Chapter 7: On the dance floor

Alice was finishing up her make up in my bathroom while I was walking around my living room impatiently. I was ready, waiting for my date, and somehow it felt wrong. I felt a knot in my throat, something felt really wrong; but, being me, I just tried to ignore the feeling.

It wasn't working, just as my head was not managing to stop thinking about stupid Edward and his stupid plan to go out with the stupid bimbo.

"Bella relax!" Alice said as she walked out of the bathroom, looking flawless as ever. "You look perfect; this guy is going to die when he sees you."

I raised my eyebrows and slid my hands into my back pockets in discomfort. Alice thought I was nervous because of the date.

"You think?" I asked, leading her on. The last thing I wanted was Alice to realize I was anxious because of Edward.

"You look great! I did a great job with you tonight!" She said proudly.

I smiled faintly. I really did look good. I was wearing a tight pair of black jeans, black heels and a white off the shoulder shirt. My hair was up in a messy bun and I was wearing a long pair of turquoise earrings.

"So, you'll wait for Jasper here?" I asked her to distract myself. I needed to talk as much as I could to keep my mind from going where it wasn't allowed to go.

"Yeah, he said he would come pick me up around 9, so we'll meet you at the club in no time." She said reassuringly.

Alice had decided to get ready for the night in my house fro two reasons. First, because Jasper had to work and she hated being alone in his house, and second, she wanted to make sure I looked perfect for my hot date.

This was like a ritual for us. Every time I had a date either Alice or Rosalie would come over and help me get ready. They were more into fashion than I was. I always leaned towards the comfortable: a pair of jeans, a tank top, and my tennis and I was perfect. But they didn't agree with me, obviously.

Actually, I really didn't mind. I just hated it when they wanted me to wear something so small I was sure it was created for a little kid, not a grown up woman. But a part from those mini dresses and skirts, I liked what they chose for me most of the time.

I sighed, "Rosalie and Emmett are meeting us there too right?" I asked as I sat down in the couch, trying to relax myself.

"Yeah, Rose said they would get there around 9:30… oh, Emmett told Edward!" She said all of a sudden, looking at me with an apologetic/concerned look.

"Oh I know…" I said trying to act as casual as possible. "He called me too, I told him. He said he would show up with Tanya."

Alice cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. She looked at me with suspicious eyes, but I tried to act as natural as I could.

"You don't mind?" She finally asked, her eyes scrutinizing my every reaction.

"Of course not! Why would I mind?" I said shrugging, as I looked away from her. Sometimes I was sure she could read minds, it was better if she wasn't looking at me.

"Uh-huh…" she said as she walked slowly and sat down in the coffee table in front of me. "So, you suddenly decided to just bury everything that happened with him?" She asked not really believing me.

"Alice I told you the other day, Edward and I talked about it and we are just friends! Do you think I would go out on a date if I had feelings for Edward?"

"I actually think you would." She said bluntly.

"Alice!" I said a little bit hurt that she had so little faith in me. She was right, but still…

"Okay look, I believe you. If you say you have absolutely no problem with Edward going out with us then I believe you. If you say you buried the other night deep down in your mind, somewhere where you won't be able to remember it and… care about it, then I trust you!" She said smiling sarcastically at me.

"Alice look-" I started, but I was interrupted by the doorbell.

We both looked at the door and Alice suddenly smiled.

"Your date's here." She said matter-of-factly.

"I noticed." I said, rolling my eyes.

I stood up and walked over to the counter where I had placed my purse and I my jacket. I grabbed them both and headed to the door.

"See you at the club." I told Alice as I opened the door and slid out of the apartment before Alice could even think of inviting Jacob in.

I closed the door behind me and looked up at the guy standing in front of me.

Jacob was really tall, well built, and he had the most amazing smile on his face.

"Hi!" He said as he leaned to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." I answered. "Did you have problems finding the apartment?" I asked merely because I thought of nothing else to say, and I was trying very, very hard to stop my mind from thinking.

"No! It was a very easy address." He said as he guided me to his car, a red, small car, I couldn't even tell which type of car it was.

To me a car just needed to have four wheels, and doors. Anything else was a bonus. So I really wasn't interested in the whole expensive car thingy.

He opened the door for me and I slid in, putting on my seatbelt as he walked over to the other side of the car and got in.

"So…" I began. "How's everything?"

He looked at me with that gorgeous smile he had and started the car.

"Umm… not much, I'm at the middle of the semester so I should be in my house, finishing up homework and stuff, but I'll have time to do that tomorrow." He told me as he drove.

"What do you study?" I asked him as I crossed both my arms across my chest.

"Electrical engineering… how about you?" He asked me suddenly.

"I'm an English major. I have absolutely no idea what I'll do with that, but it's what I love." I found myself answering him truthfully.

I might as well give the guy a chance. I knew something deep down told me this was going nowhere and this was a waste of time… but what else could I do? The guy I liked was dating someone else and was clearly not interested in me. I had to move on, find a guy who really wanted to be with me. And Jacob seemed to be very interested.

The conversation on our way to the club was pretty comfortable; we talked about out background, our family, friends, the basic stuff.

I found myself impressed when I noticed there had not been one single uncomfortable silence on the way to the club. This guy was really easy to talk to… that was a plus.

We got to the club after a while. Jacob parked his car and we started walking towards the entrance. Once in we made our way to a table for two that was carefully located. It was on a second floor, next to the verandah that looked to the dance floor. The music wasn't so loud there, making it easy to talk, and it was close to one of the bars.

I took my seat and he offered to go buy the drinks.

He laughed when I told him I was a beer girl. I knew it was completely unladylike… or at least Rose and Alice always told me so. But it really didn't care. I liked beer.

Jacob left to the bar and I started looking around the club to see if I could spot someone. It was still pretty early for any of them to be there, but my eyes were looking around the room nonetheless.

I took a deep breath, frustrated, when I realized who I was looking for. It was unbelievable, I was looking for him and I wasn't even aware of that. I mentally kicked myself for allowing that weak moment. I had to be stronger, I had to keep him out of my head.

I had to stop thinking about his soft lips, and how sweet he tasted. I had to stop thinking about his strong hands, touching my bare skin, sending shivers all though my body. This had to stop.

"Here it is." I heard Jacob say as he placed two beers on the table.

He took the seat in front of me and smiled. God… he had a nice smile.

"Thanks," I said as I grabbed my beer and took a sip.

He started asking me questions again, and I found myself answering them with no problem. Maybe this was going better than I expected. This guy was really easy to talk to, he was good looking… not like Edward, but still good looking. And I was actually having a nice time talking with him.

I was so caught up in the conversation I didn't even notice my friends had arrived and had taken a seat on a table downstairs, close to the dance floor.

Jacob saw them first, he recognized Alice and Rosalie from the mall, and he asked me if they were my friends.

I looked down and spotted them. Yes, they were there. Alice looked up at us and waved hi, we waved back. I felt strangely disappointed when I noticed Edward was not with them. Maybe he decided not to come, that would certainly make my life easier.

But as usual, good luck was not on my side. A couple of minutes later I caught a sight of that stupid blond bimbo walking into the club, wearing a skanky mini skirt and a black strapless shirt. Edward was walking behind her, his hand on her waist.

He walked over to their table and greeted everyone. I studied his every move… he moved swiftly, almost like a model, he looked so sexy. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a buttoned black shirt, some buttons opened up, the sleeves rolled up his arms. He was wearing the black bracelet he always wore.

"Do you want to go with your friends?" Jacob suddenly asked.

I looked at him a little confused.

"Am I boring you? Do you want to go with your friends?" He asked me, I could tell he was a little disappointed.

"Oh God no!" I answered honestly. "I'm having a great time, I'm sorry." I said apologetically. Smiling as I watched his face light up when I said those words.

We continued talking for a while, he told me all about his friends and the stupid things they used to do when they were kids. So I told him back some stories of stupid things I used to do when I was a kid. Unfortunately, all my stories were related to Edward.

I found myself telling Jacob about the time Edward and I decided to camp outside his house to watch the stars but we ended up freezing our ass so we had to go back inside and we set the tent in his living room. We also decided to roast marshmallows inside the tent, with the small gas stove they had. His mom almost killed us.

I also told him about this one time when we were like 16 that Edward and I decided we wanted to see what it was like to be drunk. So we stole a rum bottle from my dad's cabinet and we drank it all in the forest. We got so drunk we started falling on our ass as we walked, and when we got to my house my dad obviously found out so he started yelling at us. Only I didn't hear a word he said, and in the middle of his speech I started throwing up and Edward started laughing his ass off at the sight.

We were grounded for like three months after that one.

"So you still talk to this guy?" Jacob suddenly asked me when I finished telling him my rum story.

His question caught me off guard, so he explained better.

"It's just that I don't talk anymore to one of my friends with whom I did all those stupid things, I just wanted to know if you still talk to the guy."

"Oh yeah… he's still my best friend. He lives near my house… he's in my apartment all the time. I think he can't live without me." I said matter-of-factly. Trying to make a joke I knew he wouldn't understand.

"I'm sure it's very difficult to live without you… once you're in that person's life." He said softly, making me blush.

I smiled faintly.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked, taking a sip from his beer.

I looked down at the dance floor. Alice and Rosalie were dancing together. The guys were sitting in their table, Tanya was with them.

I looked up at Jacob again, "sure, let's go." I told him standing up from my chair.

He guided me to the dance floor, his hand on my waist.

A song I didn't recognize was playing when we got to the dance floor. I started moving to the rhythm, Jacob placing both of his hands on my waist, moving our bodies with the music.

I was actually having a fun time, he was a great dancer… and I had learned how to dance a couple of years back. Alice and Rosalie had made it their mission to show me how to dance without falling flat on my ass… or on my face.

I looked at Alice and Rosalie who waved at me. Lots of guys were crowded around them, trying to dance with them but they ignored them and kept on dancing with each other.

It was always like this with them. Jasper and Emmett were not so much into dancing so the girls would dance alone, lots of guys would try to dance with them. If ever one guy tried to get too… fresh with them, then Jasper and Emmett would cut in, and make it clear that the girls were not alone.

After a couple of songs I recognized Flo Rida's Right Round, a song I loved, so I placed my hands on Jacob's shoulders and let him pull me closer to him. We were moving to the rhythm, he had slid one leg between my legs and our hips were moving together.

I took a step back and started moving my hips and turning around, placing my back to his chest, and moving my hips from side to side once again, going lower and lower. His hands danced from my hips to my waist and back to my hips again.

I looked up in front of me and saw Rosalie and Alice looking at me, they were ecstatic.

I was letting myself get lost to the music. I felt Jacob's hands grab my hips as I went lower, and then back up again.

Then I saw Edward. He had stood up and he was on the side of the dance floor, looking at me. He did not look very happy. I looked at him with a smart smile on my face. Our eyes locked and I felt a shot of electricity through my body. I could feel his eyes on me, studying me. He watched as I moved my hips against Jacob, he watched how he had one hand on my hip and another hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him. His face was very close to neck. I could feel his warm breath on my skin.

I smiled seductively at Edward and then I turned around to face Jacob. He slid his leg once again between my legs and he closed the distance between us, our bodies moving together.

I tried to forget about Edward, I tried to ignore his presence behind me, his eyes filled with something I could not quite recognize. He looked tense, and he was certainly pissed off by the way I was dancing with Jacob, but there was something else. Something I saw the other night in my house.

I saw lust.

The song ended and immediately I recognized the new one. Can't stop by Ne-yo.

Jacob and I started dancing to the new beat. Our bodies were moving slowly, our hips close together, his face so close to mine. It was very sexy, but something felt off.

We started moving our bodies faster, and then I felt another hand on my waist.

Jacob stopped dancing and I turned around abruptly to find Edward standing behind me. He looked threatening, his eyes were burning.

"Bella I need to talk to you." He said bluntly, not looking at me, but glaring at Jacob. The phrase 'if looks could kill' popped into my mind.

"What?" I asked him. I looked over to the table and saw Tanya looking at us, she didn't look too happy.

Alice and Rosalie had stopped dancing, they were looking at us.

"Come here." He said as he grabbed me and pulled me away from Jacob.

"I'll be right back." I told him as Edward guided me through the dance floor.

We walked over to the back of the club, a part where people barely went. The emergency door was there.

"Edward what's wrong with you?!" I asked him as we walked through the crowd.

The moment we got to the back of the club he opened the emergency door, he slid me through the door and then, before I could say anything he pushed me against a wall and his lips crashed against mine.

It all happened too fast for me to understand. I just knew I wanted to kiss him.

He kissed me fervently, I opened my mouth and he slid his tongue in, his hands went to my waist and he pulled himself closer to me, pressing me against the wall. Our hearts started beating faster, our breaths became quicker.

I suddenly felt a rush through my body; I could not think straight, his lips were driving me crazy. He bit my lower lip softly, making me moan. Then he sucked it as I dug my nails into his shoulder.

He slid his hands to my hips and instinctively I raised my legs, he grabbed them and I locked them around his waist. His hands on my ass, my hands clung to his hair, pulling it as I lustfully kissed him.

And as soon as it started it stopped. He stopped kissing me, panting he pressed his forehead to mine, still holding on to my small figure, not putting me down.

It took me a second to regain my breath… that had been… too much.

I had never been kissed like that, with that much passion and desire.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly said, putting me down. He was still standing in front of me, pressing me to the wall.

I was panting heavily, my body was still feeling the electricity from his touch, I was sure that if he let me go I would fall down. It was hard for me to think up coherent thoughts, but after a few seconds I looked up and locked my eyes with his.

"What just happened?" I had to ask, none of this made sense.

He looked to the ground, and slid a hand through his shabby hair, messing it up.

"I just… I saw you dancing with that guy and at first I was okay, but then that stupid song began and he started touching you and you started dancing… that way." He was forcing the words out, it was clear he was not comfortable admitting to this.

I took a deep breath and let my arms fall to my sides, "Edward you can't do this just because you felt jealous! It's ridiculous! You came here with Tanya! Why the hell would it bother you that I'm dancing with my date?"

He looked up at me with that crooked smile on his face, making my heart melt right there, but I had to be strong. I couldn't let him play with me like this.

Besides, I needed to know. There had to be a reason for him acting all cave-man with me.

"You agreed to go out on a date before you even knew I was bringing Tanya!" He said raising his tone of voice, looking at me as if I had just asked him a rather stupid question.

"You left me yesterday to go meet her parents! I think it was pretty clear who you chose to be with." I spat out at him. The electricity I felt before was still there, but now I felt my blood boiling too.

He was so stupid, why would he say that to me?! As if I would have agreed to go out with Jacob had I had the chance to be with him.

"Listen Edward this can't happen again! It is wrong!" I said pushing him farther away from me.

He rose and eyebrow and look at me with incredulous eyes.

"Really? Cause a few minutes away you were not acting as if that was wrong… as a matter of fact you were acting as if you wanted that more than anything Bella." He said my name as he narrowed his eyes.

I couldn't believe the nerve of him!

"That was a mistake, it won't happen again. Now if you excuse me I have a date to go back to." I turned around to open the door but he placed his hand on my arm to stop me.

"You wouldn't have come back here with me if you were actually having fun with that guy." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers through my body.

I decided to ignore him, opened the door and left him there.

I found my way back to the dance floor and saw Jacob talking with everyone else in the table.

I walked up to them and Jacob's eyes lit up when he saw me, making me feel a little guilty. This was not fair to him.

"Bella! You're back." Alice said looking at me with suspicious eyes. "Where's Edward?" She asked, looking around to see if she could spot him.

"Hopefully throwing himself in front of a car or something like that." I replied bitterly.

"What's wrong with you? Why would say something like that about my Eddie?!" I heard Tanya's annoying voice.

I turned to look at her with a death glare, she immediately tensed. I looked back at Alice who had a concerned look on her face. She looked at Jacob and then back at me.

"Bella, Jacob was just telling me about his plans for the future! Did he tell you that he got a great job offer?"

I could tell Alice knew what had happened and she was trying to ease the atmosphere, so I played along.

Jacob told us about his job offer and plans for the future. The guy actually had everything, he was perfect. He had the looks, the personality, the manners, the money, education… he had everything I wished for in a guy… but he was not Edward Cullen.

Edward showed up a while after I got there. He whispered something to Tanya and they left five minutes later. He didn't even bother to say goodbye to me. I was better off, he was ruining the mood of the night.

I danced some more with Jacob, had a couple more drinks, until I was feeling too tired, so Jacob took me back to my place.

The way back home was a little more silent. I had a lot on my mind, and I wasn't really paying attention to what he said. I didn't even notice when he parked the car in front of my apartment building.

"I'm sorry you had that fight with your friend." He said with a concerned look.

I took a deep breath and smiled at him, "it was nothing really, just a… misunderstanding, we'll work it out tomorrow." I told him, but I was really trying to convince myself.

"Well, I had a nice time." I said finally, eager to get out of the car, into my apartment and into my pajamas.

I gave him a soft peck on the cheek and I got out of the car, he told me he would call me again but I already knew I would turn him down. Going out with him wouldn't help me at all.

It was stupid really; I had no idea why I let Edward get me that much. It's not as if I was in love with him or anything. I just didn't know how to handle this… new phase of our relationship. And he certainly didn't know how to deal with it either.

I threw my purse and my jacket on a couch and walked to my room. I let my body fall on the bed, taking a deep breath. This was so messed up.

I was just staring at the ceiling, thinking random thoughts; reviving that kiss… it had been so hot. I was actually trying to convince myself that he wasn't that good, that I didn't want him that badly when my phone rang.

"Yeah?" I answered in a dull tone of voice.

"Bella? Great you're up." I recognized Rosalie's voice on the phone. I looked at the alarm clock on my night stand to see the time. It was a little past one, not so late, but Rose never called me at this time.

"Yeah I'm up, what up Rose? Something wrong?"

"No… well I have to tell you something. I don't know if it is a good idea to tell you this but I think you should know." She started rambling on, not really getting to the point.

"What is it Rose?" I asked a little annoyed, I didn't have much patience at the moment.

"Edward was just here." She spat out suddenly.

"Huh?" Was all I could mutter.

"Yeah, well we got here like an hour ago and not ten minutes after we were in the house he showed up. We had a beer, and he um… he told us he broke it off with Tanya."

"He what?!" I asked, taken aback by this revelation.

"Yeah, apparently he was going to brake up with her yesterday but the whiny bitch started crying over some stupid problem whenever he brought up the subject so he couldn't do it, but he broke it off with her tonight-"

"Did he say why?" I asked her, almost not bothering to let her finish the last sentence. My heart had started beating faster.

"Nope, but… I just thought you should know that… was it bad that I told you? I know you had this date tonight but I know you, you are not into the guy! Hell… you even left to make out with Edward for a while!"

"You noticed that…" I said a little shyly. I thought only Alice had noticed.

"Of course I noticed! Edward was looking at you as if he wanted to fuck you right there! I'm surprised he had the decency to pull you away."

I laughed at that last comment.

"He was not looking at me like that Rose," I said merely because I didn't want to believe that to be true.

"Bella you didn't see him. When you guys went to the dance floor and started dancing Edward stopped talking to the guys in the table! He was just staring at you, then you started dancing real close to the guy and Edward just flipped! He was looking at you as if he had to fuck right then and there… it was kinda hot actually. I love it when Emmett looks at me that way."

"Hmmm…. If you say so I believe you." I finally said. "Rose, I think I'll get some sleep, thanks for letting me know."

"Sure." She said.

I hung up the phone and threw myself back in the bed.

Edward had broken up with her, which had to mean something! All of a sudden I felt an extreme need to call him; I needed to know if that was true, I needed to know why he broke up with her.

I grabbed my phone and looked at it nestled in my hand for what I felt was an eternity while I deliberated if I should call him or not. I closed my phone in frustration, he was probably going act all evasive and cold. I didn't want that.

After half an hour I decided that the best option was to go to his apartment. Face him, force him to look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. I knew Edward; I knew he preferred to evade the truth just to avoid awkward moments. But if we let this go on like this we were going to go crazy!

I needed to know, exactly what he felt.

So I stood up from my bed, grabbed my tennis, took off my earrings, grabbed a hoodie and left my apartment.

I was sure he would kick my ass if he found out I was walking alone at this time, but I had to talk to him, personally. The night was cold, I crossed my arms across my chest to guard me from the cold wind.

His apartment was a few blocks away; I got there in 10 minutes. The tall apartment building was rising in front of me and I felt my body shiver. The adrenaline was rushing through my body so I didn't really care about the cold. My heart was beating so strongly I was sure a person standing next to me could hear it perfectly.

I walked up to his floor and stood in front of his door, looking at the white piece of wood in front of me. I knew I had to do this, I just had to know.

I know I suck for leaving you guys with that cliffhanger but it's just so much fun! I hope you guys liked the chapter, if you did like it please pretty please leave a review, I swear they make me happy and they make me want to write more. Anyways... see you guys next chapter!