Will Amu find out her True feelings for who she truly loves or would it have to ripped out of her heart to finally realize she loves him? Find Out! -True Feelings

Rated: T

UJ-Saphire: Hi guys this is my first story so If it is bad just tell me and I will fix it and my spelling as well.

Ikuto: Does this involves me and Amu kissing? *smirks*

UJ-Saphire: maybe...

Amu: Pervert! *blushes*

UJ-Saphire: Uhh... on with the story!

Su: UJ-Saphire does not own Shugo Chara or the Characters Desuu!

Everyone: when did you get here?


True Feelings

In the morning, the sun shined on a pink hair girl.

"....." Ugh I'm tired!

"Come on Amu-chan wake-up the alarm clock went on!" Yelled Ran

She turned off the alarm and covered her face with a pillow.

"Amu you will be late for school and you don't want Tadase to worry! Ran Laughed

Amu got up blushing. She dressed quickly with her usual look. She had her red X clip on her side tide pony tail while the rest of her hair went down.


"Chara change" Ran Yelled

Amu ran fast, she could see the school already! She took a turn and bumped into someone. She fell backwards and hurt her back. She stood up.


she looked up and saw a pair of blue sapphire eyes.


Why does it look that he has pain in his eyes? Amu thought.

"AMU!!" Her three charas screamed to see if Amu was okay.

She looked back and her charas had a relieved face. She looked where Ikuto was standing but he was gone.

where did he go?

"Amu!" screamed the charas agian.

They went to amu and the only had 1 minuet left before school begins!

"Your going to be late to school desuu!" Suu said worriedly.

She got up and headed to class.

School went by was sleeping in class and dreaming why Ikuto had pain in his eyes.


"Ikuto whats wrong why is your eyes telling me something is wrong?" Amu said

"Amu...I.....wake up Amu." Ikuto said

"What? Why?" Amu said questioning

thumps book on Amu's head. Came back to reality.

" Himamori you shouldn't sleep in class when I'm speaking." said

Everyone in class laughs except for Rima.

End of Flashback

She was at the garden. Yaya looked happy as always and Rima was staring at me.

I yawned.

"Amu you don't look good you seem tired." Rima said drinking her tea.

" Ami was up at night singing." Amu said tiredly

Tadase doesn't seem to be around i wonder where he is at.

"Tadase is with Kukia by now." Yaya said happily

"Wahhh!" Amu was shocked from what Yaya said. She thought she read her mind.

"What wrong Amu-chi" Yaya Asked

"Eh? Oh nothing"

"Hmmmm..." Yaya studying Amu.

"Eh Eh Eh..?" Amu sweat dropped.

That night. She was to busy concentrating on Ikuto. She was tired so she took a shower before sleeping. After her Shower she dress in her Yellow button up pajamas. She dried her hair before going to sleep. The charas looked at her because she hasn't said a word for a while.

"Amu?" Miki said


"You okay? You havent said a word for a while."

"Yeah I am okay I am just a bit tired I guess."

Miki turned back and went to her egg where the others returned to.

At 12:00 A.M.

I heard a knock at my balcony door. I opened up the curtains and saw blue midnight hair. Ikuto what are you doing here so late!


UJ-Saphire: Ahh done!!! First chapter. Iam


Ikuto: Aww there is not enough of me and no kisssing scenes!

UJ-Saphire: Wait for it. Now If you will let me sleep!

Amu: NO!!!! Don't leave me defense less with the pervert!

UJ-Saphire: ZZZzzzzzzzZZZ

Ikuto: Lets go to my apartment. *smirks*

Amu: SAPHIRE!!!!!! NOOOO!!!! Ikuto let go!

UJ-Saphire: ZZZzz Z Z Z Zzzz

Ran: Please Review!