
The sound echoed in my mind, repeating over and over again. It was replayed by hundreds of thousands of feet, all in one mass, marching to the battle. Kronos magnificent army was on the move, and I was a part of it. Not only a part, but at the very front, right alongside Kronos himself.

The months of planning had all led up to this date, Percy Jackson's birthday. With me and my extra immortal months on Ogygia, he had now grown older than me. Odd, how those things can get to you sometimes. How in the very face of death, you can be thinking 'Hmmm, did I leave the oven on? Should I get a puppy?'

But I cannot let myself be distracted, for I have the most diligent and terrible task. As we rise upon the most ancient battlefield, my heart starts pounding, and then almost stops. I can see him, standing, like me, at the very front line. He is appraising us, our troops, as we are too he. I zero in on the people closet to him. A Satyr, a Centaur, a Cyclops, and right next to him, a pretty blond girl. Pain chokes my throat up immediately, as my mind makes the connection. This is the Annabeth girl, the one he left me for. And obviously, he left me for a good cause. They are hold hands, his warm golden brown hand cupped around hers.

"Calypso! Be ready!" Kronos says, his voice shocking me out of my reverie. I can see that he knows Percy is a lost cause. He has so much faith in me; I cannot help but believe that our plan will work too. So I go and stand next to him, and wrap my hand with his. Kronos golden eyes warm as he looks at me, and I smile bashfully at him. He whispers to me "When we win, you shall be my queen, dear." And I can't help but feel a little pain at the thought of us winning. Because that would mean Percy would be dead. And most likely, I will be the one to do it.

At least, that's what our plan is. And I can feel the tension rising, as our two armies face of in front of each other. No words are spoken, and the premonition grows. Everyone's exchanging looks, and saying possible Goodbyes. Do they know that they need not die!?!? All they must do is surrender! My Kronos is a merciful man! He honors a service for him. But these mortals know not, for the first arrow has been released. It kills a minor deity not 2 feet from us. And all hell breaks lose with that one shot.

Our minions surge forward, as do theirs. A resounding clash echoes as they meet, and the real fighting commences. I watch, horrified, as an empousai murders a half-blood, and then eats them before they are done moving. As a Minotaur charges a phalanx formation, blowing the people aside. All I see as I charge through the field, searching for my destiny, for my own personal battle. Then, my time comes, and an opportunity knocks. I catch Percy right after he slays a sea-demon. He is practically glowing as he turns, knowing that he will be triumphant. But then he turns, and his eyes rest upon me.

"Calypso" he utters, so softly I shall not of heard it if I wasn't listening. His whole body looks elated at seeing me, thinking I'm there for him, to help him. Then he sees the look in my eyes. I see it reflected in his, and merely words cannot describe the look on my face.

I felt something like if you husband cheated on you, stole your kids, gave them to your ex-best friend, married her, and then killed your kids in the end.

Yeah, it was that bad.

He didn't even see my sword coming, but I could feel every single second of it, heading straight towards him. The surprise of seeing me had gotten to him, so he had no idea.

And then it was done. He looked horrified at me, and tried to say something. To this day I have not a clue of what he was trying to convey to me. But I heard a ear piercing scream, and glanced around to see Annabeth looking at me with more fury than I thought a human was capable of. Her entire face was alive with passionate hate, and I knew I had not a chance left. She would kill me, and she did. But just not yet. Her repeated blows left me weak, and from my spot lying on the ground I could see what was happening.

It was mostly a huge, gigantic blur. I could see Kronos march right on past me, lying on the ground, and take over my spot by attempting to kill Percy. Percy was a better swordsman, but he was weakened by my blow. And Kronos, well he was a Titan. But somehow, Percy ended up victorious. Annabeth was hugging him and crying, and all the remaining half-bloods and deities swarmed to them. All while I was simply on the ground, next to my dead possible lover, dying.

Percy and Annabeth kissed. People picked them up on their shoulders. The Gods honored them magnificently. The sun broke through the clouds. And one by one, people drifted off to spread the good news. At last, I was left alone. I picked myself up, and by sheer force of will, managed to make it to the beach, where I could listen to what they were saying. It was just Percy and Annabeth, and she was teasing him.

"Nice job, Seaweed Brain, almost get us killed, which would've ended the whole word as we knew it, and then make me duel your past almost girl friend" Annabeth said.

With a start, I knew she was talking about me. But I had not the strength to make myself known, so I simply listened, all the while my blood was pooling around me, rushing, eager, to be gone.

"I don't have an idea how she got here, but she wasn't happy with me. It was all you, Annabeth, you saved me. If not, I would've been a goner. You're a hero. You always have been. I love you Annabeth." Percy said.

"I love you too, Percy."

And in the silence that followed, my heart shattered. My will to live was gone, and so was I. The only hope that kept me going was gone, and my soul was released. After thousands of years of torture and heartache, this love had finally killed me.