Mirai Majin Buu
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Dragon Ball Z
A/N: Woohoo! Let's get this party started! Ah yes, what all my faithful readers and reviewers were waiting for, the sequel to one of my most successful fics! You can probably tell by the title what it's going to be about… I'm going to TRY to mirror what had happened in the series with this fic, it should be similar in most aspects… but don't expect miracles lol.
11/19/08 - Update: Okay, so I lied… expect fairly quick updates. Oh jeez, I really hope I did not just jinx myself just now… lol. By the way, I added a bit more content to this, it felt a bit rushed before… hopefully it made this chapter a bit longer too!
NOTE: You MUST read "Fated" before this or you won't get anything!
It seemed, even though people were beginning to repair and relax after the news of the android's destruction - peace was always on the verge of falling apart; although the battle was won and the heroes victorious there seemed to be a blanket of dread that still hung over them like a bad omen. A large burden had been lifted from multiple shoulders, at least for that the survivors felt content, but all knew it was not over yet… but how long would they have to wait before true peace could be attained?
In a large campus with a large domed house that read "Capsule Corps." on it a woman lay under a large machine, furiously tweaking, tinkering, and adjusting knobs, wires, and gadgets. 'Dad certainly did a sloppy job…' Bulma muttered to herself as she drew her hand back to her toolbox near her to adjust a component in her father's last project… a black-matter-powered space-ship.
Elsewhere, in a small home sitting atop a mountain, nestled amongst a large forest, Videl sat with Chichi as they "Ooo-ed" and "Aww-ed" at a photo-album the older of the two women had scrapped together over the years. "So… engaged… I'm SO happy for you!!" Chichi squealed, still not over the fact that her little boy was getting married. Videl blushed and nodded at her mother-to-be. "Any thought of grandchildren for me??" Chichi asked excitedly, catching the younger woman off guard.
"Ah… yes actually, we did speak about it, we even agreed on a name if it's a girl! The boy name is a work in progress though…" Videl explained, smiling at the memory and flicking the pages of the picture-book.
"Really?!" Chichi asked, clearly shocked that they had even gotten that far but more than pleased. "Well? What would the girls name be then?" She asked curiously.
"Gohan suggested "Pan" I thought it was perfect…" Videl replied. Chichi smiled and pat her daughter-to-be's knee.
"It's a precious name." She said affectionately.
Outside, Gohan had pulled Trunks away from the women's bonding to see if the young man wanted a bit of training before dinner, for old time's sake. Gohan knew that somewhere within Trunks, there was a power that just needed to be encouraged to emerge, it may not be as surprising as his hidden power was but he knew that the lavender-haired boy must has something kept within as well. Trunks was excited about that suggestion to say the least, it had been too long since he had sparred or spent time with his mentor and father-figure and he missed that dearly. "Ready Trunks?" Gohan asked with an old smile. Trunks grinned and nodded back, readying himself in a fighting stance.
"Just like old times!!" Trunks called back, earning a chuckle from the older man before being forced to block a sudden attack. Trunks was glad that time spent training with Goku and his father had honed in his reflexes.
"That doesn't mean I'll go easy on you!" Gohan roared as he threw punch after punch, testing his pupil's new strengths and weaknesses so that he could use them to train him better. Gohan decided that if he was going to see Trunks' real potential he would have to try the trick his own master had done on him, rile him up to the point where he let's loose and uses his full strength, knowing Trunks also had a kind heart and did not wish to hurt needlessly.
Chichi looked out the window when she felt the house shake slightly and dust fall from the cracks in wooden boards of the ceiling. "Oh dear… I hope they don't break something…" Chichi said in a tired, knowing sort of way that seemed to surprise Videl.
"You mean this isn't new?" Videl asked, setting the photo-album down. Though she had been told by Gohan himself that he and Trunks would train he never thought it'd be a reoccurring thing right outside his mother's home.
"Goodness no - before we all thought Gohan was… was dead he and Trunks used to come up here to train, since neither wanted to worry Bulma… I can't say I approved of it but I knew how much it meant to them… besides, that boy was the only thing that seemed to hold Gohan together, albeit not at first… Gohan was very cold and distant as the years forced him to mature… but once Trunks was saved by him, after an attack by those damn machines, they were inseparable… just like Gohan was with his daddy… oh dear, I'm sorry, forgive an old woman for getting emotional…" Chichi said as she dabbed her cheeks from stray tears.
"Oh no." Videl said sympathetically, patting Chichi's hand gently, "It's okay; you have nothing to apologize for, forgive me for asking."
"Ah you really are a sweet girl, anyway, oh! See this picture? That's Goku introducing Grandpa Gohan's dragon ball to Gohan the first time, cute outfit wasn't it?" Chichi gushed. Videl peered down at the pictures and smiled, finding the happy face of four year old Gohan very cute and only slightly surprised to find how much he and his father resembled each other.
Meanwhile, Gohan stood over a fallen and exhausted Trunks who was too winded to lift himself up. Gohan held his callous - from years of fighting - hand out, his brows furrowing in concern and slight disappointment. "Come on Trunks; you know you can't stop until you loose consciousness, remember, when you're facing the enemy, they won't let you rest. Keep fighting, that's an order." Gohan said, forcibly pulling the reluctant young man to his feet and stepping away to give him space to ready himself again.
"Oh…" Trunks groaned, rubbing his bruised forearms he had used to block Gohan's knees with. Trunks had been prepared for a lot of what Gohan had thrown at him, he had remembered how tough his old master was, he just wasn't prepared for the upgrade to his master…
"Stop complaining, now – DEFEND YOURSELF!" Gohan charged Trunks again, feeling only slightly guilty that he was pushing Trunks too hard. Trunks gasped and was barely able to catch Gohan's fist before having to fly back and block more attacks. "Attack me Trunks! Don't be lazy!" Gohan growled. Soon Gohan got what he wanted from Trunks, he got the younger man angry, angry enough to release his power he had been holding back in fear of hurting Gohan and attacking with full force.
"Trunks!" Gohan grunted as he pushed a strong punch away, "Control your anger! Use it to drive you but don't be blinded by it!" Gohan instructed, this time he being the one that had to fly back in order to dodge blows. When the young half-Saiyan got very close to pounding the crap out of Gohan, the older man decided it was enough for now and caught his fists, being pushes back by the sheer force in Trunks' attack.
"Boys! Dinner's ready!" Chichi called from an open window. Gohan gazed down at Trunks who was breathing hard and still held a fierce expression. Gohan's lips formed a wide grin as he looked at the now battle-thirsty youth.
"Good job Trunks." Gohan said - his voice coated with pride. "I don't want you to ever hold back ok? What you did was exactly what I wanted to see." He said, letting the boy teen go hesitantly. Trunks sighed, letting himself relax and forget the anger he had felt, he knew it was done on purpose and respected that. He smiled tiredly at his master and nodded at him.
"Thanks Gohan…" The violet-haired young man said - feeling like it really was like old-times, sparing with his "big brother".
"You're welcome Trunks. Now, come on, I'm starving!" Gohan said patting his stomach before he and Trunks went into the house. When they got inside they joined Videl at the table while Chichi entered from the kitchen, carrying about four trays of food mounted on top of each other and setting them expertly on the table. "Chew attack!!" Gohan exclaimed happily. Videl watched with interest and smiled when Trunks parroted Gohan and dug into his rice with as much enthusiasm. Chichi and Videl shared a smile of affection for the boys and continued to eat their food happily.
Later that evening Videl pointed out a "cute" picture of 3 year old Gohan getting his tail caught in a tree when his father tossed him too high up in their game and crying; Gohan blushed in embarrassment and glared half-heartedly at his fiancé when Videl grinned wickedly and Chichi giggled. Trunks found Gohan's blush and embarrassment so amusing he could help but laugh, earning a noogie from his "big brother" who didn't take that too kindly.
End A/N: Well …hmm sorry this is STILL so short. By the way, I may suddenly stop updating quickly one day, especially since all my attention will be taken up with my studies in a few months.… anyway, I hope you enjoy it anyway! Comments and Reviews will encourage me though, for this and its predecessor as well!