Finale: Il Significato Della Felicità
(The Meaning of Happiness)
One week after the day that the Pied Piper had finally fallen, Light and Ryuuzaki were sitting on the sofa in Ryuuzaki's house, watching the children play Guitar Hero on Matt's Playstation. Matt had hacked the disc, putting every song from every version of Guitar Hero into one game. Mello was currently struggling his way through "Beast and the Harlot", and Matt was watching and trying not to laugh.
It turned out that the 'good news' Mello and Matt had been talking about was that they had been offered a deal for their music. A recording company had seen the performance, and seen how good they were with their instruments, and offered them the chance to make a CD. On top of that, Sayu and Mello had finally gotten the opportunity to meet face to face. Sayu had been learning piano, just like Light, and turned out to be just what they needed in terms of a keyboardist. Mello had been working on a remix of the 'Canon Rock' from the concert, focusing more on the drums and guitar, and was almost ready to show it to the record executives.
"They're lucky…" Ryuuzaki murmured from where he was leaning against Light's shoulder. "They don't know how exhausting it is to be famous, yet. I wanted to keep them from that for as long as possible. That's part of why we wore hoods." He watched Near steal the guitar as Mello finished the song, absently running his fingers up the bandage still on his wrist.
"Tell me about it." Light said. "Rabid fangirls are the worst. Although…" He grinned at Ryuuzaki. "I don't think I'll have to worry about that anymore."
There had been a news report that they watched while in the hospital, where reporters had been interviewing people who had seen L unmasked. Opinions were generally extremely positive, proving that people would still be fans even after the mystery was gone. But there had been a few hysterical fangirls of Light, sobbing about how horrible it was that their one true love was gay.
"Absolutely not." Ryuuzaki said firmly. "You're mine. The fangirls can't have you."
Light nuzzled his hair, laughing quietly. "Of course, Lawli…" He had taken to calling Ryuuzaki by his real name when they were alone or around Ryuuzaki's family. It was a sharp change after calling him 'Ryuuzaki' since they had first met, but he was getting more familiar with it. "Like I would give you up for a crazy fangirl. That was why you fascinated me in the first place. You were different than every other person who had ever recognized me. You didn't attempt to impress me or anything. You were just you."
"I am so glad that I decided to come in and talk to you." Ryuuzaki admitted. "I was afraid, because I almost never willingly interact with others. But… I wanted to talk to you."
"I'm lucky that you did." Light tightened his arms around the violinist. "I don't think I've ever been so happy."
Watari came in mid-afternoon, bearing… news. It was difficult to tell if it was good or bad.
"Gabriel Genesis was found guilty of the murders of all the musicians from the concert." Watari said solemnly. "Your father called, Light. He's been given the death penalty. Lethal injection."
Light and Ryuuzaki glanced at each other, uncertain as to how they felt. "Thank you, Watari." Ryuuzaki said finally, looking down at his hands. "That's… good to know."
Watari nodded, excusing himself, and Ryuuzaki looked up at Light. "I don't know how they convicted him. There wasn't really any evidence."
"Dad had our testimonials of how he broke into the house, and… well… some of your blood got on him before I got over to try and stop it." Light said. "Actually, I think he probably confessed. He seemed the type, believing that he was doing the right thing."
Ryuuzaki sighed softly. "It's still hard to believe. Shinigami and special powers… But I do know that Gabriel Genesis is too young to die on Death Row. He… was an idealistic child, but he wasn't evil."
Light nodded. "He made some bad choices. He went about things the wrong way. But he has to face the consequences of what he did. And if that means the Death Penalty… There's nothing we can do. We just have to live for all of the people who died in this mess. Genesis included."
Ryuuzaki closed his eyes, nodding. They had lost too many good people. But life goes on, and their friends would always stay in their memories.
They watched Mello, Matt, and Near play Guitar Hero for a while longer, until the late hour forced them to leave for their apartment. They hugged the children goodbye, and made their way up to the front door. Ryuuzaki reached out to hold Light's hand as they headed out of the house towards their own neighborhood.
"I love you, Light." he said quietly.
Light glanced at him, stopping to wrap his arms around the slender musician and hug him tight. "I love you too, Lawliet."
Ryuuzaki smiled. "I guess this is our happily ever after, then?"
Light looked down at his lover, smiling in return. "I guess it is." He let go of Ryuuzaki, reaching out to take his hand again. "Come on, Lawli. Let's go home."
And they all lived happily ever after, the end! I'm still a sucker for happy endings. :D
So I have this disease called Prolific Writer's Syndrome, which means that I must write all the time, or my head will a'splode. So I'm sure that there will be something new soon. XD
Thanks to everyone who stuck with me for this long. Hugs and cake!