Lece: Hello my fans and readers! It has been awhile! I do apologize for not updating and waiting to post. Now for all of you I have this little teaser! I know many of you have been waiting for this! So here it is! The third in my Rhode series!


The teaser

"I can't believe they talked us into this." Allen said as they rode the train.

"We didn't have a choice." Lavi pointed out.

"We just have to be on our guard at all times." Kanda stated. "That Noah may be on board."

"Wake me when we get there." Allen said leaning back.

Lavi raised an eyebrow and elbowed Kanda. Kanda glared at him. Lavi motioned towards Allen and Kanda raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hey Yuu-chan how about we play a game?" Lavi said barely above a whisper.

Kanda smirked as Lavi took off his scarf.

The door suddenly closed and Allen was thrown onto a massage table. His silver eyes met lust filled blue ones. He gulped when he saw the smirk.

"Kanda?" Allen said as he stared scared at the samurai.

"You are going nowhere moyashi." Kanda replied his smirk growing.

"We have a schedule to keep!" Allen quickly stated motioning towards the door. "Lece and Rave will kill us if we are late!"

"Baka this was the last thing on the schedule for today." Kanda said as he leaned down close to Allen's face. "Your ass is mine."

"Oh shit." Allen said. "Why is it always me!?"

Kanda crushed their lips together in a heated kiss. He nipped hard at Allen's lips making the boy gasp. Kanda took his chance slipping his tongue into Allen's mouth. His tongue ran over every tooth and the roof of Allen's mouth. Allen let out a small moan as Kanda's knee pushed against his inner thigh. The kiss broke both panting for air.

"You better be ready moyashi cause I'm going to fuck you senseless." Kanda stated making Allen pale slightly.

'I can't scream.' Lavi thought as the pressure started to grow. 'If I scream Allen and Kanda will hear me.'

Lavi came with a muffled scream. He came all over Tyki's hand. Tyki removed his fingers and let Lavi slump to the ground. He licked his hand clean as Lavi pulled his pants up. Lavi's ears picked up the sound of a zipper. He was jerked up from his current position onto his knees. Tyki crushed their lips together in a heated kiss. Lavi's hands dove between them deep into Tyki's pants. Slowly he pulled the older man's pants down to free his erection. The kiss broke and Tyki returned to his position of leaning against the wall.

"Get to work eye-patch." Tyki said making Lavi growl.

"It's Lavi." Lavi said glaring at Tyki. "You're lucky that you'd pleasured me first or I'd be gone right now."

"I love it when you promise empty threats."

Allen sighed and winced. He froze as he felt cold hands on his body. His breath caught in his throat at the sound of the person's voice in his ear.

"Ready to have fun…boy?"

"TYKI!" Allen said as the Noah pulled him close. "Not here!"

"Why not?" Tyki replied as he held Allen. "The other two can't stop us here."

"That's not the point!" Allen said as he wiggled.

"As many times as you've done this you still get sore." Tyki said as he rubbed Allen's thighs. "Must be nice to stay that way."

"Probably why you three are up my ass all the time." Allen replied. "Let me go."

"It's my turn for revenge now." Tyki said making Allen pale.

"Damn!" Allen said as Tyki pushed him against the wall. "You better make it worth my wild."

They both watched the TV screen.

"Damn I didn't know so many yaoi fantasies existed." Lavi stated flipping through the guide.

"There's one." Allen said pointing.

"Birthday Wish? And it's sequel Yaoi Surprise?" Lavi said as he clicked on the channel.

Both sat there for a few minutes in awe of what they saw. Both had a nose bleed.

"Damn these guys are good." Lavi stated eyes never leaving the screen.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Allen replied. "My ass is starting to hurt."


"Like I know."


The two jerked to attention. They zoomed in on the screen. Slowly they looked to each other then back at the screen.

"Now I understand why Lece goes nuts when we do yaoi." Lavi said his face red.

"And it's a marathon too." Allen pointed out his face red.

Lavi glanced at Allen. Allen glanced at Lavi. They both smirked.

"Sex outside…that'll be fun." Lavi said.

"Don't you even dare." Kanda said as he had his hand on Mugen.

"I'm not going to do you…I want you to fuck me."

Kanda's mouth dropped open. "You what!?"

"During the last fantasy I discovered my passion for both seme and uke." Lavi replied. "I'm even willing to do the work."

Kanda couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stared astonished at Lavi.

"Are you going to sit and stare at me all night or fuck me senseless?" Lavi asked looking at Kanda.

Kanda still stared at him. Lavi frowned and moved. He straddled Kanda's lap and pulled the still shocked swordsman into a deep kiss. Kanda was snapped back into reality when he felt Lavi's lips against his.

To be continued………with the first chapter!!!!

Lece: Alright! Let me know if you guys liked this teaser, this is just a sample of some of the action! Plus I have some big news about this fic…….


Lece: Yes you just read that right, multiple chapters and a yaoi per chapter! I hope to have at least 15 chapters for this story but if my fans like it I will extend the chapters to more than 15…just let me know what you think!

If you guys want the first chapter I will need at least 15 reviews! More than that and I will update even sooner! I have been working long and hard on this throughout the summer just to have this ready for you guys!

Be safe and Ja ne!