Title: The Simple things
Author: The Lady Grey
Genre: Romance/Humour
Game: Final Fantasy X
Summary: To achieve his plans, Seymour will use any means, but how can he get the enigmatic blonde blitzer of Yuna's party to bow to him? Various one-shots not all related to each other, but connected in a way as Seymour tries to catch Tidus.
Disclairment: I do not own Final Fantasy X or any of its characters. Square Enix does. I do warn you, this will have yaoi and the rating will go up.
Plan VIII: Because There is You
The first thing Tidus did that afternoon was break down laughing. He couldn't help it. Never in his still young life did Tidus ever imagine something this surreal. In front of him stood a drenched and thoroughly annoyed and shocked Seymour. Even Yuna had to hide her small giggles at the mans expense. His two Guado Guardians were also drenched and although they tried to hide it, they too had probably been shocked by lightening more times than they wanted to admit.
'Oh you must be so tired after such a long trip!' said Yuna softly, tugging all the males in. One of the guards, which Tidus now dubbed 'Moe', sneezed to confirm the girls words. 'Pepe' looked like he was sleeping on his feet. Tidus merely grinned at him and dragged the poor Guado to his room, letting him settle onto the bed and drift to sleep. The blonde found it unfair that all Guado's seemed to have a naturally elegant appearance and went to lead Seymour to his room.
With as much dignity as the bluenette could muster, he walked towards the hall that lead to the rooms where he could hide away and repair his poor broken ego. It wouldn't have been so bad if the first person who had seen him, hadn't been Tidus. The poor blitzer looked like he was about to burst a long at Seymour's dispense.
'Hey, are you ok?' asked Tidus softly, his face still holding a trace of a smile, though this one was smaller and much more befitting of the young face holding it. Seymour sighed running a hand through his wet dripping locks.
'I am fine. I thank you for asking me young guardian. I must say, I'd rather not go through another trek through the plains for a while' murmured the man regally as he entered his room, stripping the top half of his robe. The blonde boy grinned, trying to ignore the tingle of excitement that ran down his spine at being shown so much skin at once, he turned his head to look elsewhere as Seymour dried his upper torso.
'Yeah, I bet, Pepe and Moe looked pretty wiped' answered Tidus scratching his blonde mop.
The Halfling Guado arched a fine blue brow at Tidus' words.
'Just, who are Pepe and Moe?' he asked in his sultry voice.
Tidus grinned tilting his head at this looking at the older man. Seymour shook his head humouring the boy. He did miss the others more than oblivious mind. It had been so boring and stuffy in his office.
'Pepe and Moe are those two Guado's always protecting you. I never really got their names' Tidus hastily took Seymour's top, hanging it up so that it would drip out the heavy water it had collected.
'Oh, Thank you my dear. I see, well the one who always stands to my left is Morel, and the one to my right Calera' answered Seymour drying his hair.
Tidus looked a bit surprised by those names. Mayhaps the Guado's liked ye old literature. That made a little sense. After all, the elder Guado's he spoke to had a weird fashion of speaking.
'Do you know how to speak like your elders?' asked Tidus feeling stupid.
Seymour smiled cunningly at this. So Tidus had been the strange human who had flittered around all of Guadosalam's small glory, speaking to all it held within its colorful branches.
'Why, yes, I doth speaketh the olden waythe of my elders. Doth the little boy wish to speaketh like this as well?' asked Seymour, effortlessly slipping into the ever sophisticated banter that the older Guado's had taken up with poor Tidus.
'Oh wow! That's really cool. When I spoke to those two gramps, I felt pretty bad I couldn't talk like that' answered Tidus sheepishly.
'Try saying this my dear. 'How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws.' that is an excerpt from a wonderful book I read.' answered Seymour smiling at Tidus, who sat next to him.
'Hmm, ok, sounds easy! 'How doth the little crocodile'….uhm…' Tidus already forgot half of what he was supposed to say. Seymour laughed softly, writing down what Tidus was supposed to say.
Both males enjoyed the small time they spent trying to help Tidus learn how to speak the old tongue that all the elder Guado's had been so fondly reminiscing while Tidus spoke with them. Soon time had passed by and Rikku peeked into the room smiling a bit shyly.
'Hey Tiddy~! I'm sorry to bother you, but the others were worried and told me to check up, Yuna's sleeping, and so are Lulu and Wakka' said Rikku shyly.
Tidus grinned at her, noticing that Auron was not in the group of the sleeping. Kimahri slept rarely, and usually minded his own business, so it was almost like the Rhonso was not there at all. Rikku seemed to catch his thoughts and pouted blushing.
'I'm going to bed, so no funny ideas!' whined Rikku shuffling away, huffing about 'little boys' and 'their hormones' making Seymour chuckle.
'I believe that is our queue to sleep as well' said Seymour standing up. Tidus also stood nodding shyly.
'Yeah I guess, thanks for giving me that lesson. It was fun' answered the blonde shuffling out of the room waving to Seymour and heading for his own room. Opening his door, Tidus blinked noticing a lovely bundle on his bed. Eagerly he ran up to it and read the small and curt, but nevertheless thoughtful note that Seymour had left there. Tidus grinned setting up the new buckler and sword against his bed, hoping he'll remember them and use them tomorrow.
A/N: This chapter was inspired by Heisei 7's (or Hey Say!) 'Bon Bon'. Really catchy song that just made me want to type up this chapter. I'm really glad with the people who always review my chapters, and I'm grateful that they take the time to read my stuff. Its not the best, and I could do with typing more than 896 words.
Still, I don't like the format that puts on long chapters, it hurts my eyes and then I won't be able to edit any spelling errors.