(A/N) I am so sorry this took so much longer than I said it would. I really wanted to get it done last month like I said I would, but a lot of things kept getting in the way (school, work, college preparation, family stuff, friends, etc). Anyway, regardless of the release date, here it is... the end of Total... Drama... Dynamite!
Episode 34: The Total Drama Dynamite Big Finale Show: The Movie Part 2
"Welcome back, loyal viewers!" Chris announced to the camera once Steve had turned it back on. "We are just about ready to begin the final challenge of TDD… the Dynamite Triathlon! Our two finalists, Nicholas and Ayame, have their posies rallied up and are now making some last minute preparations fir the challenge. We've instructed them both to choose a spotter and to get clothes some appropriate attire: a bathing suit with loose gym clothes over it. Let's see what they're up to."
"So what exactly is a spotter?" Harper asked.
Ayame looked up to him as she finished tying her running shoes. "It's simple, Harper. This last challenge is a race. Your job it to keep an eye on me from an elevated spot and tell me where to go and when it's safe to go there. I'm not sure why I even need a spotter, though. This is just a foot race, not NASCAR or something."
"That's actually a good point." Nick agreed. "Chris has got to have something planned if we're taking safety measures like that for a foot race."
"He calls it the Dynamite Triathlon." Ashlynn pointed out. "Maybe we're finally having an explosives themed challenge."
An awkward silence suddenly fell over the cabin. Then Allister said,
"By god, Ayame, Chris is actually trying to kill you this time."
"And this is new how exactly?" Dylan questioned.
"Chris has really only been trying to scare us to death so far." Allister explained. "This time they might actually die."
"If Ashlynn's right." Carolina pointed out.
"I think it's safe to say she is." Chance said.
"Nah, Chris wouldn't do that." Lena insisted. "He just likes to have fun. He'd not some sort of psychotic megalomaniac."
"Lena…" Russell said, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." She sighed. "I didn't even buy that one."
"So if we're right, the Dynamite Triathlon has something to do with high explosives…" Ayame murmured to herself. "Maybe this isn't worth a fifty/fifty shot at the hundred grand."
"Ayame, if you give up now I'm breaking up with you."
The finalist glared up at her boyfriend. "Excuse me?" she demanded.
"That wasn't me." Harper insisted. "Okay, who said it? C'mon guys, this isn't funny. Dylan, was it you? It sounded like you. I Ayame, I swear, it wasn't me."
"Live to win! 'Til you die! 'Til the light dies in your eyes… Live to win! Take it all! Just keep fighting 'til you fall…"
"So this is how you get pumped, eh?" Sakura questioned. "Lying on a bed listening to a song featured in an episode of South Park?"
"Yep." Nicholas yawned.
Sakura huffed. "How did I come in seventh place while this drool monkey made it to the final two?"
"He didn't go crazy, honey." Jason explained. Sakura slapped him in the back of his head and stomped away from him. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Hold onto that thought, buddy." TJ said. "Because during the challenge I'm going to explain everything that was wrong with what you just said."
"So who's going to be your spotter, Nicholas?" Sam asked.
"Payton." Nicholas said flatly.
"Really?" Payton asked. "Well, thanks, but why?"
"Yeah, why?" Tak asked suspiciously, wrapping a protective arm around his girlfriend's shoulders.
"Don't get your panties in a knot, fourth place." Nicholas chuckled as he sat up and turned off his music. "Payton's a good friend and former teammate that I know I can trust, and if picking her as my spotter makes you all jealous and protective, well… happy birthday to me."
"Okay, I'm sorry, but how many times has that happy birthday to me line been used in this story?" Kyra asked. "Honestly, I think it's been overused already, people."
"Enough fourth wall breaking already!" Naomi snapped.
"Everything's set up, Chris." Chef said as he approached Chris, who was standing on the edge of the thousand foot cliff.
"Excellent." Chris said with a sinister grin. "Summon them."
Chef nodded and pulled a trumpet out from his magic satchel. Taking in a great breath, he played a long, low note on the instrument, letting the sound spread out over the island. Lena jumped when the sound came to Ayame's cabin, hitting her head on the underside of a bunk. Chef blew again and the twenty teenagers filed out of the cabin and towards the thousand foot cliff. Chef gave one last trumpet before he tossed it over the edge of the cliff and he and Chris headed down to the bottom to meet the campers. As the TV host and the lumbering cook met with the motley crew of teens, Ayame and Nicholas stepped forward, holding eye contact with Chris.
"Are you ready?" Chris asked. There was no grin, only a completely straight face.
"No." Nicholas said.
Ayame elbowed him in the ribs. "As we'll ever be." She said after.
"Okay… follow me."
Chris led them deep into the woods, losing Chef at some point, until they came across a massive clearing. Clearly man made, the tree lines of the clearing were perfectly straight, about fifty feet apart, and reached over 300 yards away, all the way to the shore of the island. "Welcome to the beginnings of the Dynamite Triathlon, champions. This is where we shall determine which of you will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune which, let's face it; you'll probably blow in a week. A typical triathlon consists of running, swimming, and bike riding. This one does as well, but with a few added bonuses for the entertainment value. To begin with, you two will be running through this clearing to the shore on the other side. The twist? This clearing is a mine field. Potentially every step you take could blow off one of your legs. This is why we had you choose spotters. Would they please step forward?" Harper and Payton came to the front of the group and an intern handed them each a map and a walkie-talkie, handing two more walkie-talkies to Ayame and Nicholas. "Harper, Payton, the maps you have just been given show safe, mine free paths in the field. Chef is getting the helicopter prepped for you and it's your job to keep your teammate on a safe path. You'll be able to do this by spotting specific landmarks on the ground that are also on your maps. Moving on, Ayame and Nicholas, once you guys are through the mine field you'll reach the first checkpoint where you will have to strip down to your bathing suits and dive into the sea mine infested waters. Your spotters will help you get through there and to the next checkpoint where you will hop on the bicycles waiting there for you and race down the path, while grenades are being launched at you, to the finish line. This time the spotters won't be any help. You'll have to rely on luck and hope that a grenade isn't thrown at the wrong time. You got all that?" Ayame and Nicholas nodded. "All right. Good luck. Harper and Payton, the interns will escort you to Chef and the helicopter. Everyone else, grab a bag of popcorn, kick back, and enjoy the show."
Harper and Payton looked down at the ground from the helicopter, where Chris, Ayame, Nicholas, and the other waited for the challenge to begin. "You two all ready to go?" Chef asked from the cockpit, through his headset. They both said yes. "All right. Chris, we are all set up here. Whenever you're all ready."
"Copy that." Chris said into his walkie-talkie. "Okay, you two… Let's roll."
Nicholas and Ayame silently approached the starting line where Chris waited for them. Ayame crouched down and positioned herself like an Olympic runner would; finger tips on the ground, one leg curled up under her and the other stretched out behind her. Nicholas was a bit more casual and stood there like a bored kid in gym class. Chris raised the starting pistol into the air… all was silent, Chris obviously wanting to provide some footage for having suspense when the episode aired. "In three… two… one…" Bang!
Ayame and Nicholas took off, fast as lightning. An explosion went off near Nicholas almost immediately, not hurting him but causing him to jump back a bit. "Hold on!" Payton said through the walkie-talkie. "Okay, there's the stump… keep going forward, but veer left about twenty feet from the stump a ways in front of you. It should be smooth sailing from there until you pass that first tree that they left up." Nicholas followed her instructions, but after only five steps another explosion went off, this time a bit closer but still not too close. "No! Not that far left!"
"Well be more specific!" Nicholas snarled.
Ayame, meanwhile, was having much more luck with avoiding the death traps. "Okay, in about a three meters leap forward and you'll got right over a mine and land on the safe path other the other side." Harper instructed. Ayame did exactly as she was told and landed without incident on the safe path. "Yeah! Good job, baby! Now turn right… now! Then go about ten meters before going straight towards the finish line again."
"What would I do without you?" Ayame said lovingly as she ran.
"You'd probably be setting off high explosives right now." Harper joked back. "Crap! Left! Now! Now!" But Ayame wasn't quick enough and she set off the pressure plate, causing the mine to go off. She was able to jump back in time, but as she landed on her back she saw Nicholas take the lead. "Be careful down there!"
"Maybe you should stop distracting me!" Ayame said, firmly but also chuckling, as she got up and started running again, kicking it into high gear.
"Um, Chris, this seems really dangerous." Kyra pointed out as she and the others watched from behind the starting line. "Are you sure all of this is legal?"
"Nope." Chris said with a big grin.
"You realize that you and the producers could get in serious trouble if one of them gets hurt, right?" Nick said.
"They signed insurance forms when they agreed to be on the show." Chris pointed out. "I'm untouchable."
"Did you even read this contract, Chris?" Sam asked as she approached them with a copy of the contract she signed in hand. "This barely offered any coverage at all. If they get anything worse than a broken bone, your ass is getting sued."
"What? Let me see that!" Chris demanded, swiping the contract from the girl's hands. He scanned through every page at the speed of light, finishing all 50 pages in less than a minute. When he got to the bottom of the final page he froze, the papers fluttering to the ground as they dropped out of his hands. His face slowly began to turn the most intense red as he bared his teeth, his nostrils flared, and his eyes filled with the most horrifying rage. "THOSE MOTHER F**KING LIERS! THEY TOLD ME I WAS UNTOUCHABLE! IF I GET SUED I SWEAR TO GOD, THE DEVIL, ZEUS, ODIN, AND ANY OTHER DIETY THAT HAS EVER EXISTED I WILL HUNT THEM DOWN AND GUT THEM LIKE THE WORTHLESS VERMIN THEY ARE!" He continued on with his rage induced episode as he stormed off into the woods, uprooting a tree as he did so. Everyone had completely forgotten about Harper and Ayame as they watched want had just happened, some completely flabbergasted, some with their jaws hanging open, and TJ laughing as if there was no tomorrow.
"Did that really just happen?" TJ gasped. "Seriously. Tell me I wasn't hallucinating. Chris McClain just went into a blind rage, yelled at the top of his lungs, swore to several gods that he would kill people, and then uprooted a tree! Steve, tell me you got that on camera."
"Would I ever let you guys down?" Steve smirked as he tossed TJ his camera's memory card.
"Youtube will be so happy." TJ chuckled. "I bet—" but he was cut off as another explosion went off behind them and everyone turned their attention back to Ayame and Nicholas's dangerous task.
Nicholas stumbled as an explosion went off behind him. He was still ahead of Ayame, but just barely and she was catching up to him. "This is what I get for being a couch potato." Nicholas grumbled as he regained his footing and continued running.
"Quit beating yourself up and keep running!" Payton scolded on the other end of the walkie-talkies. "She's right on your tail! Get ready to make a quick left right after you pass this rock, then head straight again and you should be home free."
"Yeah. Out of the briar patch and into the barbed wire." Nicholas grumbled as he passed out of the mine field and onto the beach.
"Just shut up and get into the water." Payton scowled as Ayame made her way onto the beach as well. Nicholas began following his spotter's instructions, but he froze up in the middle of pulling off his shirt as he looked over to Ayame. His jaw hit the sand as she saw Ayame throw off her shirt, revealing a bright red bikini top which left very little to the imagination. Ayame blushed but also smirked when she realized how distracting her swimsuit was to Nicholas.
Up in the helicopter, Harper snatched Payton's walkie-talkie and shouted into it. "Hey horn-dog, that's my girlfriend you're using x-ray vision on!"
"Give that back!" Payton demanded as she grabbed it back.
"Relax Harper." Ayame said into her walkie-talkie as she kicked off her shoes and shorts and headed for the water. "If this distracts him long enough to give me a head start then great! And before you ask, no I didn't plan on this. I didn't think Nicholas was that much of a meat head."
Harper groaned. "All right… I like the bikini by the way."
"Well maybe you'll get a better look later." Ayame said as she dove into the water. When she resurfaced she spoke to him one last time, chuckling. "Or not…"
Harper blushed, not sure of what she meant exactly. "Okay, if I'm reading this right you're going to want to go to the left of the buoy coming up ahead of you."
"Nicholas, get your head out of your ass and get in the water before I sick Tak on you!" Payton yelled into her walkie-talkie, snapping Nicholas out of his trance. He quickly kicked off his shoes and threw off his shirt before jumping into the water and swimming after Ayame. "Good boy. Just follow Ayame for now. I'll see if I can't find a way for you to get around her without—" A mine suddenly went off under the water, causing a geyser to shoot up from the water, making waves that tossed Ayame and Nicholas across the water. Amazingly they both ended up half way closer to the next checkpoint, but they also were both completely surrounded by sea mines with not much room to swim through them.
"Well, isn't this quite the pickle." Steve chuckled before blowing a gum bubble.
"Anyone got any idea how they could get out of this?" Allister asked.
"Well, they could try swimming under the mines." Steve suggested. "But who knows if they could hold their breath that long, plus even if they bump the chains holding those things the bottom of the lake they could still go off… and if you thought being on the surface when those things go off was bad, well, you don't want to be under water when they go off. Trust me."
"How do you know all this stuff, Steve?"Carolina asked.
"Who do you think set those things up?" Steve asked her.
Up in the helicopter, Harper and Payton were frantically searching for a way for Ayame and Nicholas to get out of their predicament. If they were correct in their teammates positions, then there were a few ways out but they had also realized that the previous explosion had likely tossed the remaining mines around and rearranged them. After a good ten minutes of frantic searching, Payton huffed and tossed her map aside. "I'm sorry, Nicholas, but after that I'm completely useless up here. "You're going to have to find your own way out." She said into her walkie-talkie.
"Way ahead of you! Going down!"
With that Nicholas took a deep breath and plunged under the surface, disappearing into the blue abyss. Everyone was silent for a while, waiting to see what would happen. Then Harper realized what idiots he and Ayame were being and shouted into his walkie-talkie, "What are you waiting for! Follow him!"
"Better idea." Ayame said before diving below as well.
As Nicholas resurfaced in a safe area and began swimming towards shore, Ayame dove deeper and deeper, down to the very bottom of the lake. There she picked up a rather sizable rock before swimming back up, now needing air desperately. She gasped as she resurfaced, taking in the sweet oxygen and regaining her composure. Nicholas hadn't made it far yet, but he was still in the lead. "God I hope this works." Ayame said as she lifted the rock in her hand and chucked it, sending it flying into the water and towards the nearest sea mine. The metal ball exploded and a shockwave was sent out, hitting Ayame full force and sending her flying straight to where she wanted to go: shore.
What could only be described as a small tsunami hit the beach, washing Ayame up with it and Nicholas right behind her. "Bad-ugh… idea." Ayame groaned as she and Nicholas staggered to their feet. Nothing broken. They both had a throbbing pain and maybe some minor bruises, but nothing serious enough to keep them from competing further. They found bicycles and the running clothes they'd previously shed waiting for them on the beach.
"You're in the lead, baby! Move!" Harper called through the walkie-talkie, which was lying in the sand at Ayame's feet. Leaving it lay there, Ayame quickly pulled her shorts, t-shirt, and shoes back on before hopping on her bike and taking off down the path.
"Nicholas, why the heck are you waiting?" Payton demanded through the walkie-talkie.
"Just enjoying the view." He chuckled as he threw his shirt and shoes on.
"You do realize that, a) Ayame isn't single; b) her boyfriend can hear every word you're saying; and c) you're risking a hundred million dollars, right?"
"I'm going, I'm going." Nicholas tossed the walkie-talkie to the ground as he jumped on his bike and started peddling.
The second Ayame entered the tree line a grenade launched from the forest floor. Peddling for her life, she managed to avoid it but she still felt the heat and shockwave, almost knocking her bike over. Just as quickly as the first, another flew out from the bushes but this one landed in front of her. Panicking, she hit the brakes and her bike fell over, landing her directly next to the grenade. Without a second thought she grabbed the explosive and tossed it back into the woods before laying down flat with her hands over her head. The grenade exploded in the distance, obliterating at least three trees and knocking over several more. "It's almost not worth it." She grumbled as she got back to her feet.
"I disagree." Nicholas called as he zoomed by her on his bike. Not about to let him get away with taking the lead, Ayame jumped back onto her bike and sped after him.
Nicholas was on fire, dodging grenades left and right without a sweat. He took a quick look over his shoulder to see how far ahead of Ayame he was, but nearly lost control of his bike when he saw Ayame glaring him down at less than a foot away. "I hope you enjoy the taste of dirt." She smirked before suddenly taking off ahead of him, jumping off of a small hill as she turned back to him and shouted, "Because you just ate my dust!"
"Cliché, but classic." Nicholas chuckled as he came to the same hill. But as he jumped off of it, a grenade landed directly behind him. "Oh shi—" but the explosion sounded before he could complete the thought, launching him so far into the air that he could barely be seen.
As Ayame raced towards the finish line, smirking with the knowledge that Nicholas had just blown into the lake, she saw Chris and all of the others waiting to greet their champion. "And it looks like our winner is…" Chris paused, waiting for Ayame to actually cross the finish line before announcing her name. But just as Ayame was about to claim victory, Nicholas, still on his bike, dropped down front the sky and landed face first directly on top of the finish line. "Well, that was unexpected." Chris chuckled. "Nicholas wins! How ya feeling, buddy?"
"FINLAND!" Nicholas, now lying on his back, shouted in his disoriented and possibly concussed state.
"Nicholas, it is with great honor that I present to you… the final marshmallow of the season." Chris said proudly as he walked over to the champion with the tray holding a single marshmallow. Nicholas, who had fractured his arm and sprained both ankles upon his landing, was in a wheel chair so Chris just set the tray on his lap. The other nineteen former TDD contestants all stood around their champion and cheered, clapping and chanting his name.
"Thanks, guys." Nicholas said. "I still don't remember winning, but thanks."
"The Total Drama Dynamite producers and I would also like to present you with this…" Chris clapped his hands and Chef stepped into view, carrying a giant check for one hundred thousand dollars.
"Now don't forget, you promised to donate half of that to the tsunami relief in Japan." Ayame reminded him.
"Yeah, yeah, I didn't forget." Nicholas said. "Already got the check made out and in the mail."
"Good." Ayame said with a smile.
"So you're not upset about losing?" Harper questioned, wrapping his arm around his girlfriends shoulders.
"Of course I am, silly." She said.
"Well, if it's any consolation, Nicholas did win on a fluke." Harper pointed out. Ayame chuckled and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek.
"So, what happens now?" Payton asked. "Do we all just go home and act like we're celebrities now?"
"Well…" Chris started, but a sudden gust of strong wind silenced him. Everyone at the bonfire pit looked up to find a helicopter. A rope ladder dropped down from the chopper and three men in dark business suits slid down to the ground. "Um… what the heck's going on here?" Chris asked the men.
One of the men flashed a badge to Chris. "We're with the Canadian Bureau of Taxation. We're here to collect the taxes on Mister Rozello's winnings."
"Okay…" Nicholas said. "How much am I losing here?"
"Given current tax rates, thanks to the economic situation, we will be taking approximately fifty thousand dollars of your winnings." The man said as he snatched the giant check from Chef. "Have a nice evening." And with that the three men grabbed onto the rope ladder and the helicopter flew away.
Nicholas's jaw hit the ground in complete disbelief. "They just took all my money…"
"That's life for ya." Chris chuckled. He then turned to Steve's camera to sign off one last time. "So that's that. Total Drama Dynamite is over. But wait, what's that I smell? Could it be another season?"
"Chris, I've been trying to tell you, man…" Steve started.
Chris's cell phone suddenly sounded. "Hold that thought, Steve." He answered the phone. "You're go for McClain… yeah… uh-huh… what? What do you mean we're not getting another season?... The ratings tanked after the original campers left? What are you talking about? The ratings have been great this season… oh… I see... Yeah, we'll talk later… No we won't. Understood… all right, bye."
"I tried to tell you." Steve said.
"Shut up, Steve." Chris growled. "Now, let's try this sign off thing again…" He looked directly at the camera and put on his signature grin for a final take. "Well… this is the end, beautiful viewers. After more than two and a half years, this is Total Drama Dynamites final broadcast. It's been a lot of fun, and we'd like to thank all eleven of you that made this journey with us. TDD wouldn't have been anything without you… it was still nothing but you get the point. Hopefully, we've left you with some good memories… or at least took up the memory on your DVR. So, until we meet again, stay gold… Bang."
In the background, Nicholas shouted on last time, "THEY TOOK ALL MY MONEY!"
What could only be described as a small tsunami hit the beach, washing Ayame up with it and Nicholas right behind her. "Bad-ugh… idea." Ayame groaned as she and Nicholas staggered to their feet. Nothing broken. They both had a throbbing pain and maybe some minor bruises, but nothing serious enough to keep them from competing further. They found bicycles and the running clothes they'd previously shed waiting for them on the beach.
"You're in the lead, baby! Move!" Harper called through the walkie-talkie, which was lying in the sand at Ayame's feet. Leaving it lay there, Ayame quickly pulled her shorts, t-shirt, and shoes back on before hopping on her bike and taking off down the path.
"Nicholas, why the heck are you waiting?" Payton demanded through the walkie-talkie.
"Just enjoying the view." He chuckled as he threw his shirt and shoes on.
"You do realize that, a) Ayame isn't single; b) her boyfriend can hear every word you're saying; and c) you're risking a hundred million dollars, right?"
"I'm going, I'm going." Nicholas tossed the walkie-talkie to the ground as he jumped on his bike and started peddling.
The second Ayame entered the tree line a grenade launched from the forest floor. Peddling for her life, she managed to avoid it but she still felt the heat and shockwave, almost knocking her bike over. Just as quickly as the first, another flew out from the bushes but this one landed in front of her. Panicking, she hit the brakes and her bike fell over, landing her directly next to the grenade. Without a second thought she grabbed the explosive and tossed it back into the woods before laying down flat with her hands over her head. The grenade exploded in the distance, obliterating at least three trees and knocking over several more. "It's almost not worth it." She grumbled as she got back to her feet.
"I disagree." Nicholas called as he zoomed by her on his bike. Not about to let him get away with taking the lead, Ayame jumped back onto her bike and sped after him.
Nicholas was on fire, dodging grenades left and right without a sweat. He took a quick look over his shoulder to see how far ahead of Ayame he was, but nearly lost control of his bike when he saw Ayame glaring him down at less than a foot away. "I hope you enjoy the taste of dirt." She smirked before suddenly taking off ahead of him, jumping off of a small hill as she turned back to him and shouted, "Because you just ate my dust!"
"Cliché, but classic." Nicholas chuckled as he came to the same hill. But as he jumped off of it, a grenade landed directly behind him. "Oh shi—" but the explosion sounded before he could complete the thought, launching him so far into the air that he could barely be seen.
As Ayame raced towards the finish line, smirking with the knowledge that Nicholas had just blown into the lake, she saw Chris and all of the others waiting to greet their champion. "And it looks like our winner is…" Chris paused, waiting for Ayame to actually cross the finish line before announcing her name. But just as Ayame was about to claim victory, Nicholas, still on his bike, dropped down front the sky, landing directly on top of Ayame. Both of them collapsed as a cloud of dust sprung up around them, but as it cleared…
Ayame had one hand across the finish line.
"Ayame wins!"
"I can't feel my legs!" Nicholas shouted in a panic.
"Really?" Ayame questioned from underneath him. "Because I can feel both of your knees jammed into my back! Get off of me!"
"Ayame, it is with great honor that I present to you… the final marshmallow of the season." Chris said proudly as he walked over to the champion with the tray holding a single marshmallow. Ayame gladly took the prize, holding it in her hand as she took in the moment before shrugging and popping the sugar ball into her mouth. The other nineteen former TDD contestants all stood around their champion and cheered, clapping and chanting his name (except for Nicholas who had fractured his arm and sprained both his ankles in his landing, and was now in a wheel chair).
"Thanks, guys." Ayame said. "This means a lot to me… Then again, winning a hundred grand would mean a lot to most people."
"Speaking of which, the Total Drama Dynamite producers and I would also like to present you with this…" Chris clapped his hands and Chef stepped into view, carrying a giant check for one hundred thousand dollars.
"Great job, sweetheart." Harper said, pulling his girlfriend into a loving hug.
"Oh, I couldn't have done it without you, Harper." Ayame grinned, resting her forehead against his before leaning in for a kiss.
"So you're really donating half of that money to the tsunami relief effort?" TJ asked.
"Of course I am." Ayame said. "In fact, I already did."
"Cool." TJ said with a grin, giving her a thumbs up.
"So, what happens now?" Nick asked. "Do we all just go home and act like we're celebrities now?"
"Well…" Chris started, but a sudden gust of strong wind silenced him. Everyone at the bonfire pit looked up to find a helicopter. A rope ladder dropped down from the chopper and three men in dark business suits slid down to the ground. "Um… what the heck's going on here?" Chris asked the men.
One of the men flashed a badge to Chris. "We're with the Canadian Bureau of Taxation. We're here to collect the taxes on Miss Iris's winnings."
"Okay…" Ayame said. "How much am I losing here?"
"Given current tax rates, thanks to the economic situation, we will be taking approximately fifty thousand dollars of your winnings." The man said as he snatched the giant check from Chef. "Have a nice evening." And with that the three men grabbed onto the rope ladder and the helicopter flew away.
Ayame's jaw hit the ground in complete disbelief. "They just took all my money…"
"That's life for ya." Chris chuckled. He then turned to Steve's camera to sign off one last time. "So that's that. Total Drama Dynamite is over. But wait, what's that I smell? Could it be another season?"
"Chris, I've been trying to tell you, man…" Steve started.
Chris's cell phone suddenly sounded. "Hold that thought, Steve." He answered the phone. "You're go for McClain… yeah… uh-huh… what? What do you mean we're not getting another season?... The ratings tanked after the original campers left? What are you talking about? The ratings have been great this season… oh… I see... Yeah, we'll talk later… No we won't. Understood… all right, bye."
"I tried to tell you." Steve said.
"Shut up, Steve." Chris growled. "Now, let's try this sign off thing again…" He looked directly at the camera and put on his signature grin for a final take. "Well… this is the end, beautiful viewers. After more than two and a half years, this is Total Drama Dynamites final broadcast. It's been a lot of fun, and we'd like to thank all eleven of you that made this journey with us. TDD wouldn't have been anything without you… it was still nothing but you get the point. Hopefully, we've left you with some good memories… or at least took up the memory on your DVR. So, until we meet again, stay gold… Bang."
In the background, Ayame shouted on last time, "THEY TOOK ALL MY MONEY!"
(A/N) first of all, I'd like to thank everyone who submitted a character and to everyone else who read this story. thanks for sticking with me for so long. second, if you don't get the reference that Chris is making in his final speech then you had a deprived childehood, lol. I also hope you all enjoyed Nicholas's victory, as well as Ayame's alternate victory. Nicholas won the vote on my profile with five votes to one vote. Anyway, I had some good times writing this story, but now its time to move on. My next update should be the second part of the challenge I left off on in TDH, then I think I'll work on A Tale of Two times some more.