The Time Master And The Samurai

(Before you start, I would just like to thank ya'll for reading this and such. This idea actually originated in a conversation I had with a friend. What we were debating about was if someone went back to feudal Japan while Hiro was there, would they see Hiro? I said yes, but she wouldn't agree. xD Anyway, instead of creating a whole 'nother time-traveling Heroes OC, I just brought in everyone's favorite Time Lord! xDD Anyways, enjoy ya'll.


"Ah." The Doctor sighed, happily stepping out of the Tardis. "Feudal Japan. The time of Samurai. Time of the great Takezo Kensei." Martha just kind of stood there and looked confused as the Doctor rambled on about some geisha girl he had to apologize to after she was through with a certain Captain Harkness.

"Who?" Martha asked. "Who what?" he questioned in return, probably not even remembering what they were talking about. "Who was that Takeo Kersey something-or-other?

The Doctor grinned in that way that always gave her goosebumps. "My dear Martha, Takezo Kensei was a famous samurai from this time. He fought bad guys and such. Like one of those, erm.. superheroes.."

Martha groaned at what the Doctor just said, and her hand hit her forehead. "So you're saying we came all this way to see some old Japanese guy?"

The Doctor nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly!" Martha groaned again, audibly. He started to saunter down some dirt road. Martha started to follow him. He stopped and she ended up bumping into his back. "Erm, why'd you stop?" She hissed and jabbed him in the center of his back.

He glanced over his shoulder, and with a slightly different look on his face, whispered "They don't take very kindly to westerners here, in this time. Gaijin, they call them."

And then he pressed his index finger to his lips. "Just walk quietly. And hope they don't notice us."

To be continued.