Disclaimed: O how I wish…I owned Twilight…But I don't…So life stinks.

The song in quotes at the beginning of each section is Love Story by Taylor Swift. Also, the families go as such.

The Swans (the royal/powerful family)- Charles, Renee, and Isabella(17)

The Cullens- Esme, Carlisle, Emmett (19)

The Mansens- Elizabeth, Edward Sr., Edward Jr (17), Alice (16)

The Hales- Rosalie(19) and Jasper(16)

"We were both young when I first saw you…"

I quickly ducked my head to avoid getting my hair stuck in a branch as Juliet, my mare, galloped along the path around my father's manor. Juliet was free-spirited, much like myself, and enjoyed a good gallop. I realized that I was nearing the end of the path, meaning Juliet would be taken away back to the stables until tomorrow, so I slowed her to a walk, to enjoy my time in the saddle. I replayed the scene between my lady-in-waiting Rosalie and me this morning.

"But Mistress Isabella, it isn't proper to go riding at such an age! You must soon be married. There are no gallops in the wind once you are married Miss!" scolded Rosalie Hale as she saw me put on my riding clothes.

"Rosalie. Hush. You should be lucky I am going riding. You can sneak over to the kitchen to see your dearest Emmett." I told her sassily. Rosalie blushed to the tip of her blonde curls. She was madly in love with the cook's apprentice, Emmett Cullen. The time she wasn't at home with her brother Jasper or with me was spent with her dear Emmett.

"Miss, don't tell Madam Renee. She would be horridly angry if she found out about Emmett and me. She thinks my time off is spent at home nurturing Jasper when he is home from blacksmiths lessons." Begged Rosalie.

"Shh Rosalie. I shall keep my word." I told her as I ran downstairs to the stables.

I was quickly jolted to reality as I heard Juliet's hooves click the stones on our grounds. I dismounted, and walked her to the stables. I nodded to Henry, the head groom.

"Is Adam taking Juliet now?" I asked, as it was customary that the groom-in-training took the horse from me.

"No Miss Swan. Adam has gotten work elsewhere after his marriage. We have a new groom-in-training. EDWARD!" bellowed old Henry.

I couldn't help but gawk at the beautiful bronze-haired boy, whom looked to be my age, who ran out of the stables. He looked like the kind of boy I fantasized about in my daydreams. His emerald eyes glittered with excitement at his new job. I felt my chocolate eyes open wide to take in his stunning features.

"Yes Sir." answered Edward in a velvety voice, as he ran and stood next to Henry, and gave a glance to me, upon which his eyes opened wide.

"Mr. Mansen, this is Miss Swan. You will be in charge of her horse Juliet. Please take the horse from Miss Isabella." Henry ordered.

"Yes sir. It will be my pleasure." Said Edward, giving me a small smile as he took Juliet. I returned it, nodded to Henry, and ran up the stairs to the manor. I ran to my room, and collapsed on my bed, my thoughts only about Edward Mansen, the God-turned-stable-boy.